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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. yea I don't think Jones is nearly as good at the separating the ball from the receiver type hits that Loffler throws or run help for that matter but I do think his speed and his cover skills are better.. so we lose some, gain some I suppose.
  2. and yea, it IS a good day for hay.
  3. we all know the first drive is a "set" group of plays. every game. This play was game planned because the coaching staff saw something. it didn't work. I don't really understand the overwhelming ire that people are giving it. We still scored 3. it didn't end in a fumble. it didn't end in a turnover. the drive killed tons of clock AND was positive at the end of it. who's to say driving it down their throats would have got us into the endzone? hindsight is great and all but just like there is no promise that the trick play would have worked, there is no promise that hammering it down the middle would have either... frankly, the play failed because of pressure up the middle not giving Adams time to hit Nichols.. maybe that same pressure gets to Harris and hes pinned for a loss as well.. I mean its great that this kind of issue is what we are bickering about as opposed to seasons gone by where it was every decision made by the coaching staff lol. I do see where you guys are coming from but I just dont agree that it was such a big deal.
  4. ruh roh. that would not be good. hopefully nothing serious.
  5. I've heard that from others as well.. nerve pain doesn't seem to be reduced from it, oddly enough.. That or you may just be genetically dispositioned for it not to work on you..
  6. when wrong just so happens to be so right.
  7. *shrug* agree to disagree on this I suppose as we ain't gonna convince each other.. otherwise. I don't mind gambling in any spot on the field if the coach feels like they can exploit something. O'shea has Lapo making some interesting (some say suspect) calls at times or is allowing him to make said calls.. I'm on board with it. the risks outweigh the rewards imo, its not like a turn over happened and we didn't get anything. we scored 3, we won the game..
  8. only way I can see it as an "enhancer" would be that it completely numbs out any pain like a cortizone shot can do.. that and you get euphoric feeling from it so maybe you don't consider that you could be hurting yourself?? but ya I'd look at it more so as a substance to be abused as opposed to an enhancer..
  9. hes paid to do what the coaches and OC train him to do.. you really don't think he had any practice with that play prior to game time? its not like it hasn't worked in the past.. and like mentioned, you ALL crow about how conservative he is and how he never goes for it.. he does JUST THAT and guess what, people complain! lol. the ironing is so delicious.
  10. no, only thing you forgot was to say "ok guys, I'm sorry.. Nichol's stats over the last 21 games are obvious proof that he isn't a "ham and egger" QB, as hes got 3 times more wins then losses, hasn't thrown a pick in over 165 attempts and has carried this team to come back victories.." or didn't.. whichevs.
  11. apparently to Matt Nichols as well, lol.. he had no clue he'd subbed in for JFG
  12. I think you are putting too much emphasis on the fact its a "trick" play.. the percentages of it working or not are probably similar to any passing play, really.. it had one extra step in it from the standard passing play. .
  13. yea exactly. you need to have the writer and creator's input into something like this IMO or else you get what fox put out. Even if its not Stan Lee directly inspiring it, having the comic company who built them to what they have become needs to be involved.
  14. and thats the thing.. I'm familiar with ROH and New Japan and some of the smaller indie outfits.. and I truly only knew of Kenny Omega from his connection to Winnipeg.
  15. that reboot was absolute trash. the girlfriend is a bit of a comic book geek and she hadn't seen it so I told her, "its horrible.. like, unwatchable" but she, like myself, like to pass our own judgement on things... and she concurred. horrible attempt to make something that was already pretty good, better. IF they decide to reboot it yet again, I hope its waaaaaay more like the original then this last failure.
  16. Rats know when to flee a sinking ship.
  17. ah, thats why.. ok cuz I was under the impression it was always the receiving team's choice.. thanks for the info.
  18. As much as people rag on Madani for his rumours, he is often right about his claims.. I'd think theres some truth to this..
  19. you sound like a dog with peanut butter stuck to the roof of its mouth.
  20. ya that is a good point.. hes great at getting to the red zone but executing there seems to fall off the way side. the corner route to denmark was money earlier in the year, duno why he deviated from that and I do agree with the concept of just pounding it with either Flanders or Harris until pay dirt. Maybe hes doing all this flashy stuff now so that when it comes to crunch time they won't expect the simple stuff and it will work without hitch in playoff/late season time lol.
  21. and its insanely frustrating to watch happen over and over again. Im hoping DC's across the league and HC's are taking notes/video so send to the league to showcase how common its been happening and to start watching for it.. (wishful thinking I know)
  22. Not when the guy goes out of his way to slam our QB and then not retract, no it doesn't.
  23. they needed to score, onside kick, and score again in like a min. the offense also benefited from some brutal reffing in the last 2 mins (holds and offensive pushoffs totally missed) they weren't coming back even with the ref assist.
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