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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. don't worry, he will just re-word his previous post... again.. and make it sound like hes adding something knew to the equation... then imply we are all foolish for not following his preachings.. He predicted Lapo's firing dontcha know.. hes like a prophet!
  2. oh I agree... I bet its going to be 98 to 1 if not higher of truthful accusations versus someone being petty... its just going to be a ***** to figure out those petty ones from the actual predators... I hate seeing innocent people getting ruined, be it from accusations or false arrests or whatever the case may be.. I don't think for a moment these claims and firings and whatnot shouldn't be happening.. I'm very happy that the world has exposed so many of these creeps and attackers.
  3. were we not a 50 or 40/1 to win earlier? wish I woulda put down a 20.
  4. has he been hurt in simple plays like Watson was over and over again or have they been devastating hits? I know the last one was hellacious and I thought last years injury wasn't far behind.. he has injured that shoulder a few times now though so a chronic situation could be arising..
  5. so much this. what's the rush? People haven't even cleaned out their offices yet I'd surmise. Besides the fact that there is still work to be done. No need to run around like our hair's on fire because the team isn't giving us the step by step process of their off-season... and frankly, its kind of asinine to think we are owed that by the team.
  6. Not to mention the exit interviews, getting Hall's take on how the players played within the system, the players take on the DC and schemes used.. people forget that this is a business. things take time. teams who were not in the playoffs (BC and Montreal) are going to get a head start because they were done 3 weeks ago. this isn't madden, you can't just plug in players or coaches by making a few clicks or button presses, lol.
  7. I have to admit, I'm taken aback with how many of these claims have come forward against so many differenr personalities.. its sickening to be honest. At some point tho, the lines between fact and fiction are going to blur. It has to be looked at as all are guilty first and foremost in my mind.. cannot shame the victim even if they are not being 100% truthful or else others will be or continue to be fearful of coming forward..
  8. No, whats sad is you are hell bent on converting people to your bizarre "WE NEED TEH EXPERIENCEZ'D COACH N GMZ!" theory when we can clearly see we don't after what has transpired in the last few years. Also, just because you refuse to believe what... oh everyone has been saying about the bombers being a coach and GM graveyard causing us to have to look outside of the box for coaches (or pay an extravagant price... which we were not able to do back when we needed to find a quality coach/gm due to cost restraints and availability) doesn't make it truth. from all indications, we DID try to land some "big name" coaches and GMs when we were doing the hiring.. and were unable to do so, obviously. It wasn't due to a lack of wanting or trying like you seem to want to force everyone here to believe.. You do realize we have ALL been here for years, watching all of these regime changes? Its not like we are oblivious to whats transpired in the last decade..
  9. I think with the market being as flooded as it is, we should be able to land 1 or 2 legit WRs to push our guys.. Denmark, I think is long in the teeth and needs a replacement at this point... Dressler, if back, can bump down the depth chart and we can land 1-2 guys to battle for 2a-b if all goes according to plan.
  10. You honestly think we need to bring in a new GM and coach at this point?? I'm pretty comfortable at the moment with how our management team looks.
  11. interesting.. worth trying to land then, for sure.
  12. who? was he on a roster this year, name is unfamiliar..
  13. you ever heard the saying "when everyone one else is saying one thing and you are saying the other... that maybe, just maybe, you could be incorrect?" sometimes its just best to let it go man..
  14. lol ya thats what I figured and I doubt anyone else would have noticed or had the same inclination I did but my brain does some odd things at times .
  15. couldn't have used a different saying, eh? lol.
  16. the 5 of ours plus the 2 bolded I agree with.. plus walker or Zylstra if they stay CFL bound.. Not a fan of Bridge or Edwards... Durant would be a nice pickup if Demski can't be convinced to come home..
  17. Yea thats an odd move.. risky move cotton, lets see if it pays off.. this is kind of how I see the payoff ending, yup.
  18. crazy how an inexperienced rookie coach can develop into an experienced coach capable of producing double digit win seasons.. can't believe someone took a chance on him to let him prove himself.
  19. interesting... not sure if this is a good thing for BC fans or not.
  20. was just coming to post https://www.tsn.ca/pending-free-agent-kicker-medlock-weighing-all-his-options-after-bombers-loss-to-esks-1.914207 but ya beat me to the punch lol.
  21. hopefully we hear something sooner than later.. either a "he isn't going anywhere.." or the more preferable "we thank Richie for his years of service but have decided to.."
  22. I was surprised how quick Medlock re-upp'd too after his exit interview but I guess he was just still annoyed with how the season panned out. Glad hes back to prove last year was an anomaly and like you said, lets Felix work on his FG kicking for another season without being forced to the wolves.
  23. and I agree, dumb football plays cost them the game by far but those are comments that should be reserved for locker room, team meetings or if you don't want to get into a verbal or physical confrontation, DM on twitter or FB.. you cannot say something that absolutely slags a team mate in the media.. or at least if I was a coach or GM anyway. Nothing breeds cancer in a locker room like insulting your comrades via the media.
  24. Gotta protect your team mates, not throw em under the bus.. even if they do some dumb stuff.
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