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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. ya that seemed very suspicious to me as well as more then one person said their devices were recording higher numbers then 104. ya i'm thinking this is the case as well.. they drew it out so we averaged a higher score but we definitely peaked higher as well but they chose to muddy up that fact. ya that was just lame.. couldn't believe he was actually trying to rationalize why it was louder here.. smh. ya I concur. we seemed to spike that meter like crazy but still got only a tie.. pfft. they sure are. sad about the outcome.
  2. holy fak, I am not defending a mediocre player.. I'm explaining the reasons he does what he does! does nobody have the ability to comprehend reading here anymore or am I taking crazy pills? I know he sucks at most of the jobs that the usual MLB does. He DOESNT suck at occupying the blockers and setting up the defense like he is tasked with doing. Blitzing, covering receivers, sometimes tackling and sometimes pursuing the ball carrier, ya hes pretty bad at.
  3. good to see he is looking well in practice... but we all know about practice studs. hopefully he gets some meaningful reps and looks just as at home... once the butterflies and heebeejeebies are gone.
  4. why we took him out in the first place still baffles me.. unless injury or something, I don't get why we would take out such a beast up the middle
  5. what the coaches say is rather important as its the only insight into the defensive schemes and game plans. otherwise its all guessing, and guess what.. none of us here with the exception of a few former players has any inkling of what to look for to figure out how we are running our defense. the final product on the other hand has left us wanting, no doubt.. but thats not the discussion here. its what we are doing with Hurl and why his totals are so low and why our production from the MLB isn't like other teams.
  6. except his cover skills were shredded when he was here.. and I believe Walters or O'shea actually said they were not a big fan of his cover skills... which happens so rarely that it makes me believe they were very happy to move on from him... plus his contract wasn't as cheap as guys who can do as well as he did.. with a higher ceiling if they panned out.
  7. no no.. limit the 20 yard+ plays. I know the concept behind it but there hasn't been some magical play that keeps causing these breakdowns. it seems like its an error here.. and an error there.. So i guess playing mistake free football BUT when we have this much change over and this many backups in starting roles..
  8. I think Hall has always ran a similar defense no matter where he has been and O'shea was in one that was very likely based off the same concepts. I think its predicated on having a game breaker WIL and SAM and solid DBs who can do both play up in the box AND cover guys. Why we would bother excluding such a crucial position by turning it into a glorified occupier of space, I'll never know but its what we do and its how O'Shea is cool with our defense being set up. I think its also a type of defense that relies heavily on everyone knowing their jobs and being where they need to be and when we have breakdowns, they are borderline catastrophic.
  9. Etch ran the same style of defense I believe.. But ya O'shea was in the same style of defense at a time when he was MLB and said he has Hurl doing the same job here..
  10. OMFG. again. Hurl's job is not to be a tacke machine. His job isn't to be like the traditional MLB in any way, shape or form. He sets the D, he occupies blockers so the WIL and SAM and DB's can make plays on the ball. It has no glory and it has no lofty stats BY DESIGN. Now, I'm not saying we put Hurl in a traditional MLB role like Singleton and he gets Singleton numbers. not gonna happen BUT expecting traditional stats and plays from our MLB (NO MATTER WHO IS IN THE ROLE) is stupid because that is not how we deploy our MLB.. I swear to christ, I don't know how many more times I can explain this. O'shea and Hall have gone on record.. more then a few times to explain this to people. its not new, its not something that hasn't been discussed. the sooner we get our collective minds off the traditional MLB roles and realize its not what happens here.. the better. Until Hall changes his scheme or his players... MLB will always be a low tackle, low glory position occupled by a smart field general type player. Now if we land a canadian MLB who has the smarts and skillset.. who knows, maybe Hall expands the role of our MLB but as it stands.. we don't.
  11. Yea I recall him getting lots of praise then he was cut the next day, lol. wasn't sure if it was to pursue another option or what.
  12. see, this is the cool thing about the internet. we can be whatever we wanna be, lol.
  13. ya he definitely did more 1 step forward, 2 steps back.. I will agree with that
  14. how can you tho? Its only happening sporadically, not with any regularity and it seems like whenever we have this breakdown occur the opposition just makes a good play.. nobody is really being victimized anymore like earlier in the season.. I think the most recent "explosive plays" have just been dumb bad luck for us to have a miscue and the opposition QB picks up on it and makes us pay. these are to be expected tho when running as many rookies as we do in the defense. Richie always said you can count 1 lost for every rookie you start as they will make mistakes..
  15. ya me too.. thought he was turning a corner. tho, maybe he is from the South and wants to go attend to matters before Irma lands?
  16. oh? please feel free to show me were our coach has played fast and loose with the rules of the game in any fashion even remotely similar to Jones has in Sask..
  17. isnt that exactly what you said he doesn't do? pushes it to the edge? Well if he clears the play with the officials and its clearly legal.. how is that.. "pushing boundries"??
  18. except he doesn't. he actually makes sure what he is doing is on the up and up and doesn't just assume or hope that its ok. He does things the correct way unlike some other coaches in the league. as for the second part, its the timing and the use of this flop on the ground like im dead move thats in question.. not the use of it at all. its readily made knowledge that coaches use this from time to time but to do it exactly when we go to use the hurry up? like, right on cue as we step up to the line to snap the ball? dirty pool old man.
  19. boo but you are probably right.
  20. the fact he might actually believe that management would even give a passing thought to what a fan wants done in regards to personnel on the roster or who is playing absolutely bottles my mind.
  21. not really.. catching a team unawares because they are oblivious to something doesn't make it underhanded.
  22. lol. I may have snorted at work while reading this. well played.
  23. and yet.. needs to be abolished. brilliant!
  24. a) continuality.. hes had some moments of well done coaching mixed in with his failures. let him keep at it, hes got the locker room.. b ) hes had success. hes had success here. its not like his time here has been nothing but failure and dire straits. c) I tend to defer to people who's livelihoods are based upon those decisions. Sure, Chevy's not infallible and has not been a GM for all that long but I trust his decision making more so then someone on a football forum lol. and lastly, D) I like the coach. I like his style. I can't be in the lone one who thinks this way if he was given an extension. I'd assume Chevy had to clear this with management before signing him again.. and whats the worst that can happen? We buy out his contract? oh noes.
  25. AND checked with the CFL officiating crew prior to attempting it to make sure it wasn't illegal or underhanded..
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