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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. lmfao. waaaaaait. so he struggled as a coach and a gm then struggled as director of officiating... and yet was considered a good pick for our management staff? glad he never ended up here..
  2. ya kno, he does have other business here.. this could also be an interview.. no need to jump to conclusions quite yet..
  3. The year that Kavis Reed was our DC our defence was pretty good. So I am curious as to why he would be a no for you? What were you watching in 2010? Cleo Lemon made Kavis Reed look like a fool every time he played us. In 2010 the Bombers were the second best team in yards allowed and had the best defence against the pass. (Again, in terms of yards allowed.) In terms of points per game the #1 team gave up 24 points a game where as the Bombers gave up a whopping 3 more points on average per game. That's with a pile of crap for an offence that often did not leave the defence in great position. When Kavis Reed was here, he did a good job. Again, I just don't understand why he would be a definite no for someone. Personally I think Kavis Reed has been tremendously overrated throughout his career. It's not like he's creating great defenses (or STs) where ever he goes. agreed.. and definitely not good enough to put up with his ultimate warrior impressions that are some of his post game interviews...
  4. im a little nervous for this move... dunno what it is but O'Shea makes me worry... could be old rivalries die hard, could be inexperience... the overwhelming confidence from many knowledgeable people here is making me more cautiously optimistic but ill have to be wooed, lol.
  5. k wait.. so yer all so quick to ignore the racist and homophobic stuff directed at the two different owners as "oh country folk bein' country folk" regardless of your own opinions the fact remains that 2 different people were targeted by bigots.. i dont care if their restuarants served dog vomit and were the dirtiest holes in the world.. there is simply no place in this day and age for **** like this... also, for the record, this isnt a "rumoured that.." scenario.. these attacks happened, period.
  6. 6 to 8 teams interested? holy crap. if true, that's a good number of chances to stick...
  7. good luck to burke in toronto.. he is going to do well again as a DC once he settles in and get acclimated to the roster.. or to the new guys he wants brought in, lol.
  8. optimism? how did your phone/tablet/computer not burst into flame after typing that?
  9. wait wait waaaaaaait.... you mean doctor cfl MD was wrong about danny macs sway over in steeltown in finding the 2 best gems on their roster? you dont say..Not that I generally agree with him but that isn't what he said. He said Tillman brought in some guys. And he was right. he essentially said McManus did **** and Tillman did it all, brought guys from EDM, blah blah blah.. I get you need to tow the company line but you and I both know what implication was made..
  10. wait wait waaaaaaait.... you mean doctor cfl MD was wrong about danny macs sway over in steeltown in finding the 2 best gems on their roster? you dont say..
  11. your reasoning.. its just so. wrong. the guys record as a defensive coordinator speaks for itself. stop trolling as its clearly the only thing your attempting here..
  12. you know, it's funny cuz people in the media and in cfl circles say McManus has great connections down south and that he's finding guys left right and centre then you put it all on chiahead.. can you guess who imma believe?
  13. lol. sign a great american scout who has ties not only to our team but to our GM and its not worth getting excited over? even tho its EXACTLY what most negatrons suggested would be an excellent recipe for success with a rookie GM at the helm.. "Come on.... Lets put a smiiiile on that face!"
  14. definitely in the end everybody will see how overrated he was as a DC. lol yea that back to back to back grey cup appearences and shut down defenses... whew. the overratedness is just astounding..
  15. yea I don't believe failure as a rookie HC equates to suddenly losing your pre-existing exceptional DC ability... does it? some kind of voodoo or devil pact?
  16. Heh, after essentially quitting with a small foot injury, you think Simpson wants to come back? while i do agree with you to a point, he did tow the company line enough to make me think he would come back.. different scenarios and coaches, hell Jeff Fisher returning could be enticing..
  17. id definitely offer Simpson essentially the same contract as now... maaaaaaybe a little more for loyalty sake but hes barely had a handful of decent games with what, 1-2 reaaaally good ones? he capable, hes shown that but is he healed? can it be fixed, whatever ongoing issues plague him? when healthy, hes as good as anyone else in the cfl imo... its just him staying at 100% that has to be a concern.. but then again, if we manage to get both ford and him again and go to Ford quicker if he doesnt maintain.. not a bad option.. RBs are a dime a dozen tho and neither are exceptional blockers, Ford being the better of the two..
  18. and i respect you and your opinions and knowledge but i think your hatred of all things mack are blinding you as to just how badly off our team was for canadian talent before he came aboard..
  19. much obliged my friend.. im glad my reasoning wasnt falling completely on deaf ears.. not in anyway endorsing mack (though i was a fan of his until he showed he was incapable of change) just that he did do solid work in starting the rebuilding of our entire canadian content... not just the o line or the d line.. all over the roster as it was a wreck when he came on board..
