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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. doh. thats right. I blended the 2 together lol. thanks for the clarification.
  2. yes and no. He may still be feeling the woes from the NFL and getting cut. He also will have to adjust to the field again and the new schemes but ya, its gonna be a boost.. just not huge imo right off the hop.
  3. no but thats definitely another member of the failed recruitment attempts to solve the BB QB woes.
  4. Quinn, Mike. yup that is the guy. I honestly had high hopes for him.. then that game happened.. and his drug issues surfaced. suffice to say, not my best call lol.
  5. When his skills dropped off tho.. they dropped off quick. he went from being a shutdown DB to a liability... then that refusal to play SAM.. with that said, he was a fave of mine for sure while he was a bomber.
  6. Yuppers.. its a shame that they get no extended coverage from the league when they are injured in game and it becomes a life changing event.. I get it, they are athletes and they know the risks and the choice is theirs to play... but at the same time, many many other dangerous jobs are covered under WCB and various other insurance plans and coverages.. its probably time professional athletes get some form of the same courtesy.
  7. well this sucks.. never knew he was so hurt. Hefney arm paralyzed
  8. Bauming just tweeted that Roc Carmicheal won't be returning this season most likely as per what O'shea says.. Can't say I'm too upset about it. Hes still currently listed as suspended. Can't we just change that to cut at this point?
  9. lol. duly noted! I had no idea what they were called.
  10. and while that has been our weakness earlier in the season, I think we may have righted the ship in that regard. With Alexander and Walker now both healthy and more into the system coupled with Santos-Knox being in... I think its helped stop the bleeding so to speak on those big explosion plays.. this will be a very good measuring stick as EDM has got to be getting ansty..
  11. oh how i would love to revisit that post with our resident rider prider now lol.
  12. Yea great call.. I can't remember not having some feeling of "oh crap" going into the off-season at QB.. it will be a refreshing change to have that in back to back seasons lol.
  13. He has absolutely blown away any expectations I (and im sure many others) for him this year. I knew he had turned a corner last year but I really didn't expect him to be so on point. I mean for running an "ultra-conservative" offense like Lapos, to be putting up the numbers he has.. its impressive. his field smarts are next level and his arm and accuracy have really come around. still lacks that deep ball touch at times but otherwise, I can't really think of a reason why he shouldn't be considered a top 1 or 2 QB in the league.
  14. got to do the sideline experience with a friend who had season's at the EDM game here. was pretty cool, players are all coming by saying hi and high-fiving. nice to see everyone up close and personal. one fan fell over the sideline boards trying to high-five Mo and he commented "theres a highlight for TSN tonight!" lol
  15. I don't have the link to the story but... -allegedly, Bear Woods was released in Montreal for reporting the Als for a safety violation. Woods, who was the Mtl CFLPA rep, brought the issue to the CFLPA about montreal having padded practices when they were not supposed to be. Shortly after, Kavis Reed is said to have released Woods without any discussion with his coaches or management. He was also apparently walked out, didn't get a chance to say his goodbyes to his team mates.. Now, this isn't confirmed but story was posted on 3rddownnation, I believe it was a Dunk story. Said that the story did run in one of the Montreal francophone newspapers.. just another glimpse into the Circus that is taking place in Montreal these days.
  16. if anyone ever read Battletech or the Mechwarrior series.. sounds like how the word of blake religion kicked off.. if not,I just outed myself as a techno-nerd lol.
  17. It would be pretty sweet to cause one of those, yup.
  18. ..no not really missing anything. Manziel has a bit more of a troubling history, no? I don't know Richardson's history. both have domestic abuse charges that were stayed. So maybe the stayed part is what got Richardson in and something else held up Manziel? I can't say I know both cases well enough to pass judgement on. Whos to say Richardson's case wasn't a scorned girlfriend who was trying to ruin him? Id assume the CFL would have done their due digging into the background of both stories before saying yay or nay. I'm curious as to the why as well.
  19. Clearly it is if Manziel was denied, yes? maybe there is another reason RIchardson was approved.. angr management and domestic abuse classes or some such?? why not assume there is a valid reason as opposed to throwing your arms up and assuming the CFL is ok with people who assault women.
  20. Garry Brown's signing somehow ended up mixed into this thread as well..
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