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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Always think.the worst, never get disappointed? Must be a dark place you live in..
  2. As long as we dont heap too much pressure on our poor willy..
  3. Oh and what about nobody wanting to come to winnipeg again? Would sure be a bit of a air bag deflator if we do land rory or jade back in FA to that crowd.
  4. No, it's essentially a new contract but it's deemed an extension because technically, his existing contract was overwritten seen as how it didn't expire until Monday. Makes sense, thanks. I'm curious to know what we're paying him, I imagine it is substantially less than both Collaros and Burris are getting.Also wondering how long before Sask announces an extension for Etienne. Would be funny if he hit free agency anyway. That would be pretty sweet yup.. Wonder if theres a conditional pick somewhere in there in regards to that... I really wouldnt mind terribly if we pulled the wool over tamans eyes on this tho..
  5. Seriously? You dont think we need to be at this point? We can ill afford another round of "will he pan out" as its simply a tough way to get to starter.. id rather go with a no name scouted by manus then a broken neverwas How many CFL Qbs has Danny mac Found and brought into the league so far? Honest question, i don't know.. It seems a bit strange to me to put faith in a man to spot and sign talent, when they don't have a history of doing it, or atleast not known to me.Honestly, i dont have a clue but riddle me this batman.. Wouldnt a personnel scout who knows the american football scene rather well... Who also just so happens to be a hall of famer QB in the league he is scouting players for... Be the best option to track down an elusive up and coming rookie QB seeing he knows exactly wtf a Canadian Football League QB needs to be?Seems like a winning solution to our age old problem when you think about it, no?
  6. Like what other GM's have on their phones when Walters' name comes up.... Yea cuz he hasnt made any trades yet, right? Oh. Wait.. *insert eyerolling smilie here*
  7. Seriously? You dont think we need to be at this point? We can ill afford another round of "will he pan out" as its simply a tough way to get to starter.. id rather go with a no name scouted by manus then a broken neverwas
  8. *yawn* Oh, another thread derailed into a bomber bitchfest? Shocker.. So this guy cant read or is a shut in cuz he chose to sign here.. With some nfl experience no less (albeit pre-season) size is good, cant teach it.
  9. Ya kno, it doesn't surprise me one ounce that you already think this without even getting out of the off-season.. Stay classy bud. Keep the faith!!
  10. We'll get on that son! Lol. Just jokin, relax guy! Honesty is a good thing as well
  11. Got a feeling it goes "i heard Sorenson was a rag.." Followed by " baboulas isn't a bomber AND I hadn't heard bad things.."
  12. pure speculation I think (and in the words of the great Dave Ritchie "When I say I think, know that I know so") Mike just might have a better track record than both you and Kels. He knows what he is talking about. On the other hand, as has been evidenced time and again over the past number of days, you and Kels just simply don't. Yup, i trust mikes info almost as much as a cfl scribe as he has been almost as accurate ..
  13. In what context?? Closest to having a debilitating leg injury that lasts forever?
  14. What will eventually happen is that the Marquee QB's will make way more than any other player and you'll be back to one starter per team. It's always been this way, salary cap or no. Even with that smoke screen,.I doubt Ottawa will.have 2 starters on their roster for long unless DeMarco is considered one too? Glenn will be cut or traded at some point.due to injury or SMS
  15. Based on winning out on one free agent signing? Wow, doesn't take much to impress you does it? Yes, cause that is the only lousy thing that's occurred since he took over. Switch from dial-up, there Jusup. You're missing out on a lot of info . I think you're missing some info on the colossal botch job Desjardins did in Hamilton. 2 years of futility trumps one poor off-season, IMO... Its funny cuz he tells you to look back at Walters "failures" to indicate why dejardins is better and yet probably had no idea what an epic failure he was in Hamilton.. At least Walters has youth and inexperience to say caused some of his foul ups (which, I really don't see as foul ups yet truth be told) dejardin gets to say what exactly if next year.Burris is.back to frank not Henry? ooops I did it again only works.for young hot chicks in sports bras n track pants..
  16. A broken leg that healed badly (not shocking, it was in Saskabush lol) is "oft-injured"? Come on now.. Also, like mentioned before a second round pick in a shallow draft for an non-imp tackle who has started before is a deal ANY GM would make but a top 9 pick (what I assume is a high pick) for an unproven, twice out for the season QB who may or may not be better then what we currently have rostered let alone ones we could be bringing in is NOT one a sane GM would make.. Hervey was trying to be an ass and take advantage of Walters. Very glad Walters said negative to that..
  17. Old people are funny.. Go drink yer ovaltine, you'll feel better..
  18. You have no idea what you're talking about. All speculation. Yup. At least our speculations are coming from pretty reliable sources in the media as opposed to figments of our imaginations
  19. As for Henoc, good luck, give em hell.. Hope ya stick but would love to have ya back... Anyone who thinks we are a better team without him is reaaaaaaaaally clued out or reaaaaaaally bitter..
  20. Must be a BC thing. As far as I can remember, the Friesens and the Lawless's of Manitoba sports journalism have been playing a game of "who can sound more like a moron." While covering the sports scene here.. Granted, we do have knuckles but he's essentially trapped on cjob and I can't turn my radio to am unless it's bomber related lol
  21. I have little Faith we find our own young, promising qb... We haven't done it in the past 20 years... Insanity.. doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Yer hilarious.. 20 years? Didn't we find McManus in the first place and give khari and then Glenn their shots (even if we didn't "bring" them to the cfl). Not to mention when was the last time we had a CFL hall of fame QB doing the scouting for a new qb? Lighten up. It's not the same thing at all.
  22. Whatever you say Spuds... Get muh name off yer keyboard if yer gonna use it douchily plz. I dont say "whatevs sweep the leg" to everyone with a smarmy attitude
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