  20. yea cuz that henoc guy and greaves have just been such busts.. When the ratio goes down to 2 NI's we'll be golden. sigh. such quick, comedic wit. Watson, Volney, Woodson, Dunn, Swiston are all still either here or on CFL rosters are they not? 2 crappy injuries to guys plus Aprile going back to school tells me the drafting isn't nearly as piss poor as your attempting to make it out to be..but I mean continue to slag an ex-gm on something that he wasn't really all that pathetic at, by all means... especially when said GM relied on current GMs input in said draft choices... the reason our canadian content is so piss poor is due to previous regimes mortgaging the future for a hope at winning now... even a complete idiot can see that.. Previous regimes? How long you gonna keep humming that tune??? Mack was in charge for part of 3 seasons & took part in 3 CFL drafts. He''s the reason we suck at the Canadian positions. On top of our lack of Canadian talent, he hired LaPo, fired laPo & hired Tim Burke to replace him which was an unmitigated disaster right from the start. Really not all that pathetic??? Kelly and I think even Taman at the end left our depth in shambles.. I mean, we had shawn gallant starting at safety for christ sakes at one point. we had no LB depth, no Dline depth behind Brown and very thin o-line depth behind the starters.. our canadian receivers were a joke plain and simple.. Since Mack was brought in, we have an actual progression plan of some sort at o-line, actual starting level LB, a plan in place to try and fix the safety spot again and some decent Dline depth in the pipeline. I think your blind if you think the talent hasn't been steadily improving. Its far from elite but its on the right path... a damn sight better then it was.. Now with Walters as the GM, I do fully expect it to improve via FA and probably same level of quality drafts.. Rebuilding the teams Non-Import talent base takes a long time when your unable to land any guys via FA and when you lose em due to crappy situations.. but this problem was in place BEFORE mack regardless if you believe it or not.. Spuds has me convinced. Let's hire Mack back and see how things play out over the next 3 years. We might reach 7 wins by the third year. Hurray! ok clearly there is some confusion amongst the ranks here.. my comments in regards to our canadian talent and depth are by no means an endorsement or defense of mack. i liked the guy but by his end, i too was glad to see a move made. im not saying we shoulda kept him nor am i saying replacing him was a bad move.. Mack was a failure.. but one of the things he actually managed to improve on was our canadian situation.. there is a great many things to roast Mack for during his time as GM. the "poor" situation that our canadian talent is currently at isnt one of them... he took a brutally bad aspect of our club and did improve it despite contrary belief.. thats all im saying.. taman and kelly butchered our canadian prospects and depth... mack managed to get that turned around for us and i fully expect walters to continue that trend for us..
  21. lol on the post and yer new avy
  22. yea cuz that henoc guy and greaves have just been such busts.. When the ratio goes down to 2 NI's we'll be golden. sigh. such quick, comedic wit. Watson, Volney, Woodson, Dunn, Swiston are all still either here or on CFL rosters are they not? 2 crappy injuries to guys plus Aprile going back to school tells me the drafting isn't nearly as piss poor as your attempting to make it out to be.. but I mean continue to slag an ex-gm on something that he wasn't really all that pathetic at, by all means... especially when said GM relied on current GMs input in said draft choices... the reason our canadian content is so piss poor is due to previous regimes mortgaging the future for a hope at winning now... even a complete idiot can see that.. Previous regimes? How long you gonna keep humming that tune??? Mack was in charge for part of 3 seasons & took part in 3 CFL drafts. He''s the reason we suck at the Canadian positions. On top of our lack of Canadian talent, he hired LaPo, fired laPo & hired Tim Burke to replace him which was an unmitigated disaster right from the start. Really not all that pathetic??? Kelly and I think even Taman at the end left our depth in shambles.. I mean, we had shawn gallant starting at safety for christ sakes at one point. we had no LB depth, no Dline depth behind Brown and very thin o-line depth behind the starters.. our canadian receivers were a joke plain and simple.. Since Mack was brought in, we have an actual progression plan of some sort at o-line, actual starting level LB, a plan in place to try and fix the safety spot again and some decent Dline depth in the pipeline. I think your blind if you think the talent hasn't been steadily improving. Its far from elite but its on the right path... a damn sight better then it was.. Now with Walters as the GM, I do fully expect it to improve via FA and probably same level of quality drafts.. Rebuilding the teams Non-Import talent base takes a long time when your unable to land any guys via FA and when you lose em due to crappy situations.. but this problem was in place BEFORE mack regardless if you believe it or not..
  23. *stares blankly at monitor while shaking head*
  24. not sure if serious... Knowing bluto, I think it's tongue & cheek. very true...but still thought id ask as you simply never know..
  25. yea cuz that henoc guy and greaves have just been such busts.. When the ratio goes down to 2 NI's we'll be golden. sigh. such quick, comedic wit. Watson, Volney, Woodson, Dunn, Swiston are all still either here or on CFL rosters are they not? 2 crappy injuries to guys plus Aprile going back to school tells me the drafting isn't nearly as piss poor as your attempting to make it out to be.. but I mean continue to slag an ex-gm on something that he wasn't really all that pathetic at, by all means... especially when said GM relied on current GMs input in said draft choices... the reason our canadian content is so piss poor is due to previous regimes mortgaging the future for a hope at winning now... even a complete idiot can see that..
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