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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. ya thats pretty pathetic of him to say.. "I could have been meaner but I held myself..." Oh, really? So completely blaming a teammate for the loss in the greycup is "holding back" what a clownshoe.
  2. I do agree that we need a win in the playoffs now. we have established ourselves as a playoff team again, getting a win and advancing to the greycup should be the next logical step and if O'Shea doesn't get us the first part next year... it might be time to pull the plug, yup.
  3. I think he is still a solid QB. I don't think he has been WIlly'd completely yet. He had some mental toughness and fortitude when he came into the league... I'd expect him to bounce back in a different market.
  4. Again, not comparing to the league.. comparing to the previous regimes and teams prior to Walters and Co showing up. Neufie, if healthy, can start. his issue is staying healthy. I wouldn't want to have him starting nor change the ratio to more canucks. I like the setup we have now and our o-line is stocked up well for what we are currently doing. Ekakitie and Thomas could easily platoon on one interior spot. Would they be all-stars? No. functional? yup. Coates has done nothing but perform in his spot duty so far. For what we use a canadian receiver for, he has been very good... I don't get the "us versus them" thought process.. for where we use the canadians, we are very well stocked up with the exception of MLB (but whos to say that doesn't change in the off-season.. the use of the role more so as finding a better canadian then Hurl)
  5. I'm not comparing to other teams as of yet. I'm comparing to where we have been for years before. We may only start 2 Canadians on the o-line but we have enough to start 3 if we wanted... with backups. D-line, we could go 2 starters if we wanted with Faith/Thomas and Westerman and Corney backing up. Receivers, I think Coates has taken a step forward in securing a starting gig.. JFG was a solid starter.. not sure what happened there with Wolitarsky in the wings..
  6. oh, well then.. we should just shitcan the whole lot. screw the progress made, lets just start from scratch again.
  7. Loyalty in this business is a rare thing. I think he truly likes what we got going on here and now. We took a chance on him so he wants to stay here, I assume anyway.
  8. exactly.. I don't get this ire over not bringing in a trestman or buano or someone with this "proven" track record. We brought in 2 rookies in Walters and O'shea.. both seem to been to be progressing very well in their respective roles. O'shea was just voted CFLPA coach of the year for crying out loud.. Walters has had his struggles but I believe for the most part, hes done more good then bad. We also need to remember that our team is on the cheap. we don't throw around half a million dollars in salary to coaches.. we can't afford that or couldn't afford that. The team doesn't have a wealthy financial backer to cover like other teams do. we need to be accountable for all the dollars and cents.
  9. I concur.. when we used him as a threat, he performed very well.. I have to assume this didn't go unnoticed and he will be featured a bit more in the attack next season... though, even in decoy/blocker mode he really helped out the offense and took some heat off of Harris..
  10. Curious if we look to bring Ike in as a positional coach.. thought he was pretty bright when he was here.
  11. woohoo.. good news. He will be molded further into a scatback/slotback me thinks.. reminds me of Keith Stokes.
  12. unless its something of value, I'd rather sit on Hutch as well... Now if it was a first or second rounder.. or LHD of a 1-6 variety...
  13. Hutch has seemed to have regained his form down in the A.. wonder if its just another good streak or not...
  14. Ray was quoted as saying "one more year?? Why not 2..? " so I fully expect Ray to be back in the CFL next season.
  15. You realize you are referencing vastly different eras as well... the last decade and a bit has been very poorly ran, nobody can deny that but since Miller and co have taken over, its beginning to look like the ways of old are returning. Nobody here has accepted chicken **** and just swallowed it, unless you have blanked out over the last 10 years.. people have been highly critical of the team and the players brought in. Its not our fault you haven't bought into whats been going on for the last 4 years but to suggest its on par with the previous regimes failures is pretty asinine. The ship seems pretty righted to me at the moment in comparison to before.
  16. How so? 2 starting calibre Canadian receivers, well stocked O-line, D-line has great canadian depth and our STs are some of the best and majority of them are Canadians as well.. I think our canadian content has not been this good since the days where we had 4+ on the O-line
  17. exactly. we only have so many days on this big blue marble to make money and have fun... if hes still loving life as a QB... why would he step away from the game? Sure seemed like he is still capable.
  18. this is the key part where this complaint goes south.. has been. its looking like we have the right people at coach and GM now, wouldn't you agree? restocked canadian depth. very good win/loss ratio in back to back seasons...
  19. If there was a love reaction option... wouldn't be strong enough lol.
  20. lost in the wash in all of this is one rather important facet. Buff is an offensive defenseman. (usually.. this season, not so much) and offensive minded defensemen often will get caught out of position or give up odd-man rushes. Its accounted for, its expected.. just because our fanbase gets angry at it, doesn't mean its not part of how the team uses their defense. If we wanted all stay at home defenders, we would have them.. we don't.. we want to have defense that activate on the rush and can either score or setup goals.. whining about the occasional goal given up or 3 on 2 or 2 on 1 isn't going to change anything.. might as well piss into the wind.
  21. oh, so that makes it more elite and accurate? I bet riderfans has more traffic than here as well.. you gonna trust what comes outta there?
  22. hes pretty persistent in trying to strike down any media outlet that refuses to showcase him in only a positive light.. its sad really.
  23. I agree.. the team's clicking here and in the A, why mess with it just to tinker? let them both stay the course and see what transpires.. if an injury call up is needed, for sure bring him up...
  24. Whats going on is we have won 23 games and lost 13 in the 2 seasons and got into the playoffs both times. We secured a home playoff game this year. We are trending upwards. we have players actively discussing that they want to sign here because of our coaching staff.. I really don't know what else we would want beyond a grey cup but EVERYONE wants to win the grey cup.. we have waited longer then any other fan base, no doubt but we also haven't seen success like this in a very long time. If it ain't broke... (and I believe I'm in the majority when I say it ain't broke..)
  25. I agree.. I don't see Frito retiring this off-season. If he gets lit up next year, who knows but as it stands.. he looked solid all year long and I don't believe he wants to hang em up yet.
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