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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. forgot he was in camp with us. wonder why he clicked in toronto and not here.
  2. very very true.. he was pretty much on his.. last legs? wakka wakka wakka.
  3. ya I would really love to know his rationale for not having both on the field regularly..
  4. qft. the cost of lost alcohol sales would be astronomical.
  5. Nightmarish group of QB talent for sure. I am still kind of surprised that Marve and Elliott fell so flat on their faces. we haven't had any legit QB talent here in soo bloody long.
  6. ya Id assume with Oshea's mentality, he wants the most depth and solid tacklers possible to cover the chance Wild isn't 100% and to maintain excellent coverage on the Teams.. which means that its possible one of our DT's are riding pine.. which suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks but at least we get to see what Givens brings with Lankford taking a seat. Wonder if Givens or Fogg will be doing the KR.
  7. good call.. plus the alcohol price jump really hurt the club scene to boot. but I think thats bang on.. big loud dance clubs kind of went the way of the dodo and pubs/taverns/social houses became the rage.
  8. very strange indeed. that strip used to be super popular. it is kind of out of the way for the rest of the city tho.
  9. never heard that account of the story before. if true, thats brutal.
  10. I know hollywood has become stagnant in recent years but... wow.
  11. ya Ive been to that bars many many different existences. wonder what's taking it over..
  12. Ya this kind of seems like Satan trying to tell one of his minions to tone it down lol.
  13. But if anyone on the team shows the work ethic and gumption to come back from it (with the exception of Wild) its Moe.
  14. lolol. its sad how accurate this post could be. I agree though, Montreal fans are a rabid, loyal fanbase but they can only take so much gong show and bad teams before they will move on to something else to spend money on.
  15. Me too.. achilles injuries can be a bastard.
  16. so they want almost a billion dollars, the profits from shark club and full control over all casinos in Winnipeg (and Manitoba I would assume) because they were gambling back way back when? Seems legit.
  17. only complaint is his durability (if one could find a complaint) due to loss of games from injury but yes, I do realize they are flukey as hell injuries.. I don't believe he has an injury issue personally but could see it sway votes for MODP.
  18. well the way you worded it made it sound like you believe Calgary, player for player, has the best in each spot and that doesn't really hold any water. Now if you meant the sum of all their parts together means they have a level field of skill or some such.. then that I would agree with.. they don't have any holes or glaring weak spots on their roster..
  19. was it a clean hit? I vaguely remember hearing it during the play by play on the radio.. but nothing beyond "what a big hit.." type response.
  20. Ya not sure of the reasoning behind laughter but I agree, we have 2 DBs who i'd take over theirs.. I'd take loffler as well. our o-line is on par with or better then.. Harris and Messem is almost a wash but I'd take Harris as he is better overall IMO at catching and running.
  21. im willing to give him a long leash as he gets his legs and game back. hes been speedy and quick in the offensive zone... defensively, not so much. I seem to think he was always more considered for his offensive skill set anyway tho.
  22. he needs to wear that on his face, its where much more of the doo-doo comes from.
  23. Watching Roberts do that week in and week out was such a thing of beauty.
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