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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Ouch. that sucks. Time to really get Mulumba on the dotted line and see if Corney can step up in the mean time..
  2. that pun.. with all the other ridiculousness that goes on here, is the one that bugs you? lol. Davis may not be very good at the short yardage stuff and we also don't want to risk our backup on said plays, higher risk of injury from those smash mouth plays. you aint really developing in those spots unless you are developing to become a 3rd string, short yardage specialist.
  3. yea I don't think you fully grasp how good it is to have a QB like LeFevour tho. we used to get stuffed on 3rd and 1 and goal line stuff on the regular. hasn't happened that I can recall since Lefevour and the o-line resurgence. I get it, its a "jobber" position but one that is still very important.. especially to a squad like ours that nichols and dimes our way down the field..
  4. your cue is correct sir. Queue is lining things up, "those nerds are queuing up to rage at Bearpants" lol
  5. Ya I didn't think too much about LeFevour prior to him signing here.. my opinion has since changed. Best short yardage guy in the league, solid backup option if push came to shove. Doesn't seem like he rocks the boat and is ok with being a backup. If the price is right and he is content, I have no issues keeping him in the fold. I do like how he is our change of pace QB at times too but we don't seem to utilize it properly at times. I can't believe how good he is at the short yardage tho.. its like he always gets 2-3 yards when we need 1, if not more.
  6. yea I mean beating us made people take notice but beating the ti-cats really shouldn't have change opinions imo.. they are the free bingo spot of the league this season..
  7. I let the girlfriend convince me to watch this show and... wow. only into episode 6 and its so.. creepily crazy.
  8. Team seems to be very quiet about this as well.. guys with a bit of "know" seem to be coming up blank all over the place.. @TrueBlue any ideas?
  9. yup he was one of the best in the business.. everything he did was so on point from announcing to managing and all the stuff inbetween.. Dunno if there will be another talent like him in the biz.
  10. ya the shows not terrible but his jokes at times are just baaaaaaaad.. I'll give it another episode or two to see if it gets any better..
  11. he was known as "the brain" for a reason. one of the best mic guys in the business. he will be missed, RIP Heenan.
  12. except Roc left for the states for family matters and Knox is out due to injury..
  13. "Running for your life" by Buck Pierce "Old Guard For the Win" by Dave Richie "How To Completely Suck At Your Career Choice And Still Get Paid" by Kavis Reed Co/Authored by Joe Mack
  14. again. where the F did I ever even come remotely close to even implying that I think he did nothing wrong??
  15. well.. they have being doing nothing but impoding so they would probably know how to handle it by now, lol. still would be awesome to see tho yup.
  16. thank you. I'd never ever advocate for a criminal being allowed to stay in the game I love, let alone one who assaulted a women. that is despicable and one of the cardinal sins in my mind.
  17. K whoa, gear down big rig. Don't ever say I'm defending a guy who assaults women. not cool, at all. I'm playing the devil's advocate here, thats it. riddle me this smart ass, how would you remove a player who has already been approved by the league and its governing body, including the CFLPA without causing a massive **** storm and all types of conflicts? go ahead, I'll wait. defending this guy, gtfo with that garbage, maybe pick up some reading comprehension while you are at it.
  18. one last time... again.. for the 10th time..
  19. hes got physical tools but man he throws the ball into some dumb spots.. and also runs into some dumb spots. If he ever gets the cerebral side of things down, he could be pretty solid. I just don't see it happening if he hasn't had it happen yet.
  20. "sorry Wally and Chris, I know we said you could play but now.. we changed our mind even tho we authorized your contract a year ago and you've played many games.." you don't think the CFLPA and.. well any court really.. would have an issue with the league just suddenly up and cancelling the contract of a player after the fact? he passed muster with a previous regime.. it sucks but it is what it is.. when his contract is up.. who knows what happens then but really, I can't see a position the league could take that wouldn't blow up in their faces trying to out Rainey at this point.
  21. probably due to the fact Rainey is already in the league with a contract. Ambroise is being proactive now. it would have been on Cohon or whomever else was in power when Rainey's contract was approved.
  22. If it aint, it sure is now!
  23. Id bring him back BUT this concerns me because its likely he could be platooning/backing up as well here.. Santos-Knox looked good last game.. Wild will be back at some point.
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