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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I get my butt hurt as you say when fans start saying a guy like Stubler is lazy. I just shake my head. We haven't had a coach like that on our team for years & yet some are complaining or now questioning his supposed hiring. The other thing, these guys put in long, long hours everyday during the season. Maybe the guy was just having a bad day. Former Stamps OL coach Dan Dorazio used to get to McMahon Stadium at 3:30 am every morning during the season & I read he used to leave at 7 pm at night. George Cortez would sleep in. He'd come in at 4:15 am & leave whenever many hours later... The life of a coach is a hard one. SPuDs I have no doubt that once Stubler is announced as the new DC you'll be his biggest booster because we know that's how you roll. Smiley, SpuDs... I'm using a smiley here.... honestly iso, im not going to be comfortable with HC, DC and depending on who is an OC until they have proven to be good choices... im going into this upcoming season with alot of heebie-jeebie feelings about how this could all turn out... i know it sounds weird but i actually found it easier to put faith into unknowns like burke at HC then already knowns like Stubler at DC.. also, O'Shea wouldnt have me worried if he had even a seasons worth of DC or even some assistant HC..
  2. yea me either and under his watch, i didnt see any significant improvements.. i do like the idea of johnson as the vp but i do hate seeing him leave the field of play as he is a very good cfl ref..
  3. iso, why you get so butthurt when someone has a conflicting opinion to yours? its not an insult when someone thinks differently, stay calm and bomber on.. atomic, the guy is more of a positron then myself so i gotta give him props, especially with the amount of trolls he has to weed thru.. and as for stubler, i strongly agree with the catch 22 scenario.. O'Shea would benefit greatly from his experience but stublers defenses last of the last 3+ seasons have not impressed me at all.. if our offense struggles (odds are good on that) and we need defensive greatness then its gonna make me nervous..
  4. sigh. cfl came out and said it wasn't considered cheating but a legal if uncool way around the rule..ya kno, for a dr...
  5. seriously? he just led his team to a greycup berth (yayaya so did buck) and no one is saying he is the fix or the saviour we all want BUT if we are unable to land the next superstar QB or if his learning curve is too streep outta the gate, having Burris wouldnt be a bad idea... starter for a season maaaaaaaaaaybe 2 wouldnt cause me to panic..
  6. meh. only to diehards tho.. and it could be said it was for his business interests..
  7. im curious too now that walters is GM. Mike mentioned winston from florida state i think... but other then that im drawing a blank..
  8. yes iso, its simply due to the fact he hasnt been a bomber before.. thats why i hate o'shea and i hated craig dickenson before he got here.. sigh.ive explained my stand on higgins... old dog.new tricks. i dont think he evolved at the end of his coaching time prior to becoming director of officiating... he didnt evolve the reffing tbh either... same ongoing issues.. but yea, its definitely because he has no history with the bombers... *rolls eyes*
  9. Really Don Matthews? Can't believe anyone would even say that....I think I see what Spuds is saying. Ya, undeniably a great coach when you look at his record overall, but at some point he just wasn't the same as he used to be.A '67 Camaro is a sweet ******* car til the engine blows and the wheels fall off. yes, thank you! higgins and mathews in their prime were two of the best, no doubt.. some coaches are unable tho to change their game plans for the changes to the game (mike kelly for one, lol) i think both guys just couldnt adapt their concepts and ideas to work in the "new" cfl.. yea i know its all cycles and blah blah but I really think Higgins wouldnt have been a solution to our problems.. Seriously? It's people like you that would have kicked out Ritchie because the last season in his long line of winning was just under par. OMG HE HAD ONE SEASON THAT SUCKED GET RID OF HIM!!!!!111ONE!!!Don is 74 and is dealing with Cancer and retirement. So you can't really use him as an example of "would I want him here right now". Of course not. But 10 years ago...hell yeah. And it has nothing to do with his last season or 2. Same with Higgins. The guy is only 59. Would I want him here in some capacity. Damn straight. a) used mathews aa a reference of having "lost an edge" over the years in regards to how his last few seasons went.. id love to have 2000 mathews in a heart beat.. and no, Ritchie would have never seen the boot if i was a GM, the guy was a guru in my eyes, shitty seasons or not..
  10. I've noticed that a lot of online outlets aren't bothering with the allcaps. Some articles I've seen from the Sun around Canada are going with RedBlacks. Googling REBLACKS this morning, and CBC.ca is also going with RedBlacks. It's such a dumb idea that it might not even gain enough traction to stick til the start of the season.k wait, that wasn't a goofy trend created here? that was an actual thing they tried to start? my word what a dumb idea... Oh, it's a thing.http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/ottawa-cfl-redblacks-franchise-asks-write-nickname-caps-193804246.html stunned... simply stunned. how this ever even saw the light of day...
