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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Officiating isn't much better in most other sports. Cite: Rappers playoff game today. NFL SanFran vs Seattle this past January. Plenty of bad officiating to go around. As for the proposal, I'd suggest that the main media isn't suitable, but an interview between the director of officiating or a well trained interviewer and the game crew designed to better explain the rules could have some merit. Omgz, you watch the raps? But, no one watches the raps outside of toronto if you believe whats said 'round here i agree tho, wow that was embarrassing by nba ref standards..
  2. Mebbe proxy to go around the bs? Need a rogers or bell.based proxy server..
  3. voice of reason in a sea of insanity.. Couldn't agree more.
  4. Can the dynamite go boom yet on this bizarre Kelly theory now?
  5. Headline: "Stadium Collapse Kills 15,000 In Winnipeg. Premier Warned But Ignored Danger". Really??? put lives in danger? I doubt that. It's all ******* bullshit until guys like that moronic caller come out of hiding & say it publicly with his name & face to the camera for the world to see. Otherwise STFU. C'mon Al. You of all these lemmings have more sense than that. You're not saying you're against proper safety inspections like the other posters are you? No Nate, I'm saying that anyone can phone a radio call in show & make claims. But when they won't come forward & reveal themselves yet make allegations of building safety then I think it's complete garbage. When I said STFU, I didn't mean you. I meant the guy making the allegations on the radio anonymously. Me be one and the same hence the hackles up?
  6. Probably none of those since they severely restrict traffic on-campus, and it wouldn't really be all that safe to have Gator's whizzing around people walking. Obviously but there must be other walking or maintaince type paths that don't get used much if ever during a game to other non vehicular exits around campus, no?
  7. You know this, i know this, most of the forum knows it or grasps the concept.... And yet, one of our "leading" football scribes is baffled...sad, sad state of affairs..
  8. Funny question.. What kind of legal small shuttle options could be available in the future? Obvliously, i expect to see a bunch of man-powered taxis and bike type setups but would using raptor or gator type atvs from parking areas to expedite the foot traffic..
  9. Man, i swear this was a post from ob.com from like 5 years ago!
  10. What aboot the water taxi option? Is it still around and is it actually worth the while?
  11. Uh the raps and the Jays both have a huge following Canada wide.. Just because you don't follow em doesn't mean they don't exist.. Also, just curious if anyone else is kinda tired of everything Winnipeg and bombers being constantly compared to Calgary and the stamps? It's wearing thin..
  12. Its really odd how people devalue january here and yet overvalue every other player.. The guy has been the most steady and dependable tackle in our lineup since he got here.. Also, journeyman? How long does one person need on a team to lose said moniker? Hes been a bomber for how long?
  13. In other news, water is wet and the sun is bright..
  14. James Franklin and Jamies Winston are two of them. Cool thanks.
  15. Different tangent but with Kyle now situated in as GM, anyone have a guess or 2 as to whom might be on our neg list?
  16. Is it too early to be whining about our DC who hasn't even had a chance to do ANYTHING yet with this new group of players? No. Well I beg to differ.. Willy hasn't shown anything yet AND suckd at mini camp day one... Pile on everyone! ,
  17. Trouba is simply one of the best defensive prospects in the NHL right now.. He hits like a truck, doesn't make a ton of gaffes, has a booming shot AND knows when to make a move offensively.... Most of the time. He made some mistakes as all rookies do but I really don't think he is anywhere near his plateau yet and the jets would have to get the craziest offer around to move him or make the dumbest move possible to not match any offer put forth.. Even if it costs em someone else
  18. Is it too early to be whining about our DC who hasn't even had a chance to do ANYTHING yet with this new group of players?
  19. O'Shea was a defensive beast who played in etch's defenses and had success.. Why is everyone writing off the guy already? He's also had success in his own right... Give him a chance to hang himself, don't string him up right off the hop.. Pessimistic attituders!
  20. Man, why couldn't he wait til AFTER the draft.. Shoulda sent him a bomber care package (and a cheque lol)
  21. Anyone read broadbecks article chiming in on this? Could that guy despise the bombers anymore? For a non sports columnist, he has a real hard on for hating the wbb
  22. But but but.. Hes no good, all those penalties! Good on alex, hope be sticks again for awhile... He is a talented DE.
  23. The soap opera begins. Should be entertaining to see how this plays out over the season..
  24. So much this... Totally agree. miller isnt absentee but doesn't preen to the media either.. I also agree that the sense of entitlement is off the wall with some people because of the "community owned team"
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