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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Sucks we might lose dickenson (or will lose dickenson) i was looking forward to him and o'shea kicking our ST into a higher gear (pun intended)
  2. So this leads me to believe that o'shea would be versed in etcheverry's game plans and schemes...or that if he was.hired that o'shea would have input into the defenses..
  3. They have better Canadian content than some other teams...with decent scouting down south they could do pretty well. People keep waiting for Glenn to turtle when he gets pressured. But he's one of the best in the league at reading and reacting to blitzes. Well, ya hit him and he turtles. This is well documented. If their o-line struggles, glenn will struggle.. Also, he is always stuck in mediocrity but rises up for certain reasons.. to me, he somehow manages to play above his level and then peters out.. As opposed to qbs who are stellar and end up playing below their level..
  4. But he could also be a bishop or joseph. Sample size is simply too small to tell.. Id like to say that there must be a reason why he is in the cfl and he must have some deficiency that hasnt come to light yet..
  5. Nice that iceman is back, shame it wasnt with us..
  6. Heres the thing... Did o'shea play in a etchevery defense? If so and bought into as a good thing then wouldnt he be the right one to make the call? Thats me being the devils advocate as i reaaaaaaaaaally hope we dont go this route myself..
  7. wow just wowSadly, he does have a point.. Goltz, brink and elliott all seemed stagnant and not really developing at all as it was...
  8. I think our jumbotrons might have a melt down if they keep the closed captioning on when they try to say his name... Oh snap! We should have a betting pool on what it spits out lol
  9. Also glad to see lirim alphabet soup here for camp too.. Between him and McKnight, should be a good battle.. Anyone know what nationality that name is?
  10. Glad BTJ is back.. Sorenson, Greaves, Morley, Max Hall are too im sure.. Might this be the turning of the tide to land Collaros? "so, we resigned Turner to an extension eh Zack" "so if I sign here, I don't have to live in fear anymore?"
  11. Hugh o'neil and id rather go with the guys we have.. Tho wasnt he signed elsewhere?
  12. Awesome synopsis.. Thanks for that dee.. Also makes me more comfy with the idea of MB as oshgoshbagosh wanted him..
  13. Probably someone along the lines of Sherman, Volny, Fitzgerald or Rene Stephan I'd wager.I'm not sure any of those guys are worth risking losing Kohlert. How hard is it to understand that kohlert is an FA and walk away at anytime come feb 15th. Id rather lose 2 months of negotiations versus a solid special teamer or potential backup at a ratio breaker spot.. Also, that if he really wants to be here that he probably has A deal in place..
  14. Hell has officially frozen over... I agree with blutes magutes! Having morely as a contingency plan (and yes if need be, starter) is not the worst casr scenario..
  15. Not the most sterling accomplishment in the world considering how it was previously... Yup. Hence the blind squirrel finding a nut concept mentioned as well.. Regardless, if true, coulda been worse..
  16. Mack will always get credit from me for picking Muamba when almost everyone believed he should've went with Mitchell. As a friendly reminder, I was the first guy to pump Muamba's tires... I wanted Edem too. And Coehoorn. Just sayin'... I would have protected Kohlert. Yup, nothing more pretentious then just having to pump yer own tires..
  17. Ulrich.. Reputable? Never heard of him.. Any relation to *****? Also, not the end of the world if true.. Offense DID improve under him regardless of what people say.. Tho, blind squirrel finding a nut concept does factor in, yes..
  18. Too funny.. I do sincerely hope we try our damnedness to get kohlert back in feb (if he doesnt re-up in rEDbLACK) as i really thought he came a long way in 2 seasons... Unless of course he has no desire to be here..
  19. We could do alot better then Bellefeuille but we could also do alot worse then Bellefeuille.. So if its marcel and we can convince to him to give up his mancrush on Boltus.. Meh. Offense will improve but wont wow anyone..
  20. You were sick? Huh. Thought your texting seemed a little diseased.. Yup, i can tell that.. Just like people can tell inflection on posts here
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