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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Exactly, well said. nobody knows whats happening behind the scenes. everyone is too busy running around, acting like the sky is falling because someone signed a DC, someone who had ample time to get ready for said signing, seeing as they were not in the playoffs.. patience is a virtue. just another reason as to why I'm in the same boat. If someone with your backround was leery of him coming aboard, makes me a bit more content in knowing we didn't land him. oh, I didn't realize you speak for the whole of the fan base. Fans being so demanding and expecting changes... isn't that a bit of an FU to the bombers? you know, the team that just had a home playoff game, 12-6 record, etc etc?
  2. SPuDS


    I agree.. when the fight cards were HW dominant... my god they were horrible to watch. (and I was still paying for PPV's then!) then it got decent for a bit there with like you said, Cain and the Nogs and struve and fighters in that small time frame. when it was all Mir, Sylvia, Nelson et all.. what a horror story... 3 mins of action followed by 12 mins of lay and pray or horribly thrown strikes that burned them out worse then if they didn't throw at all..
  3. as loathe as I am to say it, we are still trying to break generations of a mentality that women are meat and men are god. old habits die hard. its not a defense, its not an excuse.. its the why (imo) and even though people know better and people realize what a foolish notion it was many years ago, old men don't change their stripes. women are meat, underlings are meat. equality has come a long way but it has so much further to go. I am happy to see it happening, I'm sad to see how common place it has been for so long. I'm happy to see justice being served even if its just a dismissal or a firing. I'm sad to see how many cases of this will never see the light of day because they are not as "important" as these political and hollywood/media hyped ones. we've come a long way but there is still a long long ways to go.
  4. SPuDS


    hah ya so true.. I agree with GSP.. he came back, he shut up his critics.. if he wanted to parlay his career into super fights, I'd be happy to see him ride off into the sun-set.. ya the HW division has been a laughing stock ever since... what, the ultimate fighter 2? Lol. they tried to re-stock it and my god, jobbers galore. its nice to see some real fighters again.
  5. these 2 points I think are very accurate. We now score first in a lot of our games... takes the edge off of the guys for some reason it seems and when they get tied up or even go down one, they keep on an even keel. It does seem that once we score first tho, we do play better then last years teams.. no panicky play, no over-tightening of the sticks, etc. Ditto to the second point, we seem to keep our heads on straight and not lose focus.. I think this team has matured a fair bit over the last year.. with the youth movement getting more acclimated to the NHL game and its every-day grind.. knowing they are capable of scoring at any given time, from all lines... also helps, i'm sure. the panic that used to consume the team tho, leading to 2-3-4 goals against without a hitch seems to have evaporated.. *knocks on wood*
  6. yea I kinda think that is exactly how she played it out to, to be honest. Used the moment to make the opposition look bad.
  7. ya that would be one drunk GM who chose O'donnell over Bond me thinks.. shocking but then again... is it? is it really? the East in general has been such a tire fire.
  8. a) 2 players doesn't make a defense.. b ) Both players didn't seem to play up to their usual standards last season.. Not that i'd wanna go away from either but still, were not on their best games.
  9. SPuDS


