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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. yea just read today they are treating it as a homicide now.
  2. we were in this game the entire time. just one of those odd ball games.
  3. could definitely be a wise move seeing as how bi-polar our weather can be.
  4. nope. but did help me nail the cause. its definitely my works browser filter. nailed it for "file sharing/storage" stoopid fortigard filters.
  5. its weird, its like my PC decides what pics to allow me to see lol. Sometimes they come thru, others they just gimme the weird file name. I think it has something to do with my filters setup on my work comp.
  6. yea I can see an influx of Hamstring pulls and the like. going to be some cramps and possibly tears if the guys don't warm up fully.. maybe Wild can do pre-practice/tryout yoga?
  7. SPuDS


    yea me too.. plus his own purse plus half of Mengas? thats substantial.. can't believe he wouldn't go for it.
  8. I dunno why but I can never see these posts.. all I get is the file name "xznyAih.jpg"
  9. SPuDS


    wow.. must have really blew it on the cut if they wouldn't just dock some of his prize. smooth move Menga.
  10. Who and what? never heard of Apotex.
  11. Ya me too.. always was groggy on friday mornings or have to haul ass to get home in time for decent sleep.
  12. Chariot has definitely been as advertised. 3rd pairing d-man. I really think hes plateaued. our whole defensive unit last game was pretty bad.. ya I agree, Poolman looked shaky at times but thats to be expected.. Chariot should be more poised and polished by now and having him and Poolman together is risky.
  13. well, clearly. I mean, if the glasses don't prove that.. his "you are all stupid peons" way of speaking sure conveys the coolness too.
  14. this is kind of what I was eluding to, (not the out to lunch part lol) just that my opinion is just as valid as his or yours and nobody has the right to say "you're talking out of your ass" because my opinion differs from theirs. You don't agree, cool.. say so.
  15. Ive always hated that... why wear sunglasses, inside, when you are on a radio show? even when it became a tv radio show.. you ain't hunter S thompson!
  16. Dont get me wrong.. I agree, he is a hell of a MLB. he was gritty, smart and played with a large chip on his shoulder. I just don't believe he is on par with the best of the best if you take out the nationality. would I have him starting for me to allow for an american in another spot? absolutely. Would I have him starting for me if i didn't need the ratio busting? Sure, unless someone better was available. Would someone better be available? Depends on your scouting and GM I suppose but if it was like for like, no other factors to the equation, I'd be going with an American MLB every day.
  17. *bangs head on desk* you honesty cannot tell the difference between closing speeds, reaction times, coverage skills, side to side movement, reading plays or positional play from watching football for.. what I'd assume is close to 25-30 years? I'm not asking you to definitively say yes or no.. this isn't gun to your head asking you to make a choice and damn the torpedoes.. opinion, views, "I feel.." you don't usually have any issue saying what you feel lol. why now. but ok, whatever.. consider it dropped.
  18. ok fine, take my wacky-tacky weird notch equation out of it... you still think O'shea would stack up against a Solominian or Battle? I love Canadian starters as much as anyone else.. O'shea was solid but.. matched up against serious American talent?
  19. My comment about him being 4-5 notches below his american counterparts was the one that really did it huh? There is only 3 Canadian MLBs who I can recall were worth starting in lieu of an American.. Singleton, Muamba and O'shea. I don't think O'shea was as good as Singleton. I think hes on par with Muamba. I would rather start a Greg Battle, Alondra Johnson, Adam Bighill, Rennie Curran, John Grace or one of the other dozens of elite level MLBS that have come thru the CFL in the last 3-4 decades over a Muamba or *gasp! dare I say it* O'shea..
  20. Sure, if you want to compare me defending our all-star defensive backs and their abilities to cover man to man to me comparing a canadian MLB (who was very good in his own right) to his more talented and more capable american counterparts then you go right ahead and call me a pot or kettle. completely different scenarios but hey, whatever helps you feel better about yourself.
  21. wow. thats a pretty dickish comment there. I'd never imply that your opinion isn't as valid as someone else's. what, pray tell, inside your oh so amazing CFL football knowledge base otherwise known as your brain, what quantifies you as being able to tell me that my opinion isn't valid? is it your playing experience? Maybe your time spent with players and coaches on the sidelines then? Sports journalist or statistician? whats that?? Your basing your own opinions on the exact same things as I am, eyeball test and listening to other people's views?? huh.. you don't say. take your opinion of my thoughts and shove em up your ass.. you are just as qualified to make these kind of opinions and I don't feel like you have any position to call my opinion down.
  22. so watching all these guys play and seeing their abilities and deficiencies doesn't quantify me to have an opinion?? cool story bro, tell it again.
  23. well he definitely didn't have the same speed or thump as most import LBs though. He was no Barrin Simpson or Solly.. he was definitely 4-5 notches better then Hurl though, no doubt
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