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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Nice. I do recall some hype behind brohm and was unsure why we didnt land him when we could have before.. Oh well. Hes a bomber now and look forward to yet another heated QB battle in tc and ps to shake out the depth chart... Honestly tho, this should be the most open and interesting battle in many seasons as the talent level is pretty high at 1 and 2 with Hall and whomever else a notch down but still in the mix.. Exciting times at the pivot positon in bomberland.
  2. Seriously? Curious if any of his bomber game footage made it onto his highlight tape..
  3. If we do, IMO the season is already over. Dunno who she is or where she's from but the point you made with the pic... Boss levels of greatness.' " This is the former governor of Alaska who made a point of thanking a retiring judge for his years of "pubic" service. Ah yes, that sure is whatsherface now upon further review.. You betcha sees a bit.of a beeyotch!
  4. I'm not even going to pretend I have a clue how much players should ask for and how much of an increase is needed... All I want is the players to be compensated fairly as they are the show and the league balance it so it will not have to worry about viability anytime soon and that we can continue to move forward and build the leagues total number of teams..
  5. Oh brucie.... Brucie brucie brucie..... Vat did yoo do brucie! Cut da career short ya did..
  6. So when's Jeremy shockey signing here? Hell, I'll take shockmain Davis again just for funsies!
  7. If we do, IMO the season is already over. Dunno who she is or where she's from but the point you made with the pic... Boss levels of greatness.
  8. So you took a question about leadership qualities and turned it into a pulpit to continue to slag and insult buck pierce yet again.. Stay classy bud.
  9. Hes a solid back and a very good KR dont forget.. Blocking wise, i felt he was the best we had.. If he is our game day starter tho... Id agree, someone dropped the ball but it could be worse..
  10. Neither move is a terrible shock and as mentioned, the guy played to the best of his abilities with injuries and i suppose age catching up.. He WAS vastly better in toronto so its a shame he went out like he did.. Lets try to keep it as that and not pitch a ***** fit over his poor play. Hes gone, let that ship rockily sail away into retirement..
  11. Beat me to the punch.. Its unreal how it goes from "ok cool, we got neato coaches and some cool players..." To "omg, we lost out on mcclune even tho he hasnt signed ANYWHERE yet! Why we second banana again!rabble rabble rabble!"
  12. He played in 2011 didnt he? so he hasnt been out of the loop THAT long.. And if hes coming to a mini camp or tc, whichever it is, hope he lights it up.. We need a determined, healthy RB who can block to help lighten the load on Drew W. for his first season.
  13. Did.larry taylor start his cfl career in mtl? Also, people need to calm down with the "omgz canuck deebeez noooooooooo!" They will be rotated in during certain packages and highly doubt it will be as starters..
  14. Dan west is a st guy at this point id assume.. If he makes it outta camp..
  15. Right. Mimbs had a great year in 1990, the Bombers basically rode that guy as Burgess wasn't much of a passer, or runner. But he could sure hand off! I believe the term is "game manager"
  16. Another excellent read.. Love how the forum gets us connected to cool stuff like this..
  17. Very good move aquiring his rights when we did.. He has a lot of football left and i think he will be a leader on the level of guys we thieved from BC in seasons past like Simpson and E.Carter
  18. The off-season thread derailments happen almost as often as real ones around here..
  19. We did no such thing, he retired on his own terms which I respect enormously. Unless you believe friesen who claims he was forced out
  20. Gotta love bomber fans.. Even tho every guy on the list has had some form of success, gotta hang on the negative nutsack.. So typical. Howsabout we play wait and see, just once.. Underwhelmed or not..
  21. Oh, is it obvious day at camp stupid? (note) this isnt ment to be insulting, was a quote from a tv show. Bonus points for guessing it right..
  22. That's what dictionaries say too. Sweet. Got a mind like a dictionary I do. Completely different then that lavoie and nik lewis are being described as doing.. And to think, if the right wording was used originally, this thread loses 3 pages.. Off-season is way too long lol
  23. Minus the umbrella, not a bad mascot tbh
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