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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. and thats how I perceived it as well. He not only stepped into the neutral zone but then stood there with his arms up and lingered for a good long while.. how was that blown dead? didnt make any sense to me BUT Goose could have easily made it a penalty just by snapping the ball back to Nichols even if he wasn't expecting it. blown call but also blown play by us.
  2. suspect was then caught up to by lake winnipeg reserve and was killed by RCMP while attempting to arrest him. curious to see how this story all unfurls.
  3. I've heard that the newbie is ready to roll so hopefully he comes out in TC and makes our decision towards Medlock easier... that or Medlock just walks on his own accord.. I'd like him back, personally but not for what we paid him last time...
  4. I don't imagine its a "let him walk" scenario so much as it would be, let him test the waters. UNLESS they are really wanting to go 3 canadian's on the interior... then it may become a situation where Hardrick versus Bond (if Bond can play tackle?) and the other, if they stay, is 6th man or PR.. I agree, players are wanting to be here now which is awesome. I don't think we will lose anyone significant that we want to keep with the exception of Bond possibly landing work down south.
  5. ya but at the same time, we could also FA/find a couple of american receivers to pump up that group.. I think putting two Canadians into our receiving core could be a bad idea. though, Coates sure looked like a different player this last 3rd of the season. wouldn't be a terrible fall back option for the ratio if we can't jig it properly on O-line or defense.
  6. yea I'd imagine this is just a transaction technique.. I mean the kid declined BC's request to jump ship.. and I'm sure the bombers respected the hell out of that so I'd figure they told him, don't worry that you are on the PR right now, you'll get a contract next season for sure or something to that extent.
  7. Dave Richie always said a rookie will cost you minimum one game a season for however many rookies you start.. shame our loss had to come in a playoff game. Walker and Alexander will be better next season if they are still in our secondary.. I just hope its under a new game plan and DC. I liked Hall but enough is enough.. if your players are consistently out of position... it becomes an issue of who is teaching them to be in those positions..
  8. ya very true. I did forget how good EDM's line has been.. they probably were the best in the league and we didn't give up a ton of sacks and had a run game going. maybe going interior canadian might not be that bad of an idea.. *knocks on wood*
  9. can someone post the list again but not in an image? for some dumb ass reason, my computer doesn't show the image. just its location.jpg
  10. good point and its possible.. he looked very good this season.
  11. the one big sack that I saw Nichol's get rocked by was straight up the middle between Goose and I think it was Neufeld. that made me worry about if Bond was gone for good. I do agree, the guys we have been drafting need to showcase themselves and show well but at the same time, I'm getting flashbacks to the last time we tried to force 3+ canadians there and what it did to our QBs.. *shudder*
  12. yuppers. this is a big reason why and a lot of teams will see some movement in FA this year with the 1 + option contracts..
  13. for a guy who was a place kicker his entire time developing who learned it on the fly and continued to learn it, its pretty great. its not Jonny puntface great but pretty great. Serna couldn't punt to save his life.. Ditto Westwood.. both guys learned it on the fly and failed miserably at it.
  14. after seeing how well our o-line has been with Bond in.. I hate this idea. I'd rather go with 2 canadian receivers, a starting NI DT or even a canadian DB before going away from the line we've built. I do want to see Hurl elsewhere though, his MLB experiment has got to come to an end and Ive been one of his biggest fans. He has been embarrassed one on one far too many times when it counts. Cable leaving him diving for empty air before that TD really did it for me but even the last 3-4 games it had become apparent that I'd been wrong on him.
  15. absolutely nothing,.. I be dense.
  16. but its ok for you to guess that lapo is simply out-thinking himself and calling bizarre plays and not listening to his spotters or positional coaches when he changes things... you can critique people for making these assumptions on defense but its ok for you to do that towards the offense? those who live in glass houses.. *edit* sigh. I has the dumb apparently, sorry Dave. got youse 2 mixed up.
  17. ya the OC of the highest scoring team in the league and second highest scoring team offensively isn't doing his job right.. so its perfection or death then, is it? lol
  18. ya he does look lean but doesn't mean he can't take a hit or hold on to the ball..
  19. uh..no? Washington has been here since TC... Givens was an FA signing mid-season.. but you already knew that from the above post so ignore my insolence lol
  20. his punting was pretty solid all season..
  21. offense scored enough points to win a playoff game imo. defense makes some stops.. .hell, 3 key stops and we are off to calgary. Bowman was open.. wide freakin' open... 3 times and made 2 of em count for TDs. thats not simply execution anymore. a DC should have grabbed the DBs and said "get your collective heads in the fawking game!" and the DB's should have.. and yet, it happened again and again. Then there was the wide open throw to Walker in the middle of our defense.. THE MIDDLE! the most protected place in a zone defense. honest to christ. if anyone here believes we lost this because of the offense, you are deluding yourself.
  22. I have a really hard time believing he just decided... "yup, this is working, lets get away from it!" I mean not only does that sound ridiculously stupid but it contradicts what an OC is supposed to be doing.. IE moving the ball and scoring points. I truly doubt a guy who has been an OC and HC in this league for as long as he has came up with this brilliant plan to deviate away from what was working 'just because'. Maybe he saw the D-line starting to key in on the run. Maybe he saw the LBs were beginning to cheat. Maybe Buck saw something but to assume it was Lapo being Lapo and just changing it because is asinine.. causation dictates change 99.9995 percent of the time.
  23. Setting a record for completions in a playoff game is a bad thing again because..? we have a RB who has great hands and receivers who are capable. our offense was 1 or 2nd in all catergories for the offense.. why would we need to consider changing philosophies? we led the league in rushing did we not?
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