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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Mufferaw was probably offensive to both females and people who eat cooked food.. both demographics promised a riot
  2. Wooohoo desean freakin jackson! Jeeeeeeeah boy! Willy gonna tear it up this season!
  3. Indifferent.. This is what i think. Hes an average coach and hasnt really sucked brutally or wowed.. Good "depth" coach lol
  4. As O'shea is probably one of the biggest knowledge bases of cfl linebacking, id have to assume he has liked what he has seen if thats the route we are going.. He knows (id hope anyway lol) that MLB is the key cog in a defense..
  5. you think he has a shot? I don't.. Maybe he wants out of bc, maybe he just wants to test the market.. To assume it's "just" for NFL reasons is a little goofy if you ask me.. Specially as he didn't really wow anyone this year..
  6. Yup. I felt that landing wylie would be the biggest coup this team has pulled off this season.. He will.add respectablity to our o-line and the youngsters will benefit greatly from his knowledge.. Best news of the off-season.
  7. Ice is melting at unprecedented levels in Greenland 27 feet a year.. The arctic is also starting to catch up.. We are something like 5 years ahead of nasa's doomsday scenario for melting ice and higher ocean water levels.. Woohoo. (Courtesy of ViCE news)
  8. It's too easy to paint everybody with the same brush like that. It's very frustrating to watch him take wrist shots from just inside the blue line on a nightly basis. He has the skill level to be one of the best in the NHL, but he's not close. I'm not advocating to trade him just for the sake of trading him though. If we can't get a big haul, I wouldn't do it. Every goal scorer does that though. You can't score a goal if you don't put the puck on net and unless you expect guys to carry a huge shooting percentage like Stamkos not every shot is going to score. Like I said, guys who score 30 goals in the NHL are not that common and Kane is one of them at a young age. Be satisfied with what he is and don't expect him to be a super star. You're making it too black-and-white, as usual. Kane is particularly bad for this. With his natural talent, if he would simply put a little effort into learning the game and beating guys with his mind rather than just his body, he COULD be a superstar. That's what's so frustrating. Brett Hull used to say he was a good goal-scorer until he took the time to really understand the game... and that's when he became a GREAT goal scorer. No one is denying that Kane is a useful player and certainly one of the most dangerous offensive threats on the Jets. It's just that he could be so much more. Enough with the "Jets fans should just be grateful for what they have" mentality. What a loser way of thinking. Come down from your ivory tower in Calgary and realize that Jets fans are just like any other fans, they want their players to perform to their maximum potential. And how old is Kane again? Let the kid (he still is practically a kid for cryin out loud) mature a bit and see what he wants to do with his career.. Faaaaaar too early to give up on him..
  9. Really hard not to agree with this.. Joey E has burned two.bridges now and there must be a reason for it..
  10. Whew. Sure glad im only 33.. Ya buncha old balls!
  11. I do love how much bitching, whining and complaining that comes from people who love the stadium and go to games and events there. You would think the city asked for their first born to get this done and yet what was the end cost to "the people"? Like 10 dollars annually in taxes? Smh. This city thrives on getting to ***** about the dumbest **** possible..
  12. Back? He was never here... Or did i block that out?
  13. You suggested we take all judgment out of it and then suggested we penalize "unfair disruptions" Fair / not fair is always a judgment call. Apparently you missed my point.. Clearly define what is a pass interference (ie clutching arms, jerseys,tripping, hip grab, etc etc) and then consistently call it based on how the rule is designed to be interpreted and it really shouldn't be confusing or even a question.. Camera angles is obviously going to b crucial but i mean, how hard can it be to watch a replay, see the grab/clutch/interference and then make the appropriate call?
  14. Sure one of them will be the safety because there really is no one else and we don't have the NI in other areas to play an import there. The question will be is will any of them be any good, or will they hurt us... I think it's just as likely we play an import at safety, with Alexander, Bucknor, or Robertson playing the wide side corner. I agree.. Some dc's think it's easier to hide a canadian at cb then safety..
  15. Yes and no.. As long as the cfl officiating management are hard asses about it and make sure head up in the booth calls it the same way every time... He's the only one who is really required to not be wishy-washy.. Then it should get better, in theory..
  16. What should happen is all "judgement" comes out of the equation.. If the receiver is held up, clutched, unfairly disrupted then it's a penalty.. Likewise, I'm assuming if offensive pass interference is seen then it should be called.. It's going to be a good thing at the end of the day me thinks.. Consistent calls versus wtf type stuff every game...
  17. Not sure if good or not... (Never saw an episode of the show)
  18. Im pretty confident that one of cauchy, newman,.bucknor or alexander will be "the" safety with possible rotation in and out. robertson could also be a dark horse for the spot if he grades out well enough in tc and ps.
  19. Yea screw all the sacks he had and excellent contain for an end... Smh.
  20. The dairy whip beside the marion has some killer french fries and decent burgers..
  21. Wylie coaching our o-line could actually give willy et all some legitimate protection and time..
  22. No gilbert brule's brother.. Yeesh.
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