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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Yup. He's looking good but no guarantee he continues on this path. Wish him the best of luck tho
  2. A lot of guys get offered contracts.. They aint binding or guarenteed.. The sure way to know if he has a legit shot is how much signing bonus is on that contract..
  3. Hey you guys see it one way, i see it as a guy taking a smaller paycheque to do less work. I truly thought Stubler was a "challenge" guy who would want to to be here and begin the overhaul process but turns out I was incorrect..
  4. Oh christ. Did you honestly think Mulumba was going to fit in as well as he did? I sure didnt.. And one season doesnt make a career.. Thanks kels
  5. It's horribly bitter. My Grandpa was on a Lancaster in WWII so I felt compelled to try one. It was a mistake... So, you're saying it's the perfect beer to celebrate the year we've just had. Especially if your one of many posters on this board and tep.
  6. I heard the CFL media in Virden is also reporting these rumours. Virden?….must be Avro Lancaster working behind the scenes! What ever became of mr.lancaster?
  7. Perhaps being old and lazy means take a smaller paycheque to do less work.. Im not too downtrodden we didnt land him after l said and done.. Sure sounds like he doesnt have the heart or drive to rebuild but the desire to captain something already ready to go..
  8. Must. Keep. Dickenson. If we can, anyway.. A ST ran by him and O' Shea would be a dangerous duo. Miles plz. Cant stand marshall as a defensive coordinator...
  9. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all blue bomber and CFL fans who tread upon this fine forums threads! May all your stockings be stuffed with treats and not coal and your hearts be filled with warmth and love.. Heres to 2014 being the start of new era in bomberland!
  10. Name recognition does wonders for people ... I'd rather have a guy like Figeuroa .. he's an absolute beast, a guy with a mean streak .. and had a great first season with the TiCats .. easily better than anything January has done the past few years .. Name me another "journeyman" tackle that the cflpa voted as an all-star plz.
  11. What's wrong with Greaves? Lotta confused people on this post, yip..
  12. Winnipeg loves 2 things... The bombers and to ***** and moan... Most often about the bombers..
  13. Awesome news.. Anyone thinking this isn't a big deal all things considered are dense..
  14. Jay detain = possibly Henoc Muamba = christmas wish!
  15. Yaaaaaaaaay! Respectometer goes up for o'shea and walters after seeing that..
  16. Hrmz. This is a good question.. Whos an FA on our roster that is noteworthy enough for an "announcement"? Or better, anyone exciting on our neg list QB-wise? This is like an early christmas surprise
  17. We shall have an opportunity to see what it was at least.. More so talent or more so coaching..
  18. You consider it laziness that a person chooses to work in a situation which is more conducive to being successful? Let alone that it is geographically closer to his home... With the hours and work load that coaches put in during the season, laziness is not a quality that a coach who has been in the league for as long as Stubler has been would posess. That statement just smells of sour grapes that he didn't choose Winnipeg. Wonder if you would feel the seem if the Bombers ever turn themselves into a perennial contender and we are able to attract players and coaches as their "first" choice. Will you still call them lazy for coming here? I know its wishful thinking but i hope marcel manages to put an offense together that destroys calgary to be honest.. We offered him more money AND the opportunity to prove himself as a DC who can work wonders.. He chose the soft, easy route.. So if you say its sour grapes for calling it as i see it, so be it.. Would i have liked stubler? Sure, his resume speaks volumes. So much, in fact, i thought this challenge was right up his alley.. Guess i was wrong about his fortitude..
  19. Why would you compare him to those two? And Joseph won a great cup so that can't be that bad.Big arm, physical, havent seen him use his football iq so smarts are questionable... Joseph won a cup, sure but hes no tracy ham..
  20. My word. You guys act like there is a plethora of elite level defensive geniuses just waiting around for work.. While I agree with most sentiments here on the quality of these guys, I honestly wonder what you guys were expecting? Nelson took the chance to make something literally from nothing versus trying a rebuild, cant fault that... stubler took the easy road, knowing his defense is set... To me, that smells of laziness or paycheque puncher... Cant fault him either but id rather someone who wants the challenge revamping the defense.. Someone who is more here for the desire to do something bigger and more fulfilling then picking up an old playbook.. To me, that would be either new blood or someone o'shea trusts...
  21. wow just wowSadly, he does have a point.. Goltz, brink and elliott all seemed stagnant and not really developing at all as it was... Chicken or the egg... Yea yea.. Vicious circle type arguement..
  22. Thats not too surprising... Turners a beast AND a great locker room presence.. I expect he will be leaned on to be a leader on this defense..
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