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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Yea its a little bizarre how people are taking these last few losses.. if you read the board and didn't see the games, you'd think it was back to the days of Tim Burke's reign of error and blow outs.. we barely lost by a converted touchdown to BC after being down by... what, 2 all game? Then a last second kick missed in toronto.. the ebbs n flows that go through our fan base psyche is insane..
  2. I cannot see the post thru all the overwhelming optimism here. Calgary will probably be resting their starters as well. Dom knows this is probably make or break. I also expect to see a run heavy game if the weather is as shite as some are saying... but ya, your right.. lets just mail it in. give calgary the 2 points.
  3. how is he supposed to know how he is going to react when its truly time to shine? nobody can until they get that chance. I'm also not ready to write Davis off after one poor performance. Lets see what happens this weekend. exactly. If our offense had any form of functioning ability, we win this game easy. a rout means the chance of snatching victory from defeat has long since died. ours didn't until what, last 4 mins of the game?
  4. No, I don't agree because you are wrong. I've been critical of the team when its been warranted, hell, I've even said its time for Hall's defense to be put to pasture. Doesn't change the fact that we were still in this "rout" for almost the entire game.. How is that so unfathomable to you? We were down 2 freakin' points almost the entire game! if our offense could have moved the ball even the slightest bit, we win this game. you don't have a chance to win the game when in the midst of a rout. Do you see where you've got this ass backwards? A team that could take the lead at any point is not being routed.. dont think I can spell this out any clearer to you.. were we out played? Sure. Routed? definitely not. BC Sucked. we just sucked worse.
  5. gotta find it out some way or another, no? didn't realize people were mind readers. If you were so capable in knowing these facts, why haven't you shared with the rest of the class?
  6. and yet.. we were in it until that back breaking TD by Rainey. Sorry, don't agree.. If there is a chance to make a comeback still near the end of the game.. it ain't a rout. a rout is you getting destroyed.. and not ever getting a chance to get back into the game... BC led us by.. what.. 2 to 5 points almost the whole game??? ya, wow.. did we ever get routed there.. and yes, I do realize we mounted zero opposition to the lions.. doesn't mean it was a rout.. means we couldn't get our collective **** together.
  7. I liked this show. Thought the main character was very well acted.. story line was pretty bizarre at times but otherwise worth watching.
  8. Ya I don't get the how as to why Dom doesn't have a dumb'd down play list in case of emergency.. it really showed that Nichol's offense isn't something Dom can run as smoothly.. if he doesn't see his primary option, he struggles to make a second or third read.. granted, the game does slow down when you have more reps.. but until then, if Dom's in, he needs vanilla.
  9. guilty by proxy then? what an absurd rationale..
  10. what exactly are you expecting from JFG's backup? lol. wow.
  11. thats more then reasonable after watching that debacle lol.
  12. Agree but after seeing Lefevor.. i think id have rathered the dom growing pains.
  13. sitting there rubbing your hands together with glee about our loss huh. cool.
  14. you do know what a rout it right? like an absolute ass kicking from opening kickoff to final whistle. We were in the game until the middle of the 4th. if our offense could have done something.. ANYTHING.. this game was for the taking. So no, if YOU think that was a rout, I don't know how to make you understand the concept of a rout.
  15. Davis looked ok at times, frazzled at others. he was running an offense that wasn't tailored to his needs. He was pensive, probably worried about losing the game... would you have preferred him to play like Lefevor did? He didn't look all that bad. he hit 3 receivers that I can recall with really nice passes.. me thinks your expectations are clearly way out of touch with reality.
  16. routs? jesus. stop embellishing lol. we've lost by what, a field goal one game and 10 points the other? all of the above mentioned doesn't reference the record.. at all.. tho so again, how do you believe their record negatively reflects upon the management, because we didn't go undefeated?
  17. how care a guy who has played barely any reps for us.. look scared and nervous in front of a rowdy crowd thats already pissed off at how our offense is doing.. you expected him to step in and be the second coming of Moon or maybe Printers? Dom's a back up for a reason.. he needs time to get comfortable before hes going to look poised and polished... If he can look poised and polished... some guys just cant function with the bright lights on.
  18. I think going in cold plus the cold itself... and after he took that hit scrambling all compiled to shell shock him.. he did have 2-3 crisp plays before he got hit and then it seemed like he became scared again.. I think with dom its his nerves. If he gets a chance to settle and relax, we may have something but if hes playing nervous or scared...
  19. and what, pray tell, do you take umbrage with about their record? the high win totals or the lesser loss ones??
  20. I'd say Nevins nor Faith have been busts.. but they ain't talked about every game and aren't glamouous position players so they obviously must suck if we never hear about em, so CUT! smh. fans make my brain hurt.
  21. Mathews (within 4? cant remember) Carr, Thorpe was decent, Givens looks like a keeper, so I dunno if its we can't find em.. we can't seem to keep em. Why would we need to find em if we have guys like Adams, Dressler, etc already tho anyway?
  22. Ive been an adamant defender of this regime but I agree.. Hall's defenses don't work in the CFL anymore and our scouting is deplorable. We unearth a gem here and there but we can't find DB's or Receivers to save our lives.. Givens may be a good one yet and Walker and Alexander have potential but both have been burned badly more then a few times this season.. ditto Porter in his limited reps.. I'm not ready to say our scouting of QBs is garbage totally as of yet.. Straugn and the other newbie for next year both look good but if we end up going to next seasons opener with Davis and Lefevour as 2-3 again.. could be concerning.. Davis should be much further along.. he looked good in very small spurts and brutal in the rest.. Lefevour, wow. minimal reps for him going forward.
  23. and thats the gist of it imo. they were trying to be cheap and dodge the extra spending of the monies... which is a great thing to do when you're playing with people's lives.
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