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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Great start to FA this year.. Walters and co. making moves and really putting their stamp on this roster..
  2. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.. Hard to flex off at the bombers from the bench lol.. But in all seriousness, guy cannot catch a break..
  3. yea, i hope there isn't any substance to this as i really don't think he's worth the spot.. Hes no medlock. Id rather let the young guys battle it out and maybe palardy lol
  4. The Riders are finding that out as well. Huff know that, though. Signing Randle was a big part of the equation that is now gone. But wow, look at the talent on that team anyway despite losing Randle. Unreal. Its getting harder and harder to see where the stamps end and you begin..
  5. Good back to keep on speed dial if our search fails or if Ford stalls.. Lol. Pun intended.
  6. Oh the pessimistic meanderings of the jaded bomber fanbase.. believe that walters, if anyone, knows the kids value..
  7. Hargraves? Really? Arron hargraves aka slower then stoddard?!
  8. I didnt think he had much left when he signed in saskabush... I reaaaaaally dont wanna see him in blue and gold..
  9. Because they were obviously thinking they could turn around and turn Glenn into viable assets. I dunno.. If the bombers or any other team were in their position, would they not draft the BEST unprotected QB they could to Guarantee they have at least one suitable starting QB? Then grabbing another future HOF QB in FA only maked them that much more secure at QB?? I'm not sure i buy that they drafted Glenn in order to trade him.. or that they signed Burris just so they could use Glenn as trade bait. Maybe they did, but is seems like the least likely situation. My guess is that they go into camp with all three QBs and see who produces the most with whatever system they run. One only has to look at our QB situation the last 5 years to realize that if you don't have a CFL quality starting QB your record is gonna be pretty shitty. it's not that they drafted Glenn with the intention of getting Burris and flipping Glenn, it's that when they started to pursue Burris they felt they could do it. Now they're paying 2 starting qbs, one who is angry to not be the starter and one who hates when someone else is breathing down his neck. The Bombers being the only other team that needed a starting qb coming out and saying "yeah we're sticking with willy" is a big FU to Ottawa cause now they've got their qb controversy and they haven't even hit training camp yet. Yup.. It's going to be an interesting start to the campaign in Ottawa at this rate..
  10. The thing is, atlantic canada continues to be a huge hotbed of grass roots football.. Its only getting more and more popular.. Getting a team there is simply a genius idea if they can impliment it..
  11. If that's results in us getting someone else aside from Etch i'd be thrilled.Unless that someone is Greg Marshall of course. Marshall is a much more appealing choice than Etch IMO. Not for me he's not! You, me and probably a few others.... (and no, dee... No one named duprie!)
  12. No no nopers. Iso is a player evaulation god. He just looks at a guy and goes "bust!" or "boom!" And thats all there is to it. Forget the fact he is one of younger guys drafted.. Forget that he had almost no real time as a reciever before playing and STILL looked great. Also forget the fact he had steadily improved while he was here with some of the shittiest QBs and OCs to come through our doors... Nope, iso screamed bust to everyone who would listen and so obviously the kids a hack..
  13. The fan base here is simplyb unreal and ridiculious.. I simply mind boggled and disappointed really at the depths in which you guys go to find fault and attempt to imply stupidity and foolish ways to prepare for a press conference. I mean, some of you are trying your damnedness to what.. Point out the smallest inconsistency and make it like its harpo and the fuckalong gang up there on stage? Stop. just stop. Its not even on a realistic level anymore. Have walters and company not done what we need them to do? excellent head coach prospect, starting QB that a hof QB said was a good choice weeks go.. Lighten the **** up already or go cheer for another team. Im really using the term cheer loosely here because im not allowed to imply the actions of some here as antagonistic.. That would just be a no no as these fans are clearly supporting the team they love. On a fan support page. Full of supportive and folks that bleed blue and gold.. Unfuckinbelivable..
  14. ISO, no offender but everyone is entitled to react to the info how they want... The agent isn't some prophecy who's word is law.
  15. Serious question: based on what?Super optimism powers.How about the power of super logical thought process? Read the above post, smart ass But he hasn't proven anything yet so until such time it IS nothing more than optimism. When there's no track record it doesn't matter what it looks like on paper, optimism is the name of the game. Why not just accept and embrace that you're just being an optimist? It's not a bad thing. Oh I readily admit I'm an optimist but really now, is my thought process that askew? If you had scout a who was a high school water boy who went to college to become a coach and is now a us scout and scout b who is an ex qb who played high school, college and then pro and has had experience in the management side of football to boot both actively searching for QBS... who do you bet money on? It's not like I'm saying Danny Mac will find us a qb cuz he's an ex bomber and cuz he's employed by us..
  16. Thats awesome news! Congrats to Henoc for this exciting new chapter in his life and hope the kid sticks for awhile.. If not, arms wide open buddy
  17. Serious question: based on what? Super optimism powers. How about the power of super logical thought process? Read the above post, smart ass
  18. Serious question: based on what? Well think about it. Hes got some great contacts down south from what we've heard.. And really, who better then a hall of fame CFL QB to know what a CFL QB needs to look like and be capable of?
  19. Why would we even consider this option tho, i mean really? We just said how we wouldnt mortgage the future (willy now id assume) for results now.. it was probably willy OR glenn.. unless glenn is cut outright or landed fer like a 4th rounder, i dont expect to see him here now
  20. Pretty confident we buck our tradition and actually draft a cfl ready lineman, either on O or D.. Either one would make sense, o-line more so... Unless Walters has his eye on some FAs and thinks our young guns are ready to step up..
  21. The next week will really test to see if this argument holds any water..
  22. Its ok kels... Only one guy is at this point and dont expect it to change lol
  23. Funny feeling, call it a hunch.. Willy will be our #1 with hall and goltz battling it out for #2 (which hall wins) and McManus will have us a 3rd stringer who will be the next Reilly/Collaros/Willy.. I really think McManus will be the guy that landa us back into a good QB pipeline..
  24. Kels is trying to hack the website Nah.., he just took the red pill and agent smith is not happy!!
  25. Wow. What an uberdouche.. does he get paid per turd nugget he writes/posts/twits? Pun gleefully intended.
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