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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. did I ever say that? No. I said I trust their judgement beyond a fan or a forum or facebook posts.
  2. that one hit that he took doing the sneak (and then he seemed to kind of turtle/go gun-shy) could have been something along this vein. I never even thought of that.
  3. Sure but his stance sure seemed a lot more like, "coaches don't know what they are doing if LeFevor is starting!" to which I replied. "i trust his judgement over a fans.." leading to this spirited debate. please do keep up.
  4. yea well I hate the argument that people actually believe a fan's opinion is more valid and accurate then a coach and his coordinators who have been doing this job and playing this game their entire lives.. I'd defer to a pro over a couch potato any day of the week, wouldn't you? I mean, besides the fact they sit, talk, watch and review what these guys do, day in and day out.. versus us who watch, what. 1 game and maybe a practice, if that? the fact I even have to argue this baffles me, honestly.
  5. how people ever thought these actions were acceptable or ok.. boggles my mind. I'm no PC pushing snowflake but I mean, even at a young age I knew right from wrong.
  6. ya or maybe Davis has looked like **** all week and Lefevor looked better and thus giving us a better chance at winning? Couldn't be that hey? Or Lapo giving Fevor his nod of approval, as we do know O'shea defers to his co-ordinators.. couldn't be that we don't see what they see.. we are much more able to evaluate QB talent and skills from our couches and seats at the game.
  7. its essentially the same complaint and issue that people have with Hurl. Hes not the conventional MLB so people freak out. Hall's defense isn't what they are used to or wanna see so they freak out. Now, I do get the angst about the yards given up and the "explosion" plays but beyond that, we've held some good teams in check at times.. continue to get turnovers and sacks... *shrug* its not working great but it does work.. sometimes lol.
  8. ya but you and I both know the voters don't delve that deep into the scenarios. they just see stats and their game highlights and go from there.
  9. 10th minimum I could care less, lol. I'm such an avid sports fan but baseball just doesn't do it for me.. unless the jays are involved.
  10. thinking you are right. Fevor has the experience and is more "CFL ready" then Davis showed last week.. which is a shame, I'd hoped his development would have been further along.
  11. How in any way, shape or form can we deduce that Lefevor is his "guy"?
  12. ya man. its like receivers used to come here to die or something.. maybe we had receiver kyrptonite in the turf at the old barn... somehow never effected the elites but if you were a middlin' guy..
  13. very true. I think Sellers kept himself in good shape.. thought so anyway, Roberts.. hes a postman I think in the states so you'd assume hes pretty healthy to some extent minus the new ports lol.
  14. oh man. He was such a coach killer.. speed to burn, get open all day long and whiff after whiff.. Brazzell was so frustrating. Ralph was embarrassing, incompleterson couldn't get it done here but everywhere else lol. Man, our list of brought in and busted receivers... Canadians and Americans is embarrassing.
  15. form up some bad-ass convoys to the end zone. Mike Sellers was one hell of a steam-roller.. or I guess we could go with Bobby Boucher, he did open up huge holes for that one big TD run in that one game..
  16. Id almost want to go max protect and have like 3 RBs in the backfield at all time lol.
  17. exactly! now if we had a time machine, The Burt i his prime.. no contest.
  18. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hope this is just some form of razzle dazzle to throw them off.
  19. Next man up, super duper depth, blah blah blah.. you are dead on tho. We lost many key cogs in our offense and defense over the span of 4 weeks. with next to no time to replace them with even remotely adequate fill ins. we were lucky to be able to rig our ratio so that we off-set Jeffcoat getting in game. We haven't been able to work the same magic, skill wise, at SAM or at WR (which isn't too shocking. not too many teams have a 1000 yard receiver waiting in the wings... it is pretty sad that our 3rd option has been so non-existent tho) O-line somehow survived the loss of Bond, who is arguably one of the best lineman in the league.. Nichols and Harris will both be back, that I have no doubt.. I also know O'shea and everyone else will not dare look to this as an excuse for our failing if it happens.. but I mean, it is hard to deny it will be largely detrimental when push comes to shove. Leggett is probably the best SAM LB in the league. Bond probably the best guard in the league. thats 2 big holes but I do think we can win even with these glaring holes.
  20. Kind of agree here.. He knows his limitations and that is arguably the hardest throw to make in CFL football.
  21. I think they yanked him because he began to look shell-shocked. After that last hit he took when he scrambled forward, he looked even more apprehensive then he did when he started.. hopefully a weeks worth of work will let him get into a groove early and he can work out any anxious moments he might have
  22. what, you honestly believe Burt "Paul Crewe" Reynolds is better then Adam "Paul Crewe" Sandler? thats crazy talk!
  23. ya I watched it and was in disbelief that we were in it as long as we were too, yup. doesn't change the fact that we were and we could have managed to eke out a win if Davis or Lefevor manage to get a TD in 3 quarters, lol.
  24. just watched last weeks episode last night, dunno what all the fuss was about it. I enjoyed it, thought it was well done.
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