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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. He wasn't steady at all in Montreal or to begin over at the flatbillies... but I think in the back half of this season, he rounded back into his previous, pretty solid form.
  2. that was his biggest issue when he came back, I agree.. he was too heavy. In the last half of the season, he looks like he rounded back into pretty good imo.
  3. was a poor attempt to make a funny like those meme's with the old time boxer... you know, "brake pedal? You mean the sissy lever? " wasn't my best work, i'll give ya that.
  4. they get some kind of first season deal where they can't lose players sent down? speculative, not based in any actual fact..
  5. Auto-correct? you mean the pansyfication device on your phone?
  6. I don't think hes ready for Co-ordinator role yet.. nope. I'd bring him in as a positional coach tho.
  7. thats a shame.. hopefully Ike catches on somewhere else. Always liked Ike. i'm always rooting for ex-bombers.
  8. ya that actually triggers something in my brains. he was priced out of our range. I recall thinking how bad that was, to let him walk over like 20k I thought it was.. maybe more. regardless, next to Singleton, he is the best canadian MLB in the league.. probably top 3-4 in general in the league.
  9. Ya he essentially blew us off.. didn't even factor into the equation as an option for him to land here if memory serves.
  10. in the same boat. I could care less what happens but football is football.
  11. ya i'm cheering for the Argos.. lesser of 2 evils imo.
  12. not to mention its gnashing. poor poor saskabillies.
  13. jury aint out yet on Givens.. guy has to have some skill if he stuck down south as long as he did.
  14. as do I... this instance on the other hand, auto-correct is irrelevant.
  15. you knows it my good man. If you are a Canadian and you don't get even the simplest of Rickyisms.. hand in your maple syrup.
  16. nope, guess it was the squirts. tone down the ******. I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as you are.
  17. uh, excuse me? It was never even remotely considered from what I've seen and heard. There was one speculative article out of Hamilton about it... by 2 guys not even slightly in the loop for the bombers.. So explain to me how saying that, is me regurgitating BS? someone piss in your cornflakes on this particular day or..?
  18. I don't believe we should let him walk either BUT what other course is there? Overpay him? let his Agent walk all over Walters just to get a deal done? The guys a ****** nozzle. (the agent) and hes making this a much more difficult situation then what it needs to be. Mulumba has no body of work to showcase beyond "I'm an NFL baller" that is overly exciting to me. He's looked good in his time down south no doubt but not "OMFGZ WE NEEEEEDS HIM" type stuff.. I want him in blue and gold. with that said, if he is going to be a massive headache, trade his rights for some good stuff.. hell, establish that whom we are gonna trade him to will give him whatever outrageous demands he wants and make sure you get back a pick or 2 or a good canuck..
  19. yea he came outta nowhere to absolutely OWN that WIL spot. If he isn't penciled in there for next season already.. something's wrong.
  20. the league webpage, with 2 guys who have no clue whats happening in winnipeg.. (they were from Hamilton I believe, lol) but hey, keep on spinnin' those wheels.
  21. ya I do agree with the wholesale swaps going on were probably detrimental more so then beneficial to the defense in general and would like to see a more "set" roster with the LBs and DBs with the exception of the 6th DB for obvious passing downs..
  22. Wow... this keeps getting better and better... If Mulumba is as smart as his agent claims (he can apparently blow off football because he is so smart and savvy with his education he got.. doesnt need football or some bs) then how the hell does he not see that his agent is a complete ass and a liability? come on Mulumba, ditch the zero and come play with the heroes..
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