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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. a fair bit of column A, a good chunk of column B. neither's play was conducive to a winning formula.
  2. Ya I see that as a worst case ontario for sure. If this were to happen, I'd be pretty stunned.
  3. so that means go against your principals and sign a guy who walked away from the team? Seems legit.
  4. I really liked Nelson's defense.. I wouldn't mind that move at all..
  5. either one id think.. both have not left a good taste in the mouths of our fanbase.
  6. well not to sound like an idiot but what did Hurl's placement in the defense have to do with us getting all those explosive plays? Some (but very few) happened to come thru the middle but the majority were broken plays, missed tackles and poor execution.. **not that I am advocating keeping Hall OR Hurl in anyway, shape or form... just devil's advocate**
  7. Oh I agree.. what happened was exactly what I exected to happen.. He would have some solid games mixed in with ones where he was either gassed or unfocused just from the weight of being a starting goalie without getting a chance to truly get his feet wet. I didn't expect him to play all that great at all last year.. I also didn't expect a rebound like he has this year tho.. last year he was as expected to me imo.. this season hes blowing away my expectations.
  8. you wanna see a lynching? Because that is how you cause a lynching..
  9. true, he does seem to like specific talents on his offensive teams.. always thought he was a systems guy more so building a system around players..
  10. its becoming a chicken or the egg scenario for sure... is it the talent? we seem to be cycling thru players at 3 key spots really (d-line, LB and secondary) without much continued success.. or is it the defense making these players look lost, bad and getting beat? I really hope we can come to some form of conclusion in the off-season and just freakin' fix it.
  11. so... he had no hand last year? did we just tape the catcher to his jersey ? how'd we grow him a new hand is the better question!
  12. I agree, doesn't seem like its very interwoven like all the others tend to have been.. kind of a stand-alone.
  13. baby steps, lol. No I concur, we need to be capable of finding some pass catchers. It should be one of the easier positions to stock talent at.. I wonder if Walters and scouts are maybe being too cute and only bringing in some specific guys, ones who have been on neg list for awhile type scenario.. I think Givens will turn out to be a good find for us as well though.. so potentially 2 in one year is a good sign..
  14. no I agree but it is usually an indicator of some form of friction.. I'd have looked at Thorpe as DC personally from what I've seen of his defenses... but I also don't know if it would have worked well with the culture we have going at the moment..
  15. ...? was he not fired from his last gig as well?
  16. graphic and not terribly so.. he is a ****** but still human.. really like the direction it takes and how well the casting was done.
  17. I wonder if knowing Helly #1, Mason #2 was also something that helped centre his mind a bit.. Knowing he was in a battle for that role with Hutch et all could have been playing mind tricks with him. Mason and him sitting down and establishing roles and knowing what each player is there for essentially may very well have helped calm the nerves. Fundamentally wise tho, I'm sure the summer camp went a long ways to get him back to where he needed to be.
  18. Punisher on netflix. cannot stress enough how good this has been.
  19. I know, my girlfriend brought me there and when I first arrived... after cringing a few times at the dive-esque vibe of the joint, it has surprised me. been back many times.
  20. Best hashbrowns that I've ever had is from this place called Charlee's at 185 Stadacona St. They have a really good buffet as well, some philipino stuff from what I can tell but I go for the regular bacon n eggs n hashbrowns..
  21. Yea I dunno if Thorpe and O'shea would blend well together. I'm really hoping Richie wows oshea in the off-season with an idea to revamp the areas we are struggling in... I don't know if I my heart can handle those big explosion plays again game after game... though, if the offense somehow improves and adds some speedy receivers to maximize their potential... maybe we can get into those slugfests and walk out the winners like we did this season..
  22. No but it really does help and lend some validity to your positions.. If you've lived it, its easier to relate.
  23. at the end of the day, who the hell really cares if he doesn't feel like talking to the media? I don't.. he keeps winning, he can throw batteries at them for all I care.
  24. by design or by lack of players capable of making those plays?
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