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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. that and your man-bun is not aerodynamically conducive to sprinting either.
  2. I had the exact same pang of concern at that play and he shut him down almost easily.. I was quite amazed and gained a lot of respect for Malveux then.
  3. yea hes been pretty good as a fill in, definitely didn't expect him to look as well as he has.
  4. except he kinda sucks now. So I mean, sure. he could spell Thomas but really.. he hasn't looked very good in any of his recent landings.
  5. such a tough call. Roberts was blessed with an insane amount of ability and skill. Harris is as well but just not on that same level. Harris is blessed with a superior work ethic, attitude and I think he has more desire and fire in the belly.. So like many others, I gotta pick Roberts for overall eliteness but Harris is much better a fit for the team now. but head to head, 1 game or season? Roberts, hands down.
  6. or whine about not getting enough playing time.. either or.
  7. thats my choice right there.. surprised he isn't getting more love from the faithful here.. I'm hoping hes in blue and gold for his career.
  8. sad but true. thats probably really accurate, if not more.
  9. I was thinking that too.. couldn't remember for the life of me. Thought it was you or mike tho yup.
  10. yea his blocking is pretty suspect at the best of times.
  11. did it go pew. pew. pew. or did it go pewpewpewpewpewpewpew click click click ? basically did it fire a single round per trigger pull or all the bullets on one trigger pull. semi-auto versus full-auto.
  12. and ridiculously hard to choose which channel to record from.. I agree, TSN dropped the ball on this, this season.
  13. easily done when you are at home.. when you are at work on the other hand... I actually think this is the most legit thread hes started lol. his gripe is accurate for once. they should say "TSN 3 is winnipeg feed in case of..." and so on and so on for other areas.. no?
  14. this post makes me feel dirty.. 2 bomber fans saying that they are starting to come around on Chris Jones and that hes doing positive stuff in riderville? dafuq is wrong with you people.
  15. whats funny is I actually did think he was talking about him for the firs bit lol.
  16. Ya kno, or having a WIL who plays the position properly may also help Hurl look better as hes not trying to do double duty?
  17. safe travels! hope you don't come back singed or worse for wear!
  18. on one of his gaffes, yup. the other one was he was at like, 30 yard line... needed a first down and had an open man at the sticks but decided to throw it into the endzone (triple coverage) and it was picked.. which sealed the game and his fate.
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