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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. We really thinking he going to fall this far thru the cracks or more like having tebow on your list? Hey...Tim Tebow is a good running back. RB, FB, TE, prayer leader..
  2. Well, Chris Jones was the poster boy for leaving the Stamps to go coach with his BFF Scott Milanovich while under contract to Calgary. And just to make it better, Scotty gave his BFF the title of Associate HC & more scouting duties along with more $$. Jones couldn't leave Calgary fast enough. So yeah, just because.... Argos wanted Jones & made it worth his while. I bet this kind of thing goes on every year not just in the CFL but in the NFL & NCAA as well. It's called The Old Boys Club. K. With all honesty,.which team do you truly pull for, bombers or calgary? You seem to have a lot of "red coloured glasses" moments when it comes to the stamps and take great offense when a perceived slight happens against them... Doesnt change my opinion of you or my respect for ya.. Just really curious..
  3. We really thinking he going to fall this far thru the cracks or more like having tebow on your list?
  4. Wtf is wrong with our d-line? You just making stuff up now?
  5. And the end of the day, its a moot point until the officials are trained and developed properly.. The majority of them miss cals left right and centre.. Oblivious it seems at times... At this point, id even consider going with an off-site ref eye in the sky spotting infractions and telling refs to make the call or making the call themselves somehow... I realize they are human and i realize human error factors into the equation but the refs themselves are missing a ton of calls every game..
  6. Mediocrity is more like it.. Marshall's defenses never put fear into opposition offenses..
  7. Not to mention that Wally used first round picks on two huge busts, Danny Watkins and Jamal Lee in consecutive years. For all of Joe Mack's issues, I thought his drafting was actually decent. Every thread? Every #?!¿¡ thread? Come on guys, can we at least keep the mack bashing/defending to the mack and /or draft threads... Smh.
  8. I thought he was pretty solid with the limited touches he got last season as well, definitely better then foster..
  9. LOL nice one.Why would Miles stay as a DB coach with the Riders when he'd probably make more coin here as a DC? Because Saskatchewan is the place to be! They just won the Cup, and they have potash!! My guess is his contract would allow for a walkaway for a bigger job elsewhere unless he himself isnt ready..
  10. Hey you're putting in the effort to defend an indefensible position, you can try and back track and say it's not bitterness over the guy thumbing his nose at the Bombers but it's not flying with anyone cause we all know your reactions better than that.Welp since this has clearly reached the "i know you are but what am i" stage of bomber forum "discussions" im just gonna leave it as is.. Happy New Years guys and heres to Marcels offenses shredding calgarys defense in 2014Yes, the Shotgun Draw will leave that Stamps D stymied for days.You DID watch the grey cup, right? Cuz it pretty much did. I'm confused. Neither Stubler, not the Stampeders, were in the Grey Cup. I think he's referring to the Western semi, when the shotgun draw did defeat Stubler's D. *points to his nose*
  11. Hey you're putting in the effort to defend an indefensible position, you can try and back track and say it's not bitterness over the guy thumbing his nose at the Bombers but it's not flying with anyone cause we all know your reactions better than that.Welp since this has clearly reached the "i know you are but what am i" stage of bomber forum "discussions" im just gonna leave it as is.. Happy New Years guys and heres to Marcels offenses shredding calgarys defense in 2014 Yes, the Shotgun Draw will leave that Stamps D stymied for days. You DID watch the grey cup, right? Cuz it pretty much did.
  12. Hey you're putting in the effort to defend an indefensible position, you can try and back track and say it's not bitterness over the guy thumbing his nose at the Bombers but it's not flying with anyone cause we all know your reactions better than that. Welp since this has clearly reached the "i know you are but what am i" stage of bomber forum "discussions" im just gonna leave it as is.. Happy New Years guys and heres to Marcels offenses shredding calgarys defense in 2014
  13. Ok first off there is no doubt in my mind Dickinson, if not here's would find a gig elsewhere easily. He didn't bury his career here at all so that comment is simply asinine. Next, the bomber organization is such a mess that 2 of the league best and brightest upcoming head coach candidates CHOSE to come here and take on the challenge of bringing us back to respectability.. No one held a gun to Burkes head or this season to O'Sheas..And finally, im not bitter in the least about Stubler going to Calgary. I wasn't a huge fan of him coming here other then his experience to be a boon to the lack of it currently.. Never was a fan of his defenses to be honest. After seeing Durant shred his defense in the biggest game of the year AND thinking about BC not really trying to retain him I think we truly dodged a bullet. He isn't some DC God by any stretch.. The only bitter one I see is you towards our team and BOG.. Strangely enough that had gone up to the point we lost stubler. I'm thinking your starting to sound an awful lot like Morris in the village with this anger towards "the man" That's funny. Trying to turn the tables in this discussion comparing what I said to something Nasty Nate would say. Didn't work. And you realize that was the smallest segment of my entire reply, right? Trying to ignore my entire argument by focusing on the one perceived slight doesnt work either..
