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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Again. Short of a shotgun to the head, we did EVERYTHING we could.. most money offered is what i keep hearing to butler and id assume bourke if he even fielded ours.. Myddleton is no better then Greaves or swiston and emery passed on us as well.. so whaaaat pray tell could we have done?
  2. Ah.. That's the yet to be announced,lol
  3. I think they will be better then the 2013 Blue Bombers That figures... Shocker, right? Lol.
  4. Just to spite you.Figures.. Bastards Lol. Im sure there is logical explanation for it but we would have to ask the higher-highers..
  5. Hes an excellent team player, die for the colours on his jersey.. That being said, for the size he is and how athletic he is, his play can and will be hit or miss, streaky.. And does have a temper that flairs and a brain that can misfire.. Shame to lose him BUT i expect an upgrade to be honest..
  6. I thought we should have offered Bourke $250,000. He's worth it.He signed before FA started. He was re-signing in Montreal regardless of what any other team offered.Not true. BC confirmed they made Bourke an offer. He was a FA for a few minutes. IIRC they said he signed just before FA started - not enough time for other teams to know he had signed. And even if he was FA for a few minutes, that likely wouldn't have been enough time for his agent to let him know what the other offers were. He missed out on an even bigger payday. Maybe $230-250,000. He must've called Mike Reilly for advice as to what to do. Very shocking that he did what he did imo.. I thought.for sure he would field offers and we woulda made him a very rich lineman..
  7. Yea but iso, you also lift 50 lb boulders and use tree.branches for chin ups
  8. You some straaaaaaaange individuals.. What does my texting or use of mp3 capabilities on my phone do to you and your workout, exactly?
  9. In this day and age, you dont have your phone with you at the gym? Hell, i do..Me too. I'm listening to music on my iPhone. My guess is he just decided not to pickup when he saw who it was on his caller ID.Yuppers.. Sour grapes from jj me thinks..And with the amount of time Jovon spends on Twitter, I guarantee he has a smartphone. Hah yea no kidding.. At least Walters didn't do it via twitter lol
  10. In this day and age, you dont have your phone with you at the gym? Hell, i do..Me too. I'm listening to music on my iPhone. My guess is he just decided not to pickup when he saw who it was on his caller ID. Yuppers.. Sour grapes from jj me thinks..
  11. In this day and age, you dont have your phone with you at the gym? Hell, i do..
  12. Jovon, when your phones caller id says k walters or bbfc and you don't answer it, wtf you expect them to do?
  13. And Tate then traded to the Peg !I'm going to personally buy you a blow up doll and tape Tate's head to it and you can go to town. Maybe then you'll shut up about him. I was told by jbr that all gay jokes are unacceptable. This was an ignorant comment towards all men who are born with a fetish of banging blow up dolls in the mouth. Ftr I think Tate would fit nicely in Ottawa with Burris that would be awesome watching them fight. Seriously, you dunk today? I know FA day is awesome N all but put down the bottle..
  14. Question is, who will keep the #5 Jersey? No way does Glenn take Willy's jersey from him. I also doubt they hand Glenn the reins just like that either...we get him, he's.a backup..at least to start..
  15. Even then it doesn't..., why would Calgary move the guy just to trade for him a day later... rubbish rumour me thinks..
  16. Wow... a guy like Getzlaf must be worth $200k+ then... crazy. You DO understand the concept of a ratio breaker, right? If 3 teams are all bidding for a 1k yards receiver then id see it go up.that high yup. moore may have been an overpay BUT have we ever seen american receivers struggle with the nuances of the CFL game like we have in the last 2 plus seasons? So why not just pay a premium for a guy you know who gets "it" off the hop and has proven it.. Especially when our rook QB will need as many CFL ready as possible to make his life easier..
  17. No.. Nonononono.. Plz god no. No ferri.. Please walters, hear my prayers!
  18. Jesus.. Brandon is BVD?! This is even more shocking.. Always thought he was at least respectful of others feelings and sensibilities..
  19. Huh. Shmoes loading up big time on oline prospects.. Someone gonna fall thru the cracks worth scooping i wonder..
  20. Whoa. Big props from buck.. Thats pretty nice. Does it lend some credit to what people have been saying about dough alert..
  21. Hmm.. So looks like brandon is taking the runko ruth class for offensive douchebaggery? Whats the cost of that class, unadulterated ire on forums you post on? Smh.
  22. The most overused statement on Bomber fan forums ever. Correction: Highlighting a portion of someone's post and then replying with an unfounded juvenile remark is actually the most over-used thing on this forum.That and Drew Willy penis jokes. But you're right, let's just cut Edwards after seven years of busting his ass and getting 1000 yard seasons out of crap QBs and OCs. Good plan, buddy... we all know that good players can't transition into good coaches. That's not what I said. But it seems like once a dude hits 5+ years tenure with a club, there are certain posters who just assume that player should transition to coaching. 'Certain posters' is actually the most overused term on this forum...JoLo and Edwards seem like they would be good coaches... don't remember suggesting anyone else. So, you don't think Edwards should be transitioned to a coach/mentor type of position...? Buck Pierce, Doug Brown, Milt Stegall...I'm probably missing a few more too.Miller as ST, Walby as oline coach, simpson as lb coach.. Pretty much any player who put in x amount of seasons was automatically assumed to be awesome coaching material by certain posters on this forum...and kels, unravel yer panties dood.. That bunch up you got going on is gonna end up hurting eventually lol
  23. K wait,.we are like those frogs that can change their.sexuality when the pond is too one-sided?! Why am i only learning of this now!! My school, church and parents have some 'splainin to do..
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