    what a clown. Yea its his fault his colon and intestine don't work properly and cause him insane amounts of pain, cramping and inordinate amounts of time on the can.. might as well insult handicapped kids and war vets while hes at it.
  10. which I think is awesome... if any of them are truly clean athletes... come on down. I'd hope Russia wouldn't be so anal as to not pay the athletes who still wanna compete to go. i'm very impressed with this. Russia is no slouch on the world stage and to stand up to them in this fashion is pretty solid.
  11. you've clearly missed my point. The guy admitted it was a dumb joke. apologized. went thru "sensitivity" training and then apologized... again. thats not the issue.. the issue is what was a joke between 3 people has spiraled into this. I imagine Bezan doesn't want to go through the even longer hassle of trying to clear his name at this point either.. because, again, it doesn't clear your name. Once you've been linked to something heinous, you don't just walk away from it.. especially in the age of the internet. I want people coming forward. I want perverts, pedophiles, predators and rapists to all get dragged thru the mud. arrested and charged. I want all accusers to not fear being ridiculed and made to felt badly about coming forward... I also want people to lighten the F up, NOT insinuate sexual abuse or harassment because someone tells a joke they don't like. as I said, he never once made leering motions, gropey hand gestures or anything untoward.. he made a joke, about conflicting political foes being put together for a photo op.. if a grown-ass woman can't handle a joke, why the hell is she in politics?
  12. You don't see this as a reach in regards to having been accused of sexual harassment? Anyone who's name has been brought up in national media as a person who has sexually harassed someone will carry that stigma.. where is the confusion exactly? as for the comparison of Bezan saying "not my kind of 3 way.." by having a photo op of 2 different political parties together isn't anything even remotely close to Micheal Jackson and his numerous incidents with children being in his care..
  13. totally deserving.. sucks for the athletes who are clean and doing things properly for sure but.. glad they Oly committee stuck to their guns.
  14. exactly. and yet they had to actually stop the house of commons, give this lady her moment of silence to rehash an already dealt with issue. that bugs me. why revisit it? what point did it serve? sure, I agree with that but an accusation of sexual harassment doesn't really just go away.. you will always have that stigma around your name... sure, 10 15 years later maybe not but.. for now? ya it will linger.
  15. it was a comparison that relates what the court of public opinion does to a person, not the acts themselves.. dont be obtuse. I hope it does end here for him too but its now on the internet forever. Any searches done in the future will have a link to "accused of sexual harrass.." for who knows how long going forward.. is that fair? Sure, he shouldn't have made the joke so he wears the goat horns.. but everything following up to and including stopping the house of commons to re-air the dirty laundry that had already been dealt with and apologized for... thats ridiculous.
  16. Ya I don't think hes not in the game because he wasn't wanted.. I think he was just done at that point... Now, a few years off can revitalize the drive but... it also is 3 years removed from active defenses and what offenses are doing these days.
  17. we'd have to beg Reed to let Mack go. Not sure if Walters would be willing to do that, lol.
  18. I think so too.. its a nice little place. good food, good people.
  19. you're joking right? of course its going to stick with him.. I accuse you, in the media, of leering at kids at a play ground... sure you didn't do it.. sure you don't get charged but guess what.. people will remember the connection between you and that accusation.. and this is from the headline from the globe and mail.. "Tory MP James Bezan accused of making ‘humiliating’ sexual comment" an accusation via the media is just as damning to his constituents then one to the authorities.. again, if it was a legit complaint where he deliberately went out of his way a la Matt Lauer or Weinstein to be perverse, predatory or overly perverted... then have at. this was a joke he made, not meant for group consumption I'd assume that has been blown WAY out of proportion.
  20. and I agree.. I was merely pointing out that the bird dogs have found 2 guys who have shown well enough on the field in limited duties.. lets hope they continue.
  21. Oh don't get me wrong, I agree with 99.9995% of the stuff coming out as being very wrong and needing to be aired properly and to have the people who are guilty being made examples of. This one tho, I just can't believe its caused as much consternation as it has through the government and media. It was so tame in comparison.. wrong place for a joke, sure. but thats what it was, a joke. not a come on, not a grope, not a molestation. a joke directly related to what was happening at the time.. hell he didn't do it leerying at her while making the boobie grab motions.. he meant it as he said it, different political parties together for a photo op. call him guilty of bad taste.. sure. sexual harassment tho? is it worth dragging someone thru the mud over? His reputation is now going to be soiled because of an off-colour joke... i dunno man, this bothers me.
  22. You honestly believe what transpired here was a sexual assault?
  23. The Bezan "harrassment" claim is such a farce. He made a joke about being in a threesome with rival political party members.. not that he wanted her naked and in bed. I get it, it was in bad taste but to have it blow up tot this level of absurdness... after apologizing... and apologizing... and being cleared by the house of any sexual harassment misconduct.. absolute farce. I mean the guy even went thru sensitivity training (which is hilarious to me, what he did was NOT worth having to sit thru a betterment course!) and she still felt the need to rise up, stop everything and make this asinine claim against him. Maybe, Just MAAAAAAAAAAYBE there is a bit of an over-reaction here?? Maybe she needs desensitization training to not take everything said as perverse or offensive. Man alive I hate politically correctness bullshit.
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