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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. yup sounds like some other big time NFL "stars" who thought they would come down (up?) here and dominate. Can't wait to see who gets to shut him up first.
  2. Different time, different commish. And I don't think Briles was ever given the green light, was he? I know Hamilton wanted to bring him in and I think their management was pushing for it but did Ambroise give this the thumbs up? I thought they kiboshed it before it got to the point of his contract being approved or even considered for approval (but I will admit, I'm not 100% sure, the brain doesn't work as well as it used to memory-wise, lol)
  3. Cox is not allowed back in the league. You can't just shitcan Rainey and Hebert at this point now can you. they have contracts with the league. They changed their stance on stuff, period. what flew before, doesn't now. I will agree that the Trent Richardson one is a head scratcher tho.. I guess its not the fact he was charged and dismissed thats holding up Manziel, it must be something else. clarification on why Richardson is allowed to have a contract while others are not would be nice to see.
  4. Oh great. Now trump has more space to play with. loverly.
  5. sorry if "sucking each other off.." is a tad bit much to my sensibilities, especially when there is some younger kids who post on here. I don't give a crap when people discuss and debate the good and on the bombers but lets keep it above the belt. I wasn't commenting because he was being critical so please do back up out of my grille plz n thx.
  6. if that was the case, my apologies. I thought it was you saying "if Nichols goes down, we all know Lefevor is next up.." or some such.
  7. I mean, don't hold back.. why don't you tell us how you really feel? and you don't think this above line may have been just a tad much? smh.
  8. Id think our coaches and GM know what they have in Davis, hence his slotting in #2 spot (which you apparently didn't believe was accurate... and yet, who came out in garbage time? Wasn't Lefevor) as well as the fan base seems to have an inkling, what with how he looked in pre-season and training camp plus his limited reps last game.. he looked nervous but he also looked pretty decent on both those deep throws.
  9. No no, that was just intermission for the next circus act. next we will see the flying trapeze featuring Manziel and the dancing bears..
  10. truly tho.. I've never seen it called so many times before in any season.. and its always against us.
  11. When I saw Dressler get pancaked under that LB on the last fly sweep he did (I think it was a sweep, may have been a screen..) I knew he was coming out. I think his age and his stature have caught up with him.. He can't take those big hits and get back up so easily anymore.
  12. ya I have to agree. bridge is way too much of a loose cannon to be considered a great backup. Glenn is middle of the road no matter what his stats this season say as a starter. I get hes having a borderline career year but he is still Kevin Glenn.
  13. Because this is the norm and not the exception, right? lol. more often then not, failures on one squad, end up being failures elsewhere. Collins couldn't crack a Ti-Cat roster that is pretty weak.. I'm not sure i'd want to bring him in, nor would I want to have him jump washington or even Givens.
  14. have you been to IGF before? the crowd doesn't need much motivation to be that 13th man. On offense, the team likes it quit so I do see the reasoning behind the "first down" chant.. its good as long as it dies off before the snap. and the issue of the "true north" is that is has zero connection to the bombers or the CFL. its a jets thing.. its an NHL , hockey chant. why bring it to the football stadium.. thats where people are getting irked.
  15. curious as to the conditions.. wanna know just how badly walters managed to fleece the flatbillies..
  16. Doh. can you change my pick from ottawa to Saskatchy plz.
  17. totally agree... i'm a spirits guy and rye still makes me cringe when I drink it without mix. doesn't matter if its shots or sips.. its always cringe-worthy. I don't gag like some do or retch... but definitely feel it.
  18. baffles me as well.. hes a brutal tackler. just spears people. nice that he wants to change how he tackles.. but if hes doing it still to this day.. I have hard time believing hes suddenly going to modify his style.
  19. you can be.. you just need botox injections in your entire face to stop it from spastically twitching and contorting as the rye works it way down.
  20. but we did see this coming from a mile away..
  21. except we went with 2 american interior d-lineman and there is no arguing that they are better then their canadian counterparts. We had originally planned to roll with a canuck in there more often then we do, hence why we drafted a backup to spell Thomas. Once Johnson became available, that plan changed and rightly so. hes been a beast in there.
  22. the sins of the past don't seem to be attached to this team and its management tho, so far anyway.. *knocks on wood*
  23. I beg to differ. he didn't look out of place when he was in at safety or wil. he wasn't elite but he wasn't a bad player or pick.
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