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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. As well as Nick Demsky I believe.. he was seen in a boot. and Bruce Campbell. is he playing or will he be fighting more deadites?
  2. this I will agree with and O'shea and Hall both seem to sidestep the question about his ability to fulfill the job fully. They talk at length of his leadership and his ability to play the role without complaint.. they did mention he grades out "well" in the spot as well but never really delved into it deeper. maybe someone can give a call to the coaches show or the post game if coach is on the air and dig out a bit more elaborating from him about Hurl and his play...
  3. Gotta agree to disagree.. Neufie has the experience on many spots on the line, hes older and more seasoned. I think we could get more for him to be honest and I'm loathe to give away someone we have been developing for a few years just because he might offer a better return.. Id think Neuf would be the better return AND not set our o-line depth and development back..
  4. ya like Booch mentioned, when you get hurt.. you know. its not like you blow out an ACL and then walk for 45 seconds then omg it hurtssobad!!! when you blow up a ligament, sprain a joint or even have a severe cramp.. its an instant situation.. not this 30-60 seconds after the fact bs.
  5. riders and their fans cry "coincidence!" while the rest of the world respond with "Bulls#%t!"
  6. Oshea played the exact same role when he was an MLB.. you saying Oshea was just used as a speed bump and fit in, just because? Hes expected to occupy a blocker, making room for others to make plays.. He also runs the defense and sets up the game plan. just because you don't "see" it or it doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean its not the way things are. Oshea has said this countless times already.
  7. uh, no. we spent the better half of 4 years trying to draft young, tough o-linemen who are going to be fixtures here. why would we start off-loading those assets. that seems very Mackavellian or Tamanesque in thought process lol.
  8. Eliminate that issue by making it like a hockey/basketball/soccer scenario.. if the play is about to start (bombers are over the ball, ready to snap for instance) then an injury at that point is not looked at until after the play. if they fall beforehand, sure blow it dead but if its at the start of a new play.. play on.
  9. this I would agree with.. I just get so tired of people's misconceptions of what an MLB's role is with our defense. I don't know if Hall would change it all that much even with a more talented or capable MLB tho to be honest. He likes to use the MLB as a way to get more open space for the WIL,SAM and DB's to make plays on the short passes/running plays. I think he always has schemed his defenses up this way. we don't deploy an MLB like other teams do and that irks alot of people.. but its just the way Hall does his thing. would a more talented MLB help? probably.. but talent might be wasted in our current defensive mindset. a more talented WIL might be more prudent.. one to maybe rotate with Wild so he isn't hurt so often, lol.
  10. except he has gone on record saying he doesn't use an MLB in that role.. so.. theres thaaaaat.
  11. meh. I'm thinking we are comfortable in our canuck o-line depth.. that if we felt the need to upgrade our team NOW, then Neufie could be swapped. Couture and Spooner are both adequate fill-ins for the remainder of the season.. I don't forsee us going 3 canadians on the o-line anytime soon.. not with a monster like Bond. (unless he gets an NFL gig) but realistically, its the best o-line we have had in a decade. I'd be loath to go back to how we were even 2-3 years ago when our QBs spent more time fearing for their lives then trying to make plays.. and if landing someone like Lawrence or even a legit WIL could improve our defense vastly it would be hard to not make the move..
  12. ya, thats why he signed him to the extension.. so he has one more buffer between him and being fired.. unreal.
  13. you're entitled to your opinion.. I seem to recall you from OB and now here doing the same ole same ole.. but hey whatever gets you outta bed in the mornings.
  14. meh I wouldn't put too much stock in the previous poster's comments. pessimism reigns supreme whenever he comes around... oddly enough, only after a loss..
  15. I find it hilarious how rider fans show up after a win, create names that don't reference riders at all... and yet cannot contain their rider pride long enough to stay incognito. its ok tho, once we win this weekend, they will all slink back into their pastures and slews and leave us be again. oh what a glorious time it will be.
  16. of course security is going to remove a fan that a player alleges spit on him, even if it never happened. they ain't going to take the word of a bomber fan over a rider player.. come on. that isn't proof of this.
  17. ah, if thats the case then it makes more sense. I thought Renaud was on the active roster. my apologizes.
  18. I recall them getting lots of pressure and forcing crappy throws.. isn't that kind of the definition of working?
  19. worked against EDM and MTL.. *shrug*
  20. yea I'd see thorpe as a PR kind of return man if anything.
  21. ...and this would relate to Renauld being cut, how?
  22. lol. ya it was probably like that in my minds eye.. and my girlfriend probably saw me flailing around while squealing like a junior high girl.. good times either way had by all.. and still managed to not get stung.. bully for me!
  23. NOPE! fought a wasp nest yesterday. I won.. I think, lotsa carcasses on the ground from my Raid Max attack.. tho, queen got away somehow. she rose out of the ashes like a phoenix.. went to extinguish her life force with my size 17 but missed.. didn't see where she flew off.. hopefully she had ingested some of the pesticide so she flew off to die a horrible death. big mother tho.. couldn't believe it when I saw it
  24. thats it! Bruce Campbell.. I was thinking Evil Dead references while trying to slog the residue of that game from my brain.
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