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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. It is pretty baffling we struggle so hard to find guys at these spots as there should be a plethora of them kicking around I would think.. do we have guys on the neg list that are just burning up all the time they can in the NFL or do we just stink that much at scouting/enticing people to come down?
  2. yea because thats the ONLY reason why they chose him.. not his actual coaching skills or anything..
  3. Yea I've always taken these all-stars as a better indicator then the media picked ones. good on the bombers for such a solid showing. O'shea getting the nod is pretty awesome too.
  4. and yet you aint a coach, GM, president or CEO of a football team... colour me shocked. It amazes me how people like you refuse to acknowledge there is circumstances to everything.. nothing is black and white like you constantly try to make it out to be. Ratio rules, considerations who who's healthy, who's practiced better in what spots, whos put in their time, who's shown they know the plays best and on and on and on.. but nope, you seem to think you know all the answers and the coaches and GMs are totally clued out. your myopic view really clouds your judgement. Stop looking at everything thru such a small lens and maybe things will make more sense to you.. or keep assuming an entire football organization is wrong (and a large chunk of its fan base and media) and you are right. whatever gets you thru the day.
  5. I think this is something they must be gearing towards with bringing in Branning and Conteh.. unless they are just ST fodder... that or giving themselves as many options as possible.. I've always liked using a canadian in the secondary personally, beyond just the safety..
  6. as mentioned earlier.. O'shea can only work with the players he has been given. What's he supposed to do, march into his bosses office and tell him his player management skills are failing? You also seem to forget that going with an american at MLB would cause a shuffling of the deck on the D-line or O-line and would be detrimental to the other parts of the team.. but hey, keep shouting "rabble rabble rabble!" and maybe one day someone will listen..
  7. that may be the most apt description of Trump that i've seen yet. kudos and so very true.
  8. Yes, thanks.. had no idea the scope of this. unbelievable. How could a president of the US be so stupid? sharing such a sensitive bit of information with an essential enemy? How did he honestly think this was a wise thing? Not to be overlooked is how he was basically bragging about firing Comey and how it took the heat off himself. Just unreal. He never ceases to amaze me in how completely idiotic his decision making has been.
  9. I will never understand the mentality of trying to win people over to your cause by killing women, children and civilians. it doesn't win people over... it chases them to the arms of the people who they are attempting to "win" against. such a stupid mentality and such a waste of lives.
  10. long shots, all 3 are.. is what yoda woulda said.. duuuuuh.
  11. 2 years ago, scored a white doug brown jersey for $40 bucks. gonna definitely go this season again.
  12. God I wish.. though, outside it does kinda feel springish lol.
  13. gotta appease the unwashed masses dontcha know.
  14. No... I really don't. Why would I care what some wingnut thinks about the coach and his decision making?? That don't confront me none. The coaches methods got us to 11-7 and 12-6, so I'm going to think hes doing something right contrary to your own misguided beliefs. the "weaker" players do get weeded out after showing poorly. Carmicheal, Knox, Posey, etc all were removed from the roster after showing poorly were they not? and like mentioned, you've clearly not been in many locker rooms because dissension in the ranks DOES happen.. .look at Montreal, Hamilton.. sometimes its because players are skipped over, sometimes its from mismanaged games or coaches clashing with players.. just because you don't agree with it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.. lol. Bit of a high thought of your own opinion
  15. as much as i've liked Medlock in his time here, I do wish we would have waited it out with Hajrullahu. I know he was atrocious for us that one season but hes looking pretty solid now.
  16. and we don't even get a day in lieu to honour our veterans. sigh.
  17. wonder if Collaros wants to backup Nichols? lol. pipe dream I'm sure but I think he is or will be an excellent reclamation project.. I don't think hes been completely Willy'd yet..
  18. I dont really care what you agree with, its been shown since hes been here that this is the order of things. Agree or not, its what our coach does when he decides who slots into into the lineup. See, Flanders over Thorpe or Knox over Santos but there is many other spots I can point to. Do I agree with it? sure do. Like I said, dissension in the ranks can easily be caused by people who have put in their time and effort being stepped over for someone who's been here a few weeks.. and I don't think many of our players have out-shone their counterparts to the point of being able to leap frog with the possible exception of Santos over Knox.. but he really only showed real well on the Teams, much like Knox did.
  19. this whole conversation is strictly for shits and giggles because I agree, we shouldn't need to even consider him at this point BUT I don't think Young to Carr is an apt comparison. Carr's been in the CFL before, did well and has played competitively in the last 4 years. He also is familiar with the league and its nuances. It wouldn't make us look like idiots, especially if he came to town and made the roster. It would be a fail by our American scouts, I will agree with that. Not like they are batting 1.000 on finding receievers tho either, lol but again.. I don't believe this would be a good move. I don't think anyone would.. just more so an off-season jibber jabber.
  20. sorry bub. This is my dead time at work and I missed yesterday so catching up lol. just enjoy the ride, it will be over soon lol.
  21. I think this is the reason to be honest. I think Knox had more time in the system so O'shea went with him first to see if he had "it" while Santos developed and learned the position. Once he picked it up and Knox was showing poorly... the rest is history. we can't overlook the fact that there is a pecking order to the depth chart.. guys who have put in their time, get their shot. I'm perfectly fine with that, this is how it should be IMO.. leap frogging people on the depth chart can easily cause dissension in the ranks..
  22. meh, hes been on the shelf for a long time and was working within an offense not 100% tailored to him... lets see what happens next season. I think he may continue to open some eyes.. he probably knows this is his 8 mile moment lol.
  23. he definitely changed my opinion of him this season.. I had him pegged as a one trick pont a la Lefevour.. not so much, apparently.
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