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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Big boy... Our own bigger nik lewis?
  2. Well, holding on to the ball and talkng hellacious hits ARE what a RB needs to know, right?
  3. Say whaaaaaat?! Lmfao lololololol baaaaaaahahahahahahah fawk desjardins. Guy must be high as browner. We will just sign him when they undoubtedly cut him due to a bad attitude..
  4. A+ top notch stuff.. sadly it does put our media coverage to shame..
  5. Almost positive his comment was pure sarcasm.. He HATES the idea of "losing stank" pierce being a coach here..
  6. Yup I agree 100% seeing jones on the riders sideline was painful.
  7. Am I living in some kind of alternate universe where taking nearly 4 months to name a head coach is quick? I guess what he means is, it's quick (just under a week?) for Higgins to complete his staff . While O'shea is still missinng 2 positions... OL and LB. Id rather O'Shea take his time and get the coaches he truly wants rather then jump the gun simply to get positional coaches in place..
  8. Liram hirrajuju will make us all forget about palardy and his lack of muscles.
  9. Maybe at this point he doesn't want you start and would take a cushy job in a place like bc where he can stay warm Given that his current contract is particularly incentive driven, I would imagine he would like to have the opportunity to start. That and his.whole reason for being upset was that the starters.role role was given to him then swiped away causing the hissy for..
  10. Yea but you also can't just cater to a select few teams and say "screw you" to the other markets that want to offer it to their fan bases and to get a piece of that pie..
  11. I preferred to consider it like a hollowed out trough in which all you sandgrients could sit and mesh.. Now, too often you don't get that bite of everything on it.. Stupid subway!
  12. YUP! Occasionally, you can find a sandwich artist who knows how to do it like the old style tho.. Just gotta ask.
  13. Cool to see milt still hyping the bombers a bit.. Wonder what the connection is..
  14. So being one of the staunchest anti-Glenn posters around... I'm torn about the possibility of Glenn being a bomber again.. This could be the perfect storm tho so to speak.. 2 very highly regarded prospects and one very established vet who could be 1 or 2 on the depth chart.. Like others, my only concern would be a qb controversy..
  15. Glenn being added to the mix... I, shockingly, wouldn't be against it at this point. What say ye?
  16. Not to get all PC but gay? Really?? You couldn't think of a better choice of words? And for the record, the billions of footie fans across the world beg to differ with you..
  17. QB's here are here for a reason because there is some sort of disclaimer. You aren't going to find a passer in the CFL that doesn't have flaws.It's really funny to me that people seem to think we keep missing out on these nfl calibre rocket armed superstars. They don't exist in our cfl, period. The nfl gobbles them all up and if they ain't playing they rot to death on a PR and still make more then starters here..It's the way it is and will continue to be unless we somehow get a franchise tag option or something to entice a second or third stringer to pass on the nfl for cfl. I think the problem is that we had (have) a bunch of guys with complete noodle arms who simply can't make the plays unless they have fantastic protection. It would be nice to see somebody actually throw with some zip and be able to complete a 15-20 yard pass in tight coverage. See above.
  18. Me too.. I liked the RENs too and had hoped they would stick.. The bloody stools i could give to squirts of pee for
  19. The stink of failure.. Lmao, for reals man? Yup. The team is dooooooomed DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED if we bring in buck pierce cuz his stank is oh so bad.. Smh. The things you put to text around here...
  20. No, he's still age eligible to return to the Rifles. (DOB Sept 5, 1992)He was initially a territorial protection which would allow him to play pre-season games for the Bombers without counting against the numbers. He could have continue to practise with the Bombers and play for the Rifles. This ended on July 18 when the Bombers wanted to dress him for a regular season game on July 20th. Once they did that, he lost the special territorial protection status. This occured as a result of the West hit on Watson at the end of practise. Watson was injured and so the Bombers decided to forgo Carter's special status. He never saw the field in the game. http://www.bluebombers.com/article/blue-bombers-sign-brett-carter-to-contract-will-dress-friday-night He is now a free agent. He gonna get any sniffs from other squads or all likelihood be back at tc?
  21. QB's here are here for a reason because there is some sort of disclaimer. You aren't going to find a passer in the CFL that doesn't have flaws. It's really funny to me that people seem to think we keep missing out on these nfl calibre rocket armed superstars. They don't exist in our cfl, period. The nfl gobbles them all up and if they ain't playing they rot to death on a PR and still make more then starters here.. It's the way it is and will continue to be unless we somehow get a franchise tag option or something to entice a second or third stringer to pass on the nfl for cfl.
  22. he did. Brandons a mentalist dontcha kno. He can look at someone and instantly know how intelligent they are or how much of a foot IQ. They have. Screw the fact he had some excellent seasons in the cfl, that he was helping out with offense while hurt and that he always seemed limited by physical attributes as opposed to brain cramps.. People need to really think before posting at times.. The "cuz i said so" defense is pretty played out already..
  23. Well, thats odd.. Why we mining where we already stuck out? Did walters think moll was a bad judge of talent or were they planning on being out that way anyway... Strange.
  24. Yea that one half is just a jersey with a number apparently.. The name plate is actually a plastic holder with "insert name here"
  25. I think mack reallllllly had high hopes for him for whatever reason and it contributed to his failure.. Goltz buckled under the weight of being a franchise saver and never rebounded.. I imagine mack thru him a contract with a high base to keep him around plus the "you'll be a starter soon.." Mantra
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