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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Odd cut, didn't think he was out of place. worth bringing in for a cup of coffee though, I'd think.
  2. woohoo! this is good news indeed.
  3. yea as dickish as it sounds... its got to be said to people who are overweight. its not healthy, its horrible for not only your health but your joints, bones, organs, etc.. I can't imagine it feels good to be told you are overweight.. but would you rather live in denial and die young? people are so paranoid about offending or being offended by people nowadays that its getting in the way of things like warning someone of the dangers of what they are doing. People should be allowed to live their lives the way they see fit.. but its also a doctor's job to make sure his patients are going to live as long as they can. I don't think people should be fat shamning others in lineups for fast food or anything like that BUT you gotta draw the line at a Dr saying "you look heavy.." or "you should probably try to get more physical activity..." as being insulting or "shaming" dont we?
  4. SPuDS


    Why am I not surprised.. in the least. had a chance to become a legend.. now will go down in history as a complete chump.
  5. I thought he was in over his head as an HC.. now as a GM, hes just throwing crap at the wall and hoping something will stick..
  6. and so it begins. will there be consequences for Reed's tardiness I wonder.
  7. Kavis Reed (and to an extent Mack) have some serious skills in the "hold my beer" department of tearing down a team around them lol.
  8. how, pray tell, is it the rec fault when a DB runs up and clips his leg from behind? I'd love to hear how a receiver running flat out then slowing to catch the ball has initiated contact with the back of his calf and the defenders foot. seems to me that the defender initiated contact by running up behind the receiver and clipping him from behind, no? clear cut case of accidental PI as I doubt tripping him was his attempt to defend the pass..
  9. and he didn't float away? hows that possible lol.
  10. and I get that it was a joke in regards to the previous poster.. I'm just taking it off on a different tangent. that not allowed here now? lol.
  11. and now people can miss this.. with all the replays shown.. astounds me.
  12. didn't realize when a DB's foot clips a receivers calf causing a hitch in his stride and making him fall down... was considered a "phantom" play.. and because his spotters, himself and pretty much everyone else saw the accidental clip of Adam's leg maybe? probably why he didn't toss it.
  13. Wrong.. right before his mis-step, defender clips his calf, knocking his stride off. its pretty obvious, dunno how you missed it.
  14. He was just channelling his inner Reed.. "there will be consequences for using the 44 man roster this way.." anything that has touched down in EDM as a coach or manager seem to develop some psychotic tendencies lol.
  15. and yet.. top or near top of the league in a lot of catergories, no?
  16. I'm just saying, myself and more then a few others thought he was damaged goods and wouldn't amount to much.. hes proven us wrong
  17. ya and the game warden definitely went out of his way to say the animal was essentially murdered by the attempt to corral him and put him to sleep. I get hes all about animal protection but would it have been wise to let it continue to romp around with thousands of pissed off people around? cars, people standing or on bikes, all the commotion and excitement.. dunno, seemed like the smart idea to me.. just sad how it turned out.
  18. I used to like Maas and at one time hoped he would find his way here as a coach.. then the last 2 seasons happened. My god, he has been come a trainwreck and an embarrassment.. I'm just waiting for a "there will be consequences" rant next to show his evolution into complete nutcaseness.
  19. ya I read that article and I was in disbelief that this is truly something the CBC read over and said "yup, send it to print. " its embarrassing that something so jokingly created and loved by a lot can be considered rude or a slight towards anyone. its so tongue in cheek its laughable and yet.. it offends one person so requires a national news article about it.. I seriously weep for humanity and how weak willed and lilly footed we have become.. but this is a discussion for Gen Pop. lol
  20. ya but they thought he was done or wouldn't evolve higher then Franklin.. Hes showing them the error of their ways now and its been great. to be honest, he is proving more then them wrong as well.. I'm sure a lot of us wrote him off after those horrific leg injuries.. I wasn't sure what to expect once he got here. I'm more then happy to say I was wrong about him tho, hes becoming one very damn good QB.
  21. moose was tranquillized thrice and passed away while being transported out of the city. exhaustion from running amok for 2 days was the reason apparently but some wild game expert said it was due to being tranq'd.
  22. So much this. I didn't mind the team.. they were always the lovable losers as much as we were when we struggled.. another similar franchise handcuffed by being community owned and "salt of the earth" so to speak.. but man oh man, the last few years has really changed my opinion of the team, franchise and management.. I've always hated their fanbase tho, ever since I was like 12 and some big dumb flatbilly was at the McDonalds across the street from the stadium, at like half-time.. challenging every bomber fan in the building to a fight and throwing stuff inside the restaurant. I've yet to have a truly positive rider-fan experience.. I believe it has happened to others but everytime I interact with a rider fan online or in real life... its a ****-show.
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