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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I do worry about the first part but wouldn't the second part be the opposite? Wouldn't there be less nagging soreness and discomfort by getting that extra time to let them heal and "toughen" up a bit? bruises that are constantly hit (and joints that are constantly being torqued for that matter) tend to stay painful in my experience anyway. I do realize that other spots like stomach, chest, big muscle groups would lose some of their built up toughness so to speak tho as well.. lots of variables to consider in this move.. I have to assume it wasn't taken lightly and discussed lightly.
  2. well how can you argue against self-preservation then? These guys careers rarely last long.. if doing this can give them an extra 2-3 years AND protect them from having mental or joint/muscular issues when retirement does come, how is it a bad thing? Because the potential for a poor showing on the game field? I dunno man, I think the rewards outweigh the risks in this case. Guys only get so many seasons out of their bodies in the current model.. if they get a few more and are more able bodied when they do retire.. I can't see this as a bad concept. Now, if tackling and play in general nosedives over the course of this season and next, I would say its become too detrimental. I do see the point where these guys are paid.. and usually well.. to put their bodies on the line. They chose this avenue to make their money.
  3. no, hes saying that their opinion is more justifiable and easier to follow then yours. as they have lived and seen the effects of the former practice method. Fan versus living, breathing proof.. whom to believe and trust in their choice.. *rubs chin thoughtfully*
  4. does it? or does it say they are tired of getting injured/bell rung, bruised and battered in practice then having to take those ailments into the next game? You are assuming they don't want the contact due to laziness essentially.. where as it seems like its more so to protect the players.. you can't deny that people can and do get injured, sometimes badly, in practice (see Dan West on.. his victim escapes me at the moment.. Watson possibly?)
  5. ah, makes sense. thanks for the input, appreciate your take on it.
  6. Ya I could see that for sure. I agree, his acting skills are great but he really comes across as a spoiled hollywood ****** so his love for trump and all things right wing doesn't surprise me. I also agree that its excellent that both Hammer and Tamblyn stood up for themselves and not let the bigot get the last word.
  7. I despise all things Apple with the exception of the Ipad. those tablets are pretty nice. Phones, Macs, books, pods, etc etc.. can all go to the ole electronic recycling depot in the sky for all I care.. expensive crap that does the same thing a lesser device does and often with more complications lol.
  8. creepy james woods is creepy. I get he came from a different era and is essentially a dinosaur at this point but sounds like he was far too used to his name and cash getting him what he wanted with the ladies. Now, girls standing up for themselves seems to cause him a kerfuffle lol.
  9. 2 of my close friends work in admitting at HSC and I know a nurse who works there as well.. the amount of people who come thru the ER doors that really should be at a clinic or walk-in, is astounding. Bounded by law, they cannot say go elsewhere tho, so these people wait.. 12-14 hours to get an ointment for a scratch or for a doctor to tell them why the shoes they just bought are making their feet hurt. and people wonder why hospital staff burn out. besides dealing with life or death decisions, they also get to deal with stuff like this..
  10. great call. very happy to see the term it is and the price tag is excellent. very good move for both sides. Glad Little wanted to stay.
  11. very good call.. I remember the calls for him to be demoted, cut or traded because he was no good. People get so hung up on players slow development these days. Its just the nature of the beast with players in Hockey. Its quite the step up and takes a bit to figure it out.
  12. I think old school dave richie types will be unhappy with this.. everyone else will see the benefits of less impacts and overworked muscles. I assume the hitting and contact will still come in the form of sled and dummy work? can't see this as a bad thing.. only glaring issue I have is that refinement of technique for tackles, shedding tackles/blocks, and breaking tackles is going to be tougher now.
  13. im still baffled as to why anyone would trade a 2nd overall pick for a 14th and 38th. you have to assume the 38th is probably a career STer if anything at all.. and even at 14th, you are starting to look at the slim pickings of the top of the board.. odd, odd trade unless EDM was insanely desperate for NI talent.
  14. ya thats true.. plausible he was unhappy there and it bled into his performance or mannerisms.. tire fires tend to do that to people.
  15. exactly. He has so many detractors already calling him a bust, a wasted pick, etc etc.. the kids 19. he didn't ask to be drafted where he was. Obviously someone saw something in him that leads them to believe he has a higher ceiling then people are giving him credit for. I have no issue giving him 4-5 years of seasoning in the ECHL or wherever they want him to develop. If he plateaus during that time or shows that he doesn't have it.. so be it.. but to start in on him already? makes no sense to me. hes a worthwhile gamble.
  16. bold move. I don't forsee Ti-Cats signing him tho so is this their attempt to let another CFL team (hello riders lol) try and get him on the dotted line?
  17. Pretty bold statement for the development of a 19 year old kid. can't be bothered to take a wait and see approach?
  18. he runs a defense that seems to be the opposite of Richie. more pressure, more risk, less passive sitting back and waiting.. the kind of defense that people like around these parts.
  19. cool beans. yea musta been significant if it didn't get passed the censors here.
  20. I'm lost. there was a tasteless pic posted somewhere?
  21. yup. I agree its a fine line but the risks to the childs emotional well being needs to be weighted against the health overall of said child. I'm sure there is a way to convey this message without being overtly cruel. and I completely agree with the second bolded.. we have gone away from showing our youth proper team building skills, leadership skills and basic taking care of yourself and I think it shows.
  22. couldn't agree with this more. Frankly, I think even from a young age doctors should be informing parents if they are concerned about a childs weight. Again, it comes at the risk of upsetting or offending someone but maybe if doctors were more persistent on telling people "hey, you need to watch this.." instead of "well I can't say that because it will make them sad.." America and Canada wouldn't be so morbidly obese. School's should never have removed mandatory physical education at young ages either imo.
  23. and thats just it. we as a society are so paranoid of being offended or can't handle being told stuff that "hurts our feelings" that important information is not being conveyed like it should be.. and has always been in the past. I don't understand how we've come to this. the simple fact of life is that the truth hurts. sometimes you cannot avoid getting insulted or offended because thats just the nature of the beast. if you are heavy-set and I do understand its sometimes not peoples faults, you still need to be made aware of the gravity of the situations.. I hope this concept dies.
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