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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I think in general, we are pretty solid towards rival fans when they come around.. we wait until they say something ignorant or trollish before beginning the beat downs.. oddly enough, its really only the rider fans that get out of line and cause all the strife. We have argo fans, ticat fans, leo fans, shmoe fans and im sure als and redblack fans as well around here.. and yet... they never seem to get into battles with any of the bomber faithful.. **oh and one stamps fan in denial *
  2. Absolutely refuses to go down on first contact. great comparison to Lewis.
  3. and I do agree to this, somewhat. He still has to hit the high gear and find the opening to get those yards and he is doing it pretty regularly. messing with that by hoping Thorpe or Flanders can duplicate it, would be folly imo as well.
  4. his stats dictate otherwise. we have the best return game in the league currently. that is at least partially his doing, no? And like others have mentioned, Lapo's offense (or Nichol's dislike of tossing the long ball) are why his touches are so low, not due to his inability to play the receiver spot. Hes a burner, a great decoy to open up the stuff underneath and crutial to our excellent starting field position..
  5. and risk a higher chance for fumbles or less yards on kick off returns and the potential for that deep ball home run threat?? nope. can't agree with you on this. Lankford is arguably the best kick return man in the league. hes faster then dressler and adams AND having him on the field means another weapon that sask's DC has to game plan for, opening up stuff for Dressler and Adams..
  6. thanks for the practice synopsis and taking one for the team! much appreciated.
  7. oh I agree.. I just really wanted him to make the play because I knew exactly what this place was going to look like after he missed it lol.. Westerman and Jeffcoat both got shook off as well.. as have countless other defenders in the last how many seasons.. just.. grr. wanted that play.
  8. especially in a Richie Hall Defense where he isn't playing the traditional MLB role. I can't believe this has to be said.. .again. Oshea has made mention of this.. as has Doug Brown. He is doing EXACTLY what O'shea expects out of him (minus the missed sack obviously) by engaging the o-line, creating a lane for the WIL or DB's to make a play on a scrambling QB or RB.. He ISN'T expected to get tons of sacks, tackles or ints. hes doing what is asked of him and doing it to a tee. get over this ridiculous notion that he needs to be matched up to the other MLBs in the league as he doesn't play the same role as they do. smfh.
  9. that one hurt. bad. I couldn't believe he didn't wrap up.
  10. I know we've seen a lot of the half-empty side of the cup around here.. half-full, not so much.
  11. that and its not Hurl versus Marshall (or any RB) for the billionth time.. thats not how Richie sets up his defense. Its more so Marshall versus Knox or a DB. (DB part frightens me a bit yes unless that DB is Heath or Randle)
  12. this. having both RBs on the field at the same time is causing some massive match up headaches for DCs it seems. I'd hate to move away from this as its working so well AND i'd like to see us perfect it before the cold arrives..
  13. and yet we have people complaining about him and his production lol.
  14. you serious? you of the fanbase that pisses on cheerleaders and throws green paint on brand new, 250 dollar jerseys? Migs, Seriously, gtfo. *and he has. thanks rich*
  15. Mike oshea in the post game call in show legitimately said the exact thing this article states.. sorry to burst your bubble. He said "it's not a glory role, what Hurley plays. He doesn't get the tackles the WIL does hence wild and basses tackle totals. He is to engage the oline to scrub their blocks and allow other LBs and DBs make the plays and he's doing it well" So unless Hall changed up the schemes in 3 weeks..
  16. This was mentioned again in a post game 3 weeks ago as well due to the "Hurl is teh sux!" Call in gang. Oshea reiterated this exact thing. Sadly not enough people heard I suppose..
  17. Makes sense. I know so little of Howden, I actually thought he was a prospect lol.
  18. was it a choice of AHL or KHL? confused by this move.
  19. true true. I would imagine that even after the toss, it could have been knocked down pretty easily.. Nichol's isn't known for his receiver skills, lol
  20. Like I said earlier, gonna have to agree to disagree.. Nichol's did have position on the DB, DB was behind him at the goal line. If adam's throws the pass, its possibly caught or gets a PI. I'm more then willing to accept it didn't work as planned and it was a failure but I still don't see it as a bad call.
  21. No, actually.. I wouldn't but thanks for putting words in my mouth. I've always been a fan of a coach who gambles. I've always commended guys willing to take a shot like that either on the offense or special teams.
  22. because you insulted our qb? you don't see me throwing barbs at Glenn, its kind of ignorant to insult another fan bases QB, on their board, get shown to be completely wrong, and still defend your erroneous statement. and for the record, nobody expected you to call him elite. You called him what amounted to a scrub, someone not worthy of being a starter. thats where the ire comes from.. and I didn't start it either, thanks.
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