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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Is that the new method for evaluating talent? Well, when you're a DB it is... no? Cuz one DB is the reason why a team gets blown out. And if he is stuck with a group of crappy secondary players then obviously he too must suck? By that rule of thumb, brendan labatte has to suck because he was on our horrible o-line... Wait, hes arguably one of the best guards in the league? Nooo way..
  2. i completely agree. The interview after his bike accident and hospital stay he looked brutal.. to suggest it was all drug induced is just ignorant .. The guy almost died for crying out loud...
  3. You gotta turn over a lot of rocks before you find the gold.. Bitching about us bringing in Canadians for a look-see is simply asinine..
  4. Shocking.. New management, new stadium, new forum.... Same ole song and dance.. Anyone else surprised? Anyone?
  5. Back in his prime, I'd assume. Not now. Is he even still playing? Where did he go after Edmonton? Doh. Yea sorry, not now.. But if khabby was like he was before.. Then straight up.
  6. Simply put, Japan made their disaster 1,000,000 x worse by not owning up to their mistakes AND being so..... Japanese in their honour code. If they would have just admitted defeat, called in the help, handled it then we wouldn't still be talking about how much radioactive crap spewed forth from their moronic attempts to keep contaminated water (and crippled reactor... Or is it reactors at is point?) at bay... Stupid Japanese honour code... Shouldn't all of the nuclear leadership in Japan just committed seppuku and their replacements fixed then damn thing properly??
  7. Which part of the article wasn't factual? There is no opinion or bias there. To deny it is to deny reality. Nuclear power is dangerous. Hey did you also know that living causes death? The more you know..
  8. I don't think I've ever liked one of your posts but goddamn that was hilarious.. I actually guffawed out loud.. Kudos good sir
  9. In my evaluations, Lavertu is the only guy I like to play right away. Matthias Goossen would be the sure bet, because he comes out of Simon Fraser in the NCAA, which means he can't return to school, however I feel he is atleast two years away from making an impact. I can't imagine a scenario where Lavertu returns to school, given how high the Bombers are on him. Bingo. PS, glad you signed up, Tyler. Thanks man. Welcome to the party pal! Already dropping knowledge Bombs on us, very cool.
  10. Wasn't this already a topic? I seem to recall defending the hiring at lb coach before.... It's like deja vu all over again!
  11. Jyles is still even an option at this point? Oh how the mighty have fallen... Maybe Wally is tired of people poaching his QBs or he's tired of finding other teams their starters and second strings lol.
  12. Essensa was a real good goalie.. Leads old jets with wins in a season. Knabby was probably the best new era goalie we ever saw, id trade Pav for him any day
  13. A) nuclear power is safe and not a risk to enviroment when ran properly.. dont build on the coast OR on a fault line in case of a natural disaster. C) every technique we have devised to generate power causes some adverse effect if you look hard enough.. Some more obvious then others..
  14. They have some kind of chicken burger there, fantastic. The whole premise is kind of ridiculous with the constant flirting and what not but for greasy food it's perfectly fine. Just as long as you understand the whole idea behind the servers and can ignore the ridiculous over the top flirting. Too expensive if yer just going for the food.. Can get the same burgers n such at Denny's for cryin out loud
  15. Your posts have all been shackle raising to me and then, bam, i read this one.. Well said, i agree. Id like to see robertson make some noise and hopefully henoc comes back and we sign him or bilukidi or mulumba make their way home..
  16. Elliott is a chuck and pray QB who refused to do what coaches asked.. Hall is a dink and dunk QB who will throw where and when he is told to. Both will take a beating. Elliott is a lost cause who insults team mates.. ill be amazed if he lands on another squad.
  17. Their schools are also likely to be a factor for some teams in the NFL. Juran Bolden and Brandon Browner are two DB's who immediately come to mind that are tall who did quite well for themselves. I have no idea how Browner managed to become somebody in the NFL, I always felt he was terribly over rated in the CFL and if the refs were at all serious about calling PI he could have been flagged every play. Its easy. Its called... Wait for it.... Being wrong!
  18. So you know how to grade out young O-line talent and aged vets ability to get coached up... From the stands or tv no less? Good golly! Tell us more!!
  19. Yuppers... Done to avoid injury issues in the future... Shame we don't have a dislike option here, lol
  20. He "appears" to be a coach but is really an advisor or overseer. Makes sense to me..
  21. He "appears" to be a coach but is really an advisor or overseer. Makes sense to me..
  22. And I think one of the biggest lies perpetuated on us by the media and the government (US mostly thanks to Obama's gang of climate change nuts) is that our climate right now is being exacerbated by CO2. The world hasn't warmed in over 17 years. Severe storm numbers are declining, not increasing. But yet everyone walks around convinced that "the weather is getting weirder and worser every day". Total nonsense. *looks outside* yup, yer totally right. Smh. Tell that to the people in the midwest USA or texas and egypt who got more snow then ever before.. The weather has been getting more and more.sketchy in the last 5 years.. Now i realize weather patterns are cyclical in nature but where the hell are my crazy hot summers, mild winters and mellow spring and fall? 5 years later, im still.waiting lol.
  23. the problem is people who believe the earth has ever been or ever will be static. Climate has been changing since the Earth began, it is a dynamic system and it is always changing. It just happens so slowly we tend not to notice it until it's happened. I fully accept that the world has experienced climate change long before man existed. I don't accept that man-made CO2 emissions have nothing to do with accelerating or exacerbating climate change. the simple fact that smog, ash and pollution is actively landing on ALL the ice shelves on the planet, creating a dark blanket of sun focusing nastiness as opposed to clear, reflective glass is a testiment to our mark being left on our planet and not in a good way..
  24. Really depends on yer take on fried chicken.. Thick, crunchy skin? Chicken chef or KFC. Less skin? Dals or chicken delight id gather... Candies chicken used to kick ass... Then they disappeared..
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