  14. Rene stephan and pierre luc labbe ask you to reconsider the lb depth part and our oline (i assume) was expected to be pushed by our developmental and backup guys... which failed miserably.. Also FA attempts to bolster it proved crap as well..
  15. There all words on a forum tho. You cant tell any emotional response to my words. Literally zero action, 100% words. Also, when do i ever just let a debate die that I've essentially started? If people continue to comment then I continue to reply..
  16. Ever the apologist. what did Burke do that made him look even the least bit qualified to be a head coach? Lapo had the same qbs and his teams never looked so out of it as Burke did. His history as a DC, his ability to get those defenses to play outstanding. He obviously was out of his element and out of his depth here but I don't think he was given the tools to succeed.. Not apologizing, just passing along some food for thought.. QBs being shitty are an acceptable reason (when combined with all factors yes) for a coach being shitcanned in the NFL, why is it not a consideration for a rookie HC in the CFL? a functioning offense would have covered up for the other inconsistencies a bit (lipstick on a pig and I wouldn't have been happy about it, just so you know) and I doubt a mike Reilly or Tate/Mitchell would have fixed our woes... Just that it is something to think of..
  17. Ok first off there is no doubt in my mind Dickinson, if not here's would find a gig elsewhere easily. He didn't bury his career here at all so that comment is simply asinine. Next, the bomber organization is such a mess that 2 of the league best and brightest upcoming head coach candidates CHOSE to come here and take on the challenge of bringing us back to respectability.. No one held a gun to Burkes head or this season to O'Sheas.. And finally, im not bitter in the least about Stubler going to Calgary. I wasn't a huge fan of him coming here other then his experience to be a boon to the lack of it currently.. Never was a fan of his defenses to be honest. After seeing Durant shred his defense in the biggest game of the year AND thinking about BC not really trying to retain him I think we truly dodged a bullet. He isn't some DC God by any stretch.. The only bitter one I see is you towards our team and BOG.. Strangely enough that had gone up to the point we lost stubler. I'm thinking your starting to sound an awful lot like Morris in the village with this anger towards "the man"
  18. And lazy. Don't forget about how lazy he is for not coming here.Reading comprehension for the fail? Less hard work required = easy route. Easy route = lazy. Capiche?First, it's spelled capisce.Second, I wouldn't call any DC position in this league easy. The only reason you think we had a bad defence and that coming here is the "hard route" is because we had a **** DC here that had no idea what to do with a defence. And for whatever reason the great and mighty Burke didn't seem to be helping him at all. Calling a 60+ year old lazy for wanting to stay close to his family is just absurd. Almost as absurd as your ire as to me daring to call a guy who took less money, to do less work, to require less travel time, to require less roster tinkering, to run essentially a turn-let defense, lazy.. Whatever bud.
  19. Lol zing. Is Gaydosh still rostered down south?
  20. All i gotta say is a head coach can only be as good as his QB. For sure he didnt help his cause in many ways but he was hooped from the get go in some ways...
  21. And lazy. Don't forget about how lazy he is for not coming here. Reading comprehension for the fail? Less hard work required = easy route. Easy route = lazy. Capiche?
  22. That really did set the tone for the season eh.
  23. Yea frustrating for sure. Our organization dug this hole though so it shouldn't be unexpected. Some people are going to be attracted by the challenge ahead and some will run away from it kicking and screaming. I thought Stubler's comments were very telling. He is a guy who obviously does not have the energy or commitment to put in the long days, weeks, or months necessary to accomplish the task our team has before them. I'm glad he didn't come here and then Rod Rust us.I was very disappointed when he turned us down but the more I read his interviews and comments the more I think we may have dodged a bullet. The thing about Stubler is that he's got the resume to choose his job; so with multiple opportunities and Winnipeg being among the heaviest of lifts, it doesn't shock me. The more telling thing about Stubler is that he's taking on the lesser of the challenges with Calgary's opportunity basically being turn-key. Translation: he's basically out to protect his good name in coaching, and because he's walking into a place that is already winning.We need a guy who relishes the opportunity to make some changes and put his stamp on a winning defence. That could be a young "up-and-comer" like Miles (my choice), or it could be a "stung-and-looking-for-redemption" Marshall. I don't think either type would be bad for us, and that both would be better than a guy comfortable in his own skin like it appears Stubler is. Sweet jeebus thank you! I have been trying to express this exact sentiment but struggling mightily to get it to sink in.. But i agree 100%.. Minus marshall.. Icky lol
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