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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Doesn't anyone think landing Burris and banks might actually make us look MORE attractive to other FAs like Henoc?
  2. The panic setting in already? Oh wait, Bomber forum.. Never-mind carry on..
  3. Boltus *shudder* i realllllly hope that experiment has run its course.. Im nervous that with marcel back.... It hasnt. Yay. Premonition was incorrect! *does happy dance*
  4. So what I gleamed from the title of this thread... McManus is a jock strap?
  5. IF we need that vet presence and IF we are considering signing one of these archaic DB/OLB's then yup. Banks gets my vote as he would be a better nose tackle in etch's defense then Parker
  6. Austin tried twice to extend his contract and Burris turned him down. ....And now back to the Austin Has No Loyalty Game. Thanks for conveniently not mentioning any salary numbers or indications of any sort. It keeps your credibility nice and low. Its not surprising, seeing as he is a ti-cat fan and he feels the need to defend any and all actions made by the hamismell team.. (and yea yea I know how contradictory this statement sounds coming from me)
  7. Boltus *shudder* i realllllly hope that experiment has run its course.. Im nervous that with marcel back.... It hasnt.
  8. You have to look all the way back to 2012. Yea yeah ya.. Iike I said, I didn't follow him that closely to bother remembering that.. Was that the only one?
  9. he wins in the summer... other than that no, seriously did you just call Burris a winner? After all those really good Calgary teams that he did SFA with? Head outta the ass SPuds. I haven't followed his career as closely as you have with your oddly obsessive vendetta but has he had a piss poor season like we have had? I don't seem to recall a year where he wasn't at least .500
  10. Meh. Burris and willy would be a great plan B.. Burris and hall or willy and hall decent enough option c.. Shame we missed out on zach collaros but dems the breaks.. Hope he flounders and we crush him this season is the best we can hope for now, lol
  11. What a shame.. Too talented to have to hang em up this early.. another one who is out too early due to injury..
  12. Its cute people are so upset about a guy who may or may not even made it outta TC being traded for a backup DB/safety who could step in and start if need be.. look at it objectively folks.. We got alot of canadian recievers and not alot of depth in the secondary..
  13. Its really sad how much hate he has for him.. He does nothing but win. ****** canoe or not...
  14. Eeeeeeeeeeee! so excited. so we either land collaros or we know that willy and burris are option 2.. Exciting times in bomberland.. Finally some news!
  15. This.No. Not this. Why break yet another prospect behind a shoddy o-line? we all know we cant rebuild an o-line in a season... Hell probably not even in 2.. In those 2 seasons, a "pocket passer" qb can go from confident to scared and gunshy real quick, possibly beyond repair... We have all seen it happen.. Best to bring in a mobile QB who can throw as well (who are better suited to the CFL anyway) and give him and us a chance while we rebuild that o-line.. I'll never understand people that get such a hard on for mobile passers or say they are better suited for the CFL. Is it a nice asset to have? Sure it is but the primary job is to be able to throw the ball and throw it well. Willy does it better. Period.Too many fans see football like a Madden video game where you can plug a player into any situation and it will be fine. Man, are you delusional? The less mobile QB would be the "madden plug in" in this scenario.. Not the more versatile one.. But hey, contradicting yourself is always fun.. collaros proved he can move well and and throw well where as willy's mobility is more questionable..
  16. This. No. Not this. Why break yet another prospect behind a shoddy o-line? we all know we cant rebuild an o-line in a season... Hell probably not even in 2.. In those 2 seasons, a "pocket passer" qb can go from confident to scared and gunshy real quick, possibly beyond repair... We have all seen it happen.. Best to bring in a mobile QB who can throw as well (who are better suited to the CFL anyway) and give him and us a chance while we rebuild that o-line..
  17. Collaros's escapability trumps willy's supposed elite passing ability in our offense.. Our o-line will not give him enough steamboats where as collaros showed me some sick side step and ability to sense when he had to gtfo and move..
  18. Or maybe he got pissed off because the offensive game plan was just that piss poor (hello crowton) and he was tired of trying to get hawkins to change it? I think your assuming much on the side of "AC is an uber ******" and not enough on the "OC game plan was ****" the offense that didnt change much was prolific under tressman and suddenly became horrendous under new management... I know what that tells me..
  19. I would take their boring wins and Grey Cups over the ****-show in Hamilton any day.Yup. And I mean, what class by those ticats when they jumped into the boat in our old stadium. It was as if ron burgandy himself was celebrating.. Fixed. Fine. By that same token, AC's gazillion other examples of sportsmanship and excellent team player attitude should outweigh a half season of sour puss attitude..
  20. Dont know why it matters so much how and when they announce it.. You know the season is still 6 months away..
  21. I would take their boring wins and Grey Cups over the ****-show in Hamilton any day. Yup. And I mean, what class by the ticats when they jumped into the boat in our old stadium. It was as if ron burgandy himself was celebrating..
  22. Good to see a flurry of DBs being signed as i really felt underwhelmed at times last season.. interesting how many canadian receivers we are bringing in as well, anyone know.about this new one?
  23. Like, who is worse? Tell us that? This isn't a flashy or big signing, I'll agree. It's a shitty signing. Holy ****. Random american ncaa or ex nfl coach? Marshall? Reed? Honestly, neither of these guys are better for the bombers then etcheverry will be.. The fact o'shea knows what he brings (to me anyway) speaks volumes.. good or bad is yet to be decided..
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