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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Id even go above O'Sheas head and suggest miller and Walters are saying.. If they have Canadian football history and by that measure are typically canadian borne then give them the benefit of the doubt over others.. I could be way off base, sure but it does seem like they are getting a lineup very well versed in the cfl and it's canadian content..
  2. Its "just working out" that this many canadian and ex-cflers have landed on the staff, eh? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
  3. Why not be less lazy.. You are is classy AND correct
  4. If chiu does land here, we really could have something very cool.and groundbreaking in the mix here with all these "natural" cfl groomed coaches.. If it turns out we are successful it would really show that canadian trained and raised products are just as important to out league..
  5. I thought more like championship Estonia or Latvia..
  6. Pita pit is a personal fav, ditto mr.sub. Really been loving palatal express as of late.. For you westerners, bad ass jacks.. If you've never been, I recommend it.. I loooooved that place when it was here and in Brandon..
  7. This is a very good question... Id like to know as well..
  8. ME TOO! Aww. I was hoping for those crazy coloured ones that taste like... Well.. I dunno but they good!
  9. So the league offered exactly what I suggested they should offer. Funny! And here I was being told I wasn't even close with my initial offer. I guess all the business experts here need to study up a little bit to get on my level. Well not to be an ass buy you were inplying thats what it would be and as you can see, thats the first offer.. The badgering between the 2 will leave that number in the dust im sure.. BS, I implied no such thing. I said that's what my offer would be if I was the league. Not my fault if you read something that wasn't there. Adding the line "more then fair" after your offer implies to me that is what you believe it should be.. Just sayin.
  10. At this point, it really doesnt matter what Glenn wants.. he is a commodity, to be bought or sold. his GM is a prick who wont take his concerns or wants into the equation until a deal is made and then in the media will say "blah blah kevins best interests at heart... Yadayada.." Ottawa probably will hold him hostage because he really is a cap friendly backup QB at this point.. Would be hilarious to see Glenn steal the starters gig in tc/preseason or due to injury and watch burr-ass ride pine and then get cut due to high salary
  11. So the league offered exactly what I suggested they should offer. Funny! And here I was being told I wasn't even close with my initial offer. I guess all the business experts here need to study up a little bit to get on my level. Well not to be an ass buy you were inplying thats what it would be and as you can see, thats the first offer.. The badgering between the 2 will leave that number in the dust im sure..
  12. I wouldn't give up Suber. I honestly wouldn't give up anything more than a Cauchy Muamba, Desia Dunn or an Aaron Kelly. Yup yup. Giving up anything more would be giving up too much and I dunno if id even give up Cauchy..
  13. Part of a reporter's job is to stir up enough controversy to make the read interesting, whether you agree or disagree, and Lawless seems to have done that. As far as optimism for the upcoming season is concerned- set your WABAC machine to 2013 at this time and look at the gloom that surrounded the team then. Mack was spinning his wheels, the QB situation was a laughing-stock of the league, and just about everyone knew the Bombers were going to implode. I'll take 2014, thank you very much. Yeah and...our new guys still have "0" PROVEN qb's (although the QB's we have now should be better, that doesn't say anything at all as it shouldn't take much at all to get better there! Release Goltz & Boltus and bam!! we're better at QB) Our O-line isn't any better at all! We lost our best Canadian. We only really have maybe 3 Canadian Starters worth anything (Watson, Greaves and...hmmm maybe Kohlert & maybe Alexander.. borderline) We are still not a good football team!! No one can say we are until we see it on the FIELD!! Until then please again spare me the imagined optimism! Since the coaching staff, management and roster is so drastically different you can spare us your condesending pessimistic negative rants as well if you cant handle the optimism...
  14. If you are under contract when you retire that team owns your rights if you unretire. So the cfl fixed that loophole then? Cuz ricky bell "retired" a bomber then signed in calgary. Dunno if we dropped him or not tho.
  15. I do like this time of the off-season.. All the new signings and checking out what these new guys bring to the table.. Eeeeeee!
  16. I don't know, that Dinwiddie guy is someone special. Those eyes...so dreamy... Hal anderson?! That you?!?
  17. Can't glenn pull a Ricky bell or did the cfl put the kibosh on ****** bag retirements to get out of contractual obligations?
  18. Well, we did all migrate there to here so why should things be any different? Yeah but Spuds came over so it got ruined. Logan, yer dead.
  19. Baby steps are still steps in the right direction...
  20. A positive article from our extremely negative media and the thread boils down to a bickerfest yet again.. When did MBB become OB?
  21. Truth or sarcasm? Jackson is old and on the tail end.. And marcel hasnt been wowing me... Well.. Ever.. Lol.
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