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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Different strokes for different folks. If I'd bought it and it didn't remind me of the ex-wife who gutted me, sure. you'd have a point. Now, do take your righteous indignation elsewhere please.
  2. I thought so too. I didn't want to throw it in the garbage, figured a burning would be the next best thing.. funeral pyre for that season essentially lol. that and the other connections to it needed to die as well.
  3. yea I never truly understood the BC hate other then them being in our division.. maybe its the westcoasters versus prairie folk? either way, hilarious when those chants used to sproadically break out yup,.
  4. oh and I did. I wore it even after he slammed the bombers for their crappy food procedures and prep. I loved Obby as a bomber. as a stamp, not so much. didn't like the bomber trashing. I wish it hadn't fallen apart as I would have kept wearing it.
  5. hah its all good. its Friday, my brain is already at home waiting for game time. my body is just going thru the motions.
  6. I thought it was the West side Sucks. they were always the quiet ones in the old stadium. BC sucks chant is almost as old as that if not older lol.
  7. See i'd rank giving up seasons, wearing paper bag on ones head, giving up on the team, etc as being worse then burning a piece of what had essentially amounted to a piece of emotionally charged garbage but hey, different strokes for different folks.. but supposed fan? lmao, cuz I haven't been adamantly defending the bombers on this board and others for.. oh I don't know, a decade and a half.. gimme a break, supposed. gtfoh with that garbage.
  8. really? you think that highly of their defense?
  9. hamilton playing tough shouldn't negate our clear advantage in skill levels. we are a better team, period. we should win this game. there really isn't any other way to put it lol. I know any given Sunday and all that but realistically, its the ti-cats. we are at home. we are playing excellent football on both sides of the ball. O'shea seems to have found the way to get the guys up for each game, trap game or not. If we end up needing to win by a FG, it will definitely mean (imo anyway) that something didn't go according to plan. as long as we win, I really don't care how we do it but its obvious to me that Hamilton isn't really on par with us..
  10. It was beyond wearable at this point. I didn't want to throw it in the garbage. It wasn't worth hanging on to as it was pretty much in tatters. couple that with a 40 of rum and a brutal loss.. and getting cheated on by said jersey purchaser.. Seemed a fitting way to end its life span.
  11. I completely agree.. they twist the constitutional "right" to own firearms to fit their agenda. These arn't musket rifles that were the basis for the right to bear arms. we don't enemies at our gates or bears and wolves stealing our children or livestock. I get its historical significance but it may be time to re-vamp the constitution to be more modern. there is no justifiable reason why any one person or person's need to own 40+ automatic rifles. Nobody is coming ashore to invade and I cannot forsee a situation arising where anyone truly believes they could fight the government at this point with even assault rifles lol.
  12. lol. the jersey was toast ,holey and falling apart. I was **** faced. it was from my ex and we just suffered one of the most embarrassing defeats I'd witnessed.. ever. feel free to change your opinion of me all ya want, it wasn't my proudest moment but I regret nothing.
  13. a) a lot of alcohol was involved. b ) it was the tim burke era.
  14. I suppose it really depends on our backup and if hes comfortable with holding down the fort until his number is called. So far, Dom hasn't shown that he has an issue with biding his time and its completely reasonable to think that we could keep him happy with promises of being the next guy when Nichols goes down or does need to be put to pasture... with the proper pay incentives and so on and so forth. Not every QB demands to be #1 right away.. hell look at drew tate. He is more the exception then the norm I agree but not every QB is going to be jonesing to the point of demanding a cut/trade to be "the man"
  15. Ya his arsenal matched some militia's stockpiles Id imagine. He had enough to outfit a small army. That shouldn't happen. There must be a logical and not overly invasive way to track this kind of stuff without upsetting people to the point of revolt. I mean, why would anyone need to hide the fact they own multiple AR-15's or a bunch of bump-stop kits that can turn semi-auto into full-auto unless you are up to no good? like many people have mentioned, these guys are not meant for hunting or sport shooting. they are meant for maiming and killing. period. there needs to be a better method to monitor who has been buying quantities of these guns and where from.
  16. yea my Brown jersey is past its best before date, numbers are starting to shred and some chunks have fallen off My Khan jersey suffered a similar fate.. numbers and bar started falling off completely.. then he soundly dissed us about our food situation and so I promptly burned it one night at a bonfire in a fit of pique lol.
  17. ya no kidding.. if we are needing to lean on Medlock's leg tonight.. something has gone wrong.. I hope we stomp em, he returns to form and kicks 4 to go with 3 or 4 TDs.
  18. omg thats great. I mean I can't stand it much either but Hazmat? lolol.
  19. money is the root of all evil.. who has the most money to throw around? Big Oil.
  20. Im thinking he may have been some type of Militia member. just has that look and feel of a "live in the bush, government can screw off" type to me.. Should be interesting to see what comes out in the wash over the next few weeks.
  21. ya I kinda got a bit of a chill in the bones reading that.. don't think this is a harbinger of good things, that for sure.
  22. Why do I keep getting these big empty boxes of blankness! I'm sure there is some quality stuff in here but.. I see nada.
  23. Like said before, even if its just to get him on the ST and see how he handles that aspect under the big lights, thats good enough for me at this point. no need to rush him into the line up.
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