  11. stubler and o'shea have a history so thats a plus and his experience will go a long way with o'shea and even walters.. but personally never been a huge fan of his weird defenses... cautiously optimistic.. that seems to be my mantra of this upcoming season..
  12. Really Don Matthews? Can't believe anyone would even say that.... and in the 90s and early 2000's id not have brought it up but his last few seasons in the cfl were not a pretty sight..
  13. Really Don Matthews? Can't believe anyone would even say that.... I think I see what Spuds is saying. Ya, undeniably a great coach when you look at his record overall, but at some point he just wasn't the same as he used to be.A '67 Camaro is a sweet ******* car til the engine blows and the wheels fall off. yes, thank you! higgins and mathews in their prime were two of the best, no doubt.. some coaches are unable tho to change their game plans for the changes to the game (mike kelly for one, lol) i think both guys just couldnt adapt their concepts and ideas to work in the "new" cfl.. yea i know its all cycles and blah blah but I really think Higgins wouldnt have been a solution to our problems..
  14. Damn rights I would take Matthews. If he hadn't got sick and retired I would anyway. Guy was a control freak but he was a winning one. again, you saw how his last season as a coach went, right?
  15. he progressively got worse while in calgary,.stymied the growth of the edm team even while winning AND officiating didnt become elite so again, i state im glad he isnt here.. would any of you want don mathews here? whats his cfl record look like?
  16. I've noticed that a lot of online outlets aren't bothering with the allcaps. Some articles I've seen from the Sun around Canada are going with RedBlacks. Googling REBLACKS this morning, and CBC.ca is also going with RedBlacks. It's such a dumb idea that it might not even gain enough traction to stick til the start of the season. k wait, that wasn't a goofy trend created here? that was an actual thing they tried to start? my word what a dumb idea...
  17. not sure myself but id think its a far stretching attempt to reference the rugby side of football. (ie the "all blacks" from new zealand..
  18. Walters prefers Collaros that's all that matters at this point.Wanna bet that's who he prefers? Coming from a guy that just LIKED his own post. that is pretty weak.. yup. anyway.. i got a funny feelin' we end up with Burris and maaaaaaaaaybe Collaros but more likely Burris with a Drew Willy or Nichols...
  19. well he was on a steady decline from first season to last.. and I have to assume knew he didn't have it anymore or else why would he take the "easy" way out? regardless, glad he's not on our management staff.. not to mention, it's not like officiating became something the cfl could look at and say "wow, we got good since 08!"
  20. Nope, I'm not ignoring that at all. Shwarma Time on Ellice has had to put up with some **** over the years, but they're going strong years later with a very specialized menu. Why? Probably because Winnipeg is more ethnicly diverse and densely populated than a place like Morris. For every white bread Winnipeger who wouldn't set foot in a dark and musky Lebanese owned/operated street meat vendor, there is another Winnipeger who will.Do you accept that literally the only reason these businesses couldn't stay afloat was because of racism and bigotry? That if it wasn't for all those darn racist homophobes these businesses would have been thriving? If so, then you must be ignoring the existence of successful businesses owned by people of color in this town that haven't had to close their doors due to attacks by racists. I maintain that these businesses probably failed because the market wasn't right for them, plain and simple. There is no network of bigots in Morris trying to keep down the black/*** man, only a handful of garden-variety assholes you'll find in every town on the planet and a few businesses that were probably doomed to fail from the start. a) I think management telling the world they failed due to bigotry is wrong, yes.. straight up bullshit. small town,.narrowed.minded and the desire to not step out of their little world did both in.. doesn't change the fact that the events happened.. if I had the power, id name the people who were involved and let vigilante justice take it's course.. but I agree, it's not why either place crashes and burned.. but it definitely didn't help..
  21. Let me see...in 7 years as a HC he went 72-53 and brought his teams to the playoffs every year and won the grey cup one of those years.Yeah sounds like he really struggled as a coach. did he not ultimately **** the bed in his last 2 or 3 gigs tho? as it, cfl changed and he didnt?
  22. In other words, it's a lock that Hank will re-sign with the Ticats. I'll be *gobsmacked if he doesn't. * a tip of the hat to GCn11 is that a direct fubar or is there a joke flying over my head? id be godsmacked if i missed it.
  23. Glad I'm not the only one who thought Tillman & Co. looked ridiculous. oh im sure there is a large group of us around
  24. yup. not overly a fan of his either..
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