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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. That.. And it all happens inside his head no less! Theres alot goin on up there..
  2. Chris bauman might not be a bad idea.. Decent enough when given the chance but not near the level he was expected to be.. yoy can always cut in camp..
  3. Its REALLY make the refs have to call it the same across the board and correctly.. Great idea in principal... Could be rough on the zeebs for the new few years lol..
  4. So the question still remains... Was he really that dense or was he willingly aware and planned to cry foul if and when..
  5. Woooooooow.. Thats a big blunder on his part.. Way to ruin the start of his career...
  6. And this is where your wrong.. the law has the limit for drunk driving set so low that I think you are wrong. I can drink 4 beers feel 100% fine but if I had to take a test I'd blow over, get someone baked you think they're ok to drive compared to having a couple beers? The people who go get themselves completely **** faced and drive are pretty much the biggest pieces of garbage on the planet, but impaired is impaired and if I'm too impaired to drive after a few beers then you better believe that people who drive stoned are too impaired to drive. See, heres the thing.. Are we arguing a few drinks or hammer assed drunk? Cuz im looking at it as a drunk driver, not a wee bit buzzed driver and a totally baked driver as opposed to a guy who had a joint with 5 friends..
  7. This debate could rage on for eons... In fact, i believe this is like version 5.0 if you include all the ones from The Place That Shall Not Be Named.. Agree to disagree and go back to sheet bashing lol
  8. Impaired is impaired, I have absolutely 0 tolerance for people driving when they are not in the right mindset. Too many people can't drive properly at the best of times get the **** heads who take mind altering substances off the road entirely and we're all safer for it. It's this attitude that "pot is fine I can drive" that is the worst thing. If people want it leagalized going to have to be responsible about it. have you ever driven after a joint? Toke off a pipe? No?? Shocking that you still have an opinion about it tho..A drunk driver sees double, is slower then molasses and has a superman complex behind the wheel.. A stoned driver drives the speed limit (thinks hes speeding while doing so) is overly cautious and paranoid everyone is going to plow into them... Essentially an elderly driver.. This is from personal experience and from watching idiot friends... but i can guarentee you that a drunk driver is much MUCH more dangerous then a stoned one..
  9. The laws may be silly, but this is not about the law. It is about an athlete who has a chance to make a major career advancement and threw it away. His agent and common sense would have told Sheets that he should be on his best behaviour, but his arrogance and/or stupidity overruled that.And your assertion that pot opens up the mind is very questionable. It produces a perception that competence is enhanced but it is actually the opposite. How many times have you heard someone say that a few drinks makes him a better driver? How many times you heard "I was so stoned I couldn't drive right..." ? Hell, I'd even say a tired driver is a more scary driver then a one baked off some weed..
  10. I did not know that about the river front property... That's an absolute shame..
  11. Very true, however ( I don't have actual number) you're not dealing with 2 or 3 people, and asking a lot of people to uproot their families seems unfair. No, i suppose your right.. Wishful thinking i guess. Shame to see such prime real estate go to waste..., much like the shore line along the winnipeg river where powerview reserve is on the way to pine falls...
  12. Thats not nearly the same thing and you know... Etch was already on thin ice with many of us due to his track history in this league. Combine that with the article about him being fired from wherever and him being all arrogant about it, not even having a playbook, sounding like a crazy, and now this latest gem of a rumor going against management pushing for his release.... Its going to take a miracle for me, and many others I presume, to change our opinions on the guy. You and 17to85 just said it best... RUMOUR! your both overreacting and flipping out over stuff unsubstantiated and unfounded.. Step off the ledge, grab some popcorn and lets just see how this all plays out, eh?
  13. It'd be great to have a receiver who's also a good special teamer. I wonder if this translates to good downfield blocking in the running game? Love watching receivers escort the RB downfield. Great call. That is what i really missed about darnell mcdonalds brief stint with us..
  14. To be brutally honest, point douglas needs to be dealt with at some point.. Its an absolute train wreck of some really nice property.. Never have i seen an area so needing of a raging block by block fire or watts district riots... As to where do the residents go? Elsewhere! Theres low income housing or low rental units in every area of the city..
  15. Sweet! Im the king of clubs! Respect *******!
  16. It's a tad early for "the sky is falling.." No? I'm sure there must be rational explanations for cuts that don't make sense like others have mentioned (NFL came calling, didn't grasp the concepts, etc etc)
  17. Is it? What changes have you noticed in your health since changing? Ha, I hesitated to post "that word", because I knew it would spark discussion, but that's good…right? As to the health benefits, how about better sleeps, no need for ex-lax (know what I mean?-know what I mean?), and the food is fresh. But I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I can suddenly leap tall buildings or run a few extra miles, but I do know the sense of eating free-range or grass fed products does have a psychological advantage, and to me, that's healthy. But if you want proof, I can't help you there. It's all a personal choice and all I can tell you is, it works for me and my wife. Wait wait wait... Your married?
  18. As much as a pain in the butt the ratio rule is, it is what makes the CFL the CFL and provides this forum with grist for the mill. Actually, it was more an 'okey dokey then' to wtf is Maudie Fingerjammer talking about...the rules that say if your considered an import or not? Option a) and option b )?
  19. Wow.. You should be like, a draft consultant or something! Show this post to Walters ASAP!
  20. Dan West played special teams... sorry I forgot to notice. At worst, we've already upgraded with Graig Newman. Ya good point who cares about special teams. Lol yup.. Useless third of the game!
  21. Having a contract ready for him and his accepting it are two different things. After all, he hadn't signed anything to that point. He was going to be a FA, that looked pretty evident. And you would laugh at the fact that Sask. would have been his 1st choice? Seems a fit for the expression…"would make sense." As to Collaros, he was released and the way that whole scenario played out, he had no interest in coming to Winnipeg….and Willy did. That answer makes about zero sense. I followed pretty easily... And it made sense to me..
  22. It's not the server, you need a cable log in from Bell or Rogers. It's locked up tight. Oh. Well damn. ****** bags!
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