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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Lumbering, to me, means slow, ponderous, without grace or agility.. Not normally something id equate to an athlete... Unless it was a centre in basketball or an o-lineman covering a missed fg..
  2. lol "On paper" he's a fullback, but he's definitely a receiver and in your estimation, one of the best in the league. Everyone would know that as long as they'd watched some Alouette games recently, right. I'm assuming you're referring to the 6 games he played last year where he recorded a grand total of 6 catches, all of them stemming from routes he ran out of the backfield as a fullback. I knew kels was gonna get lit up for that off-base comment and you guys havent disappointed. He is an exceptional pass catching FB, no arguement but hes definitely not an elite receiver or some key cog in an offensive scheme.. Hes an awesome add on tho, we can only hope fitzgerald comes along like lavoie does..
  3. Holy popeye forearms... That is not just from felling trees me thinks..
  4. Although I'm a little bit distraught over the fact that Turner wasn't mentioned. The mere mention of his name could possibly obliterate the rest of the team. And, unfortunately, he can't take the field by himself. Well, he could but CFL mandated he have team mates as a handicapping of sorts..
  5. Very well done and the colours are not nearly as bad as the folks here are complaining but i am colour blind lol. Doesnt hurt the eyes and i found it easy to read.. Content was very good too..
  6. Good luck in retirement mr.edwards. Been a delight watching you create your career here as a bluebomber. I see special guest coach in your future, sir. Going to be missed.
  7. Cheaper and just as effective if not more so (hopefully minus penalties) works for me.. Peach was an emergency fill in anyway wasn't he?
  8. A bit long in the tooth but so was Simpson when he landed here.. What happened for us last time we landed a bonafide FA MLB.. it was gooooood.. If this is the case and we did land him, not a bad replacement for Muamba at all.. Also, gives us time to groom hogue or Parker as MLB prospects..
  9. Very solid reads JBR.. Its funny as I don't often see eye to eye with some of your posts but thought these articles are very well done and accurate.Good job man, keep it up!
  10. All? You mean all 2 the Bombers won in the 80's? Sorry, you just made it sound like we won 4 or 5 Grey Cups in the 80's.Now don't be sad cuz two out of 10 ain't bad. Oh I'm not knocking it just kind of chuckling at the wording. Trust me. I'd take one every ten years at this point. With apologies to Meat Loaf. Why you apoligizing to a dinner selection? Man this forums odd at times..
  11. Definitely about the bombers if its second and ten lol
  12. No its not. It is when two manchildren whos arguments are both valid and flawed in different ways refuse to just agree to disagree.. Coupled with this thread being about 2 draft pick candidates and not mack..
  13. big enough, good hands and skilled... Not fast enough and age is climbing... Could be a possession reciever maybe down south..
  14. This is such a childish, useless argument.. Both of you man up and move on already, Christ..
  15. Exception, not the norm tho ISO.. Try to not let your hate cloud yer judgement so badly.. Mulamba and bikuilidi both could be cfl bound in a year or two and have long careers.. Mack, as i always said,was gambling in guys struggling at camp and coming to cfl quickly but if not, as viable long term projects..Unfortunately we did need cfl ready mixed a bit more ie edem
  16. Cuz its the QB of the defense.. not "just" a secondary member
  17. Round 1, 2nd overall Round 3, 20, 26 Round 4, 29 Round 6, 47. 48 Round 7, 56 They really need to figure out what direction they are taking with the ratio (long term) .. this is going to help us sort out our draft. I wonder if there is any market at all for those late round picks - everyone seems to be talking about this being a shallow draft Walters is a canadian talent guru.. If there is value to be had with those picks, he will find it.. Diamonds in the rough..
  18. Sweet.. And we probably have a legitimate chance at landing both.. Mathews, I assume, is pretty dang likely
  19. Wutevs. They should have been allowed to instead making poor dough alert a joke of the off-season..
  20. I miss Moe Elewonibi and Dave Mudge.. I miss leaving the stadium and coming back in.. I miss ryland wickman and terry ray... I also miss ricky bell and the retire to get outta dodge technique.. RIP Ricky
  21. Terrell parker, hogue are 2 for starters... Probably.bring in 2-3 for competiton id assume..
  22. There's this thing called training camp to sort this kinda stuff out, ya kno?
  23. Quick, someone send a waaaaaaaambulance to the bc lions training facilities!
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