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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. ya I don't think insulting the league that pays the people who you are dealing with is really the best way to endear yourself and your client to the team.. frankly, it sounds to me like Mulumba doesn't want to play for Winnipeg and his agent is trying to poison this situation.
  2. either you are too drunk... or i'm not drunk enough because this aint making sense to me..
  3. yup. but if you believe his agent, he doesn't seem to value the ability to play football.. he can go into his business job without too much concern, lol. Why would an agent even threaten that. he gets zero dollars out of that move.. whatevs.
  4. ya, his agent reminds me of that one agent that represented Muamba.. hardaway? the one that is always dicking his clientele and the CFL around trying to get the best deals possible.. I get it but really, do you need to posture so hard? work with the team, not against them.. never understood the douchebag negotiation techniques.
  5. guess a week late is better then none, I had wished him a happy B-day last week on facebook and told him to bring one back to the house.. guess he listened lol.
  6. he must have been a part of the fight/non-fight/suspended/non-suspended but had a flight booked for him by rider management group of players.. Id assume anyway but at this point, who the bleep knows whats going on over there.
  7. I had a good laugh at the riderville post about this. 20 pages in and they are all in denial.. and yet, Dennis posted that 5am tweet. leads me to believe that they are definitely trying to act like all's well when in reality..
  8. very true. Walters has shown he does prioritize our canadian content and I like that. I'm almost thinking that if we gotta take a hit on going over the cap, so be it. we have seen how minuscule the fine is for that.
  9. Im kinda hoping that we show him the money. I'd like to see what he has and if this wait has been worth it.. failing that, I have no qualms about trading his rights as long as we get something significant in return.. this could be difficult though without any body of work to reference in trade negotiations.
  10. ya I realize that but its bright, easy to use and functional. great for kids and old people. doesn't mean I like the line up beyond that lol. I despise how proprietary the stuff for apple is. from accessories to downloading content. just an annoyance.
  11. He sure did and that is why people need to get over this. He didn't want to be here. we dont want him here anymore. If he wasn't willing to wait (which would have equated to 1 freakin' week) the time to get back in, if he felt he was that awesome. good riddance. Nobody is bigger then the team or how its ran. exactly. let him develop a bit before we throw stones and spears at the guy. He isn't useless. He has shown glimpses of skill. bang on. If he was such a talent like he thinks he is, he would have landed elsewhere. He hasn't as of yet and I bet he regrets handling business in the way that he did. me too. stoked to see what Givens brings to the table. ya why people feel the need to keep rehashing this roster decision (that wasn't made by the team or the coaches but by the player himself!) is beyond me. Hes gone. he CHOSE to walk away and burn that bridge. Not O'shea, Lapo or Walters.. that is ALL on Thorpe. He felt he was a bigger deal then he thought he was. If that was the case, his highlight reel shoulda landed him another job by now, no? yet you continue to discuss him every chance you get to imply the bombers made some kind of gaffe by allowing him to slip thru their grasp. He WILLINGLY walked away from the team. He CHOSE to not want to be here. its done, its over. it could have been a shame that he wasn't here but its not because he clearly isn't the type of player that our team covets or wants on our roster. If he was, wouldn't we have done something to entice him to stay? you do realize that this is how its done right? You really believe he should have leapfrogged Flanders (who has been here longer and put in more time? Who bided his time properly and didn't complain at all? who was just as good if not better then Thorpe as a slot AND more practical as he is a backup RB?
  12. thats a hilarious joke.. oh.. wait, you were being serious.
  13. losing 2 starters in our secondary couldn`t have had anything to do with it either tho eh.. plus our starting DE.. nah. couldn`t have been it.
  14. exactly. its been the same way since Hall`s been here. Hes not really ever been a big proponent of a game changing MLB.. even when we have had the talent to play one (in some peoples minds anyway) it was seldom a spot on our defense that had a huge impact on the game. Hall`s style or lack of recruitment.. Im not sure which one is to blame. I just know the MLB hasn`t been a focal on our defenses since Muamba was here.
  15. sure but that isn`t the be-all end-all for an LB to do their job. Hurl`s role in the defense isn`t to be a prototypical LB.. why is this so f`n hard for people to wrap their heads around. IF he was in a traditional defensive scheme then sure, everyone would have a legit gripe but hes not. He does exactly what is asked of him. look elsewhere for a scapegoat because you cannot pick on a player who is asked to do a shitty job and he does it the way the coach asks him.
  16. he actually makes plays.. more often then anyone here gives him credit for.
  17. and a big hearty lols to the people who laughed at the assessments of the bomber injuries.. sure seems like Moe blew out his achilles now doesn`t it.
  18. hes a lethal 3rd option. 2nd or 1st and he becomes invisible. not a knock on him mind you, some guys just are built more for that role..
  19. Yea me too.. I think they could have made some noise in the playoffs.
  20. US embassy staff have been suffering hearing loss, migraines and other head injuries from a phantom "sound" or "attack" being executed against them. Nobody seems to understand whats going on but they have found people suffering from serious, debilitating injuries and cannot figure out what the cause is. this is, I assume anyway, the first sign of evidence of it happening .
  21. I really don't see a controversy here. Maurice himself was quoted yesterday as saying "No, I'm not mad they went fishing.. I'm Jealous!" so does that sound like someone who's got a player in the dog house for sucking? No. sounds like hes sticking up for an injured player who used the time off to go fish.
  22. are you gonna bring this up every time? lol.
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