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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. No.. not at all.. we are discussing why they would leave and how it makes sense lol.
  2. I believe Evan Gill would be activated as a reserve with.. Courtney Stevens going back to safety with Hill's departure. Mike Atkinson is also not expected to play.. So, should be interesting how they are going to work the ratio this week.
  3. thought I saw he is still expected to play tho on 3rddown's blog..
  4. I dunno, Id like to think that some players integrity may come into play.. IE we give this player his shot at being a pro, so he in turn shows us loyalty but not jumping ship to supposed greener pastures. Now, this wouldn't hold water if team A has no obvious path to player becoming a starter in any foreseeable future and team B can offer it quicker. I'd like to see something along the lines of making players drafted this year untouchable for at least the following season so we don't need to worry about them being lured away tho..
  5. you factoring in the housing and food allowances that they get? what about perks like gym memberships and whatever else? You can't just assume that its 750 a week, done.
  6. it ain't peanuts thats for sure.. plus they get to train and practice with the team and continue to chase their dream.. I'd hardly say they are suffering on the PR... compared to active roster.. sure. compared to burger flipping? Id take the PR spot over my gig right now lol.
  7. Oh I agree. I was just commenting on how I agreed that the one blocker did cause hits to Nichols. I'd rather have Normand in for blocking and for releasing out into the flat while Harris is gone on a passing route. Nichol's has gotten better about recognizing blitz and getting it out quicker but his progressions in these situations still take too long at times and lead to him getting punished.
  8. ya O-line play is dependent on continuality and repetitions.. you start messing with that throughout practice and then switch it for game time... its going to be bad.
  9. Yup I agree.. the sacks I recall seeing are usually when they outnumber our linemen and RB and Harris has to choose between one or the other and the other gets in for the lick on the QB.
  10. that coupled with how our offense is built. we so rarely use the 5th receiver as a viable threat that drafting someone to play that role so high would be a waste of an asset to them.. hard not to agree with the theory as JFG wasn't a first rounder and hes doing very well in the role.. Kholert was also decent enough until his hands went south.. Normand who slots in there on occasion for blocking as well has done a great job in his spot duty with blocking and catching/running.. I think that while Walters, O'shea and Lapo are involved with this team, that we will be doing exactly like you said, drafting linemen with the occasional reach for an LB or DB if they truly feel they can be a difference maker but when we are drafting starting safeties in the third round, that need to make that reach is lessened.
  11. I believe they passed a bill or were passing a bill to avoid this from happening.. or I could have mis-read that.. so much chaff getting tossed into the media these days.
  12. lol ya I suppose that would be a legitimate reason lol. must be something significant because if I was a coach or GM and you put your hands on a ref, you'd b benched/PR'd/cut pretty quickly.. he seemed to get suspension and then back into the starting lineup if memory serves.
  13. if assaulting a ref didn't get him his walking papers, wtf did he do to get them now.
  14. yea, getting tired of being told to explain myself, doing so and then getting told to do it again whilst getting insulted, is pouting. good show, thanks for clarifying that for me. smfh.
  15. damnit. brain farted again. somehow saw DIV I.. thanks for the correction.
  16. I've already said why I don't think hes a horrible coach.. his record wasn't the worst we've seen, his offense wasn't the worst we've seen. while not as a CFL head coach, he has won a head coach of the year award AND a championship level at NCAA DIV III level. So, I'm pretty sure i've backed up my claim. why I need to reiterate this **** again, I don't know but like I said. I'm done with this thread and discussion. I've said my piece, I've made my claims and backed them up. you dont agree, thats fine. I think hes not the worst coach to have ever graced a football field, guess I'm some kind of stupid.
  17. hes probably the best at what he does here in Winnipeg, no doubt.. its almost a shame he is the bomber's mouthpiece now tho and not writing for a media outlet now as hes often the only voice of reason amid all the pessimistic and antagonistic sports writing going on as of late.
  18. I mistakenly assumed he wasn't the GM.. doesn't change the fact that those were the QBs available to him. REGARDLESS that wasn't even the fecking debate! it was his coaching ability. christ, why is this so difficult to explain and comprehend. I don't feel hes the worst coach to walk the earth. period. end of my point. nothing you nor anyone else is going to say is suddenly going to make me go "oh, gee willickers you are so right. how could I have not seen this or thought that!" smfh. I'm so done with this ridiculous thread and discussion. forgive me for having a bloody opinion that differs.
  19. very true, that I will agree with.. the lack of game footage of said new looks is concerning but I also think they won't have all their T's crossed and I's dotted so it shouldn't be overly concerning.. this does have all the makings of a trap game tho as you say if we don't play our game and take them for granted.
  20. was he really? huh. I honestly didn't think he was the GM, making the personnel decisions. regardless, I'm defending the guy because I feel differently then you do, clearly. I'm allowed my own opinion of someone, crazy concept, I know. again.. I'm defending his coaching accumen, not is ego, not his inability to listen to people when it pertained to not letting his ego run amok. His coaching abilities were overshadowed by the rest of this shitshow that surround him (that he created, yes I know) but he still almost managed to squeak into the playoffs.. I feel hes a decent coach, you guys dont. agree to disagree. Why do you feel the need to push your opinion of him so hard on me? you know we are allowed to think individually, right?
  21. thats the story anyway, DBs are just receivers with bad hands lol.
  22. its a fair play yes.. but its also frowned upon by almost all GM's across the board. I imagine if you discuss it with the coach/gm first and then work from there, its all good but just to put a claim for a player on the PR?? that gentleman's agreement that creates animosity between GMs when you abuse it.. thats probably the only real "cost" of it.
  23. was he the GM? I didn't believe so.. regardless, Lefors wasn't a horrible choice until he blew his shoulder out. the list behind him? Casey Bramlet, Richie Williams and Bryant Randall. you honestly think any HC looked at those QBs and went, yup! thats who I wanna roll with, lol. come on man.
  24. you really think that in a week they are going to be able to get a new look defense and offense together to be dangerous? I think that, while we can't sleep on this game, we shouldn't be shaking in our cleats. this kind of upheaval is never a good thing in the middle of the season..
  25. oh christ. of course I can. but at the end of the day, its still pretty telling if you can win a championship AND a coach of the year honour at the american university level (even if its not in a big conference or division) Like i said, it wasn't his coaching abilities that did him in here.. it was his attitude and style of trying to run things. You and Noeller can disagree all you want, you'll both still be wrong.. (for the record, I'm not saying hes a great coach or even a good one. I'm saying his coaching skills are not as piss poor as people try to make out)
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