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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Saw something interesting today on 3rddown. Evan Gill, since being drafted has only played a handful of games.. hes been injured much more then he has been healthy for the Ti-Cats. He was expected to be a fixture on their d-line and has not had an opportunity to become that and now has either strained or torn his achilles tendon. So, its not just us who get the raw end of these types of deals.. Gill, Gaydosh is also in the same boat I believe but not as bad.. just found this interesting.. and curious how many other teams have had similar experiences with draft picks just essentially falling to pieces.
  2. ya I guess it becomes a question of annoyance versus pain.. I can see that. I have a soreness in my shoulder from a car accident that flares up whenever I work it out too much.. but its not pain to the point where I stop working out or using it.. unlike say a quad strain or pull where you go to use it and it hurts sodamnmuch you can barely walk up and down stairs lol.
  3. I agree with this.. if he wasn't a National, I don't know if hes still on a roster or if he is even brought in by a GM at some point..
  4. ya my girlfriend txtd me today "sooo game of thrones new episode leaked today.." and I said "don't you download it, no supporting the hackers plus crappy quality im sure.." she replies "but HBO released it.. " to which I replied.."well damn, I got nothing then.. " lol so i'll be watching this tonight.
  5. yea I saw that and definitely chortled.. how does one have a soreness but be pain free exactly.. would be funny if a journalist asked him to explain that one lol.
  6. yup. I wouldn't doubt that everyone on the line has a sack total bonus.. while they say it doesn't matter, its a team thing.. everyone is watching who gets credit lol.
  7. Ya I was thinking of a different canuck DB when I saw this happen.. So, actually a good deal for you guys.. A QB who may or may not push someone for depth spot or starting role for a backup DB who probably wont see the field beyond ST.. and a couple of picks.. Bridge to me has always been someone who isn't good enough but people WANT him to be good enough so they can say "oh lookit! canadian content QB.. yay!" if I was a GM, i'd never would have bothered to be honest.
  8. No and I agree with this as well.. we ought to be taking what the defense gives us and not force stuff. I think that the deep bomb into the endzone isn't something we often look to and im ok with that as it usually is into double-triple coverage... but taking a shot when they are midfield..
  9. I think in his press conference after losing to... whomever it was he was playing.. that he was now ranked 67th... or moved up 67 spots.. can't remember.
  10. does seem odd that they would throw away a highly drafted player, as well as 2 more picks.. on someone who they don't expect to be a #1 guy..
  11. Sure, there requires some reading between the lines but I don't think hes often lying to the media or fans, nope.
  12. I agree with that. He does get very hyper conservative at times and it can get frustrating. I also agree that he pins the hopes on those plays on the players making plays.. breaking tackles, grinding for the extra 2-3, etc etc. I can't be too bothered by it tho as we are scoring at a pretty great pace. Could he gamble a bit more, make medium to long toss on those short dink dunks instead? Sure. Is it something that could end up costing us dearly tho? Not particularly unless we keep scoring FGs and our opposition scores TDs. The drawback to Lapos game plan is that we NEED our defense to play very well to off-set the lack of 6's over 3's. I also think that if we start hitting those deep shots and scoring on "big plays" then it negates the issues of the dink dunk when close to the red zone. we rarely see TD's like we saw Lankford score 2 weeks ago. we need more of those almost as much as we need less "conservative" plays..
  13. uh, no offense but I'd trust the word of the coach then of some scribe from across the country.. What exactly would Mike Oshea, who rarely IF EVER has seemed to come across as someone who isn't a straight shooter, benefit from lying, essentially? I consider Oshea to be a very up front and honest guy and he has yet to prove that otherwise.
  14. By far the best interior O-line I've seen for the bombers in a decade. all three guys are beasts on their own but put em together and its no wonder Nichols is having a great season..
  15. Wally is notorious for moving guys before their best before date.. He doesn't like to leave things to the last minute I suppose.. only BC fans have been saying hes done.
  16. agreed 100% if he is untested, hes done his job to a T. that or scared the QB from throwing the ball even remotely into an area where he (or the receiver) can get it.
  17. exactly. why risk it when we have 3 on the board almost everytime we pass the 45 yard line.. its asinine to believe we should be forcing things JUST to get a TD and risk either an INT or turnover. if we get down into the endzone, awesome. if not, don't force it.. take the 3 and come down and score again once the defense gets the ball back.
  18. hes definitely a youngster who has some serious upside.. I also think hes a "tweener" type DB who probably won't ever get a sniff in the NFL due to his stature. So, hopefully he likes it here and continues to develop and improve.. good find.
  19. steady improvements are all we can ask for and I agree, I think thats been happening.. D-line, LBs and secondary.. I know people are down on Hall and his style but when the boys play it properly.. it seems pretty effective.. obviously Hamilton is a special case and all but we covered well in the back and and got a TON of pressure up front.. lets see if we can keep that up now.
  20. oh come on. you'd be just as pissed if people were calling you out and you were in his shoes.. don't be daft.
  21. and thats the thing.. unless a DB is getting picks like Heath, he gets no love.. even if he is a shut down DB who rarely, if ever gets beat. His side of the field is largely untested because QBs know him as do OCs but because hes so well known, he doesn't get a tested much nor do they put the football in spots where he might be able to get it. DBs and OLs. always unsung until they start messing up.
  22. I don't see it as "settling" for FGs.. its taking what the defense is giving them.. why force a pass into double/triple coverage and risk a pick? Take the 3. I know, this is a hard concept to believe but sometimes a defense can actually cause a team to not do what they had intented.. crazy thought huh. we also scored 3 TDs to go with those 6 FGs so its not like we solely relied on Medlock.. much ado about nothing.
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