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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I would have thought Kyle had a home run selling angle with "and if you sign with us... Loffler never lines up against you in a game again! Well, as long as you stay a bomber that is.. heh heh"
  2. that and anyone who thinks Khari doesn't have the mental fortitude to be an offensive coordinator in this league then they are clued out.. the guy was one of the smartest players i've seen.
  3. ya that definitely could have been it.. and I agree, that opening scene was pretty awesome.
  4. watched the first epi last night.. was a little meh imo.
  5. man oh man the police are taking a beating this month.. rcmp, wps..
  6. Haywood was not "damn good" he was serviceable. He was solid if not spectacular.. He wasn't some amazing interior lineman though. he was good enough. and Hargs? you've clearly got some revisionist history going on. He was decent but like previously mentioned, I think all of the guys walters has used have surpassed his pass totals. Hargs was a solid posession receiver. Coates can stretch the defense a bit AND make big catches.. JFG too.
  7. you did read where he said fit everything into a 1-2 year window... so sacrificed long term success for potential gains now.. pop quiz. which method of general managing do you think works best. taman's fire sale of canadian talent and picks for a win now mentality or Walters build from the ground up and work towards said a win now mentality.. I like option B personally.
  8. fair enough. I definitely don't want to be considered someone who supports trump or supports accusers being dragged thru the mud. women have been slighted for far too long and I am most happy to see predatory people getting their comeuppance.
  9. I was such a big supporter of Taman back in the day.. getting some space and opening the eyes a bit... really allowed me to see he really lucked out in so many facets of his job. his work in saskabush sealed the deal on my opinion of him.. how he managed to function half as well as he did here amazes me.
  10. with that I agree... when you have overwhelming supportive evidence and multiple people coming forward then yup there is no need for anyone to say "think of the guy, maybe its false.." situations like moore, weinstein, lauer, etc.. nobody should be defending these guys.. thats not what I'm saying though, so we are probably off on 2 different tangents.
  11. LMFAO, No its not actually. its wanting to make sure people consider that not every accusation is going to be accurate to make sure proper vetting happens before the nooses are tied. Is that such a terrible thing to want? I mean I get it, you want to champion the females who have been treated so poorly for so long.. I get that, I appreciate that. I want to see them continue to come forward and take predators to task.. Just not at the risk of the pendulum swinging to the point where every man accused is automatically burned at the stake like the salem witch trials.
  12. thats the take away from people being concerned about false accusations? worrying about the creeps?
  13. This is really interesting... and not in a good way. Very curious to see how this plays out.. some Canadians injured as well..
  14. Completely understandable... I don't imagine many people look at that time very fondly, at all.. definitely seems that way.. I mean, beyond some jumpy forum-goers.. Totally agree with this.. Thought Clark was a very good MLB.. Though, I thought he did get his props while here.. though, could be wrong. very true. I think it was definitely a moment that called for that neuro-flashy thingy from men in black.
  15. oh no doubt, they have taken periods (and it seems like games at times) off for sure.. but the rebound seems to be much quicker and less likely to fizzle out then in the other seasons..
  16. where in any of my posts did I proclaim Hall to be highly thought of (even tho, yes he has a pretty decent track record in the CFL.. not amazing but pretty solid) or that he is the best we could find? I'm saying you guys are lambasting an organization that while fell short of our goal, did accomplish some pretty good things this season. We haven't had the virtue of 3 weeks to decide what we want to do. again, exit interviews, final thoughts, decisions etc etc leading into the off-season need to be done BEFORE you fire someone.. maybe those are still going, maybe they are done and they have been offering contracts.. nobody knows but I guess it IS much more fun to sit here and be hyper-critical about a process none of us knows about, right?
  17. ya was more so a joke then anything. I'm pretty sure its been used by both sides of the equation, yup.
  18. yea for "fast food" burger, 5 guys is my fave. their fries are pretty freakin' good too.. malt vinegar, bit of ketchup.. or just plain even. delish! damnit, now I'm hungry.
  19. dont think you can say "regularly" anymore seeing as we are a top 3 team in the league. I'd say it has happened when we have been flat for a period or two but regularly is a pretty heavy embellishment for this season..
  20. hes gotta wear the goat horns for the defense. I don't believe its fully on him though or as to the why he has struggled mightily in getting the yards and time on the field down to manageable levels. I think Hall is a very capable DC. gets a lot out of his guys and can get them to play shutdown football... its the consistency that is the true glaring issue.
  21. I tend to think thats by design more so then by inaccuracy. He wants to avoid turnovers at all costs.. he places the ball away from defender, closer to receiver. I don't believe he has an issue with the long ball.. tho he probably lagged a bit at the end of the season in throwing it, knee and hand injuries..
  22. good question... me, I'm curious about Craphoso Thorpe. wonder what hes up to.
  23. very true. Not sure where the issue lies.. People want to blame Hall and rightly so but it wasn't like each member didn't take their turns getting beat at times for big plays. I do tend to think its more so a scheme issue then talent issue but I just can't wrap my head around Hall's coaching being this bad all of the sudden.. He has had some very good defenses at times.. even last season we had some game s where our defense, secondary in particular, played very well..
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