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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. ya his agent is a tool and Mulumba isn't looking so great in these negotiations as well.. hopefully he smartens up in the off-season.
  2. grr. I can't see these images. can you coles notes this for me plz.
  3. I agree to this with the exception of the D-line.. I think a rotation there is kind of crucial for our success. Don't know if the guys we currently have, have the stamina to be every down guys and be successful. I do agree that getting into a groove and rhythm is paramount as well but risk/reward comes into play at some point..
  4. yes and no. if the player is ready to jump into the breech, mentally and physically, then I believe in it. let him give it a shot and if he flames out.. so be it. IF the player is NOT ready then bring him along slowly. this isn't rocket surgery folks. dunno if I didn't explain it fully but again... If a player is ready and willing to take the chance and feels like he can do it.. let him showcase it in a trial by fire type development standpoint.. If he is not comfortable with the role yet, isn't physically there as of yet or mentally tough enough.. then develop him slowly.. can't explain it any better then this. player has to be comfortable with the concept of sink or swim for it to work imo. throwing him to the wolves without that faith and you run the risk of messing with a players development really bad.
  5. no, giving a guy time to develop on the PR and in pre-season is bringing him along slowly... putting a guy who may not be ready into the lineup, is a trial by fire. semantics, I'm sure but bring up someone slowly imo never involves throwing them into the breech. limited reps or emergency fill-in still gives the guy that "omfg its REAL!" feelings im sure that they wouldn't get on the PR or in pre-season reps. IMO anyway.
  6. and I don't think O'shea is going to let him off the hook so easily. I know he is fond of his defenses and rightfully so, the amount of takeaways it generates is next level type stuff.. BUT its the other nuances of the defense that he doesn't like and rightfully so. Can Hall be retained and re-vamp the defense to not give up the massive amounts of yardage? I don't believe so.. it hasn't happened yet. I'd like to move on to another DC. IF we don't though, I hope that O'shea's stamp is on it next season because if he does retain him and we give up the same abysmal stats as we have been.... O'shea might be shown the door as well as Hall, which would be a shame imo. I still dont think we retain Hall though. so many season's of so many yards, points, explosion plays, etc etc.
  7. lol. one line in a random article from people who ain't even winnipeg media. that is your supporting evidence that O'shea was about to be fired? come on bruh. thats pretty weak.. and if you hate posters who cherry pick an article for one line to make a point... isn't that exactly what you just did with this? lol.
  8. why'd I get dragged into this pissing match again?
  9. Drew versus JFG I think is what it's coming down to now.. Coates has shown that he can play at this point.. Wollitarsky needs to step up this next season and make JFG expendable..
  10. how do you figure? If the guy isn't ready and tossed into the fray. even if its only for a few series or a game... is that not still a trial by fire?? me thinks you 2 are being a tad pedantic here.
  11. throwing a guy into the breech for any period of time before they are ready is a trial by fire imo. even in reduced minutes, no?
  12. ya this has been an entertaining read. glad someone else said this tho, didn't wanna be "that guy" lol jk
  13. Why is there a Rider fan Hall Loyalist here attempting to sway favour for Hall? lol me thinks hes an agent provocateur and hoping to make sure Hall's here next season and beyond.. dirty pool old man.
  14. you clearly lack reading comprehension then. Not my fault you don't agree with my positions or stands. And truth be told, I don't often call you out so not quite sure where "all these posts..." and "me being full of it.." are coming from. If you need, I can backtrack and showcase all the points of negative contention you've raised to validate my point to you further? that or you could, you know, get over it and yourself.. own the fact your a negatron and get on with your weekend. whichevs.
  15. Oh I agree.. i'm a big believer in trial by fire as long as they are ready to play. You can break a player's spirit by putting him in before he's ready (and yes I realize if you ain't tough enough at this level to step in and mentally handle it, you may never be) so I do like to give them limited reps and then work them in on an injury fill in, etc type reps.
  16. Corney is such a beast. I hope westerman's skills have rubbed off on him.. hes just so raw. If he develops the rip and swim or even a crazy first step and bull-rush, he could be a very good DE.
  17. ya I'm hoping Ekakitie trains his ass off his off-season and comes to camp with stamina and a new pass rush skillset. Thomas works for me as a starting DT but I think he needs a rotational partner to spell him off.. when his motor is at 100%, hes a force. when hes winded or tired, he struggles.
  18. meh. Harris can be held back to provide more blocking support then normal if we find that gap is getting punished.. or roll outs. it can be managed but I do concur, it will weaken the O-line in its entirety by going to 3 canadians.. but flip side of the coin is that it frees up an american slot elsewhere (MAC back or double american interior dlinemen sounds good to me) and I assume it would be at the MLB spot that we utilize it... Thomas/Ekakitie for one interior lineman, Poop/Nevis (if both are still here next year) at the other.
  19. Maybe Spooner isn't ready? He could need another year on the PR before making the jump (but i'd hope we pay him better then PR minimum) and If Neufeld or Couture are starting... then how would that make less room for him? one starts, one backs up.. hell having Spooner and Couture for depth may not be a bad thing at all considering we would want to have a guard as a backup (couture if Neufie starts) or as a tackle (if couture starts, Neufie can backup both tackle and guard)
  20. nowhere was it ever even remotely hinted at that O'shea would be shown the door.. ever. Miller and Walters have been 100% behind O'shea this entire time.. don't make up dumb stories to try and bolster your incorrect theories.. 2 negatives in this case don't make a positive..
  21. its pretty nuts really... the attitude towards the bombers across the league and from what i'd gather down south to potential players drastically changed in the last 3-4 years. They have truly changed the view of our team in my opinion.
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