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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. well sure but bringing him in with other recruits wouldn't hurt, would it? I mean we are just speculating here at this point.
  2. I concur.. Bluto, while I have butted heads with him on occasion, has been one of the best examples of what I think a rival fan is.. comes here and doesn't take cheap shots, gets involved in meaningful discussions and actually puts in worthwhile posts and comments. I wish we had more rival fans like him to be honest.
  3. wonder where his head is at if we did take a flyer out on him? crashed and burned in edmonton.. didn't catch on again in the CFL.. would I suppose be worth a look-see in TC
  4. here's hoping they get the respect they are due. they earned the awards and I'm not trying to be a homer here.. both were paramount to our success and both were amazing in their respective positions.. I can't see Harris losing as he was off the charts this season and Bryant was a wall all year long, helping give Nichols tons of time and minimal pressure off the edge.
  5. I think that was the plan and then they saw what happens when you remove too much of the grit and vet savvy from the lineup. Guys like Hendricks are not great at any one thing imo but they seem to make everyone around them play better.. they are like, skill multipliers or something. him and tanev both bring intangibles to the table that the youth movement dont. shock blocks, smart play, energy and that something that cannot be quantified.
  6. ah, that would be a valid reason yup lol. I know not this player.
  7. lol oh probably but it would be a microscopic comparison to if I posted the original quote. I'm ok with my lack of capitals at times and whatnot lol ya I doubt he made it out of pre-skul or could have been one of them thar home schooled folk. not in the least but still shocking to see.. like driving by a car accident, can't look away.
  8. ya true.. but if he brings us to the promised land, he definitely punches his ticket into bomber HOF at minimum..
  9. Its frustrating because this defense does do some very good things. They are just overshadowed (rightly so) by the negatives. I think that boils down to Hall. I think the talent is there on the field, its just using it to its best potential..
  10. Sure, once Nichols cements his position in the HOF with a GC win and O'shea's as a HOF coach by getting us back to back cups lol.
  11. why cannot I not see the images.. stupid work place filters!
  12. is Coates fast? He did seem to leave his DB behind the few times they sent him out on a fly route.
  13. I feel nauseous after reading all those grammatical and spelling errors. my god. did this yokel attend any school, at all?
  14. 225k is not far from the 200k I'd pay but I would really think on that extra 25K.. I would think if we needed it for ratio purposes, I'd do it.. if not, move on. He is a very good MLB when he is on. Not Singletonesque but not far down the list.
  15. Im good with up and coming coach whos clearly on the rise coupled with a fast rising QB who has elevated his game to... gasp... elite levels in the last 2 seasons, lol. either/or should be a recipe for success.
  16. I'm glad all of this is coming up to the forefront. too many women have been victimized and harassed. its time for it to stop. they deserve to be respected as much as their male peers.. but it goes beyond that.. its people with "power" abusing it to satisfy their lust and desires.. that is atrocious and i'm so happy to see them being exposed for all to see now. predators need to be stomped out.
  17. it came from Klandathu.... a bug planet.
  18. Yea I can't remember who said it but I thought it was Whedon.. it was a director before JL came out.. said they wouldn't wanna do that because thats a"Marvel" thing and didn't want their fans to have to wait around after the movies.. just funny they are now following suit. Don't blame em, leaves the audience wanting more and/or getting a last chuckle. as for nightwing, that is an excellent question. I do recall hearing a rumoured movie for him.
  19. I thought DC was adamant that they were not going to do the post movie cut scenes..
  20. I'd never ask the Als for anything... but this. please please please offer Hall a deal he can't refuse.. head coach, DC with assist HC tag.. whatever! just do it! lol
  21. some magical ju-ju going on over there. I assume something will come out in the wash.
  22. very true. cannot fault a guy looking for a bigger paycheque just because we didn't offer it to him.. thats on us, not on him.. I will say, he didn't deserve the big cheque straight out of NFL.. he was slow and not very good right off the hop.. Now? I'd throw 200k at him for sure.
  23. that is true. I would be scared away by that if we didn't see what a piss-poor canuck MLB is versus having Muamba in there instead. Now, this is all a moo point if we didn't want to stick with canadian at MLB.. which id be fine with as well.
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