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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. yea his starter, the guy whom he picked to lead the team. You really that shocked he game him 5 whole freakin' games? you are assuming that Miller would stick his fingers into the mix like that.. or Walters for that matter when all signs indicate they haven't yet or are that kind of management team...
  2. was always a huge fan of his. great career and awesome way to cap it off..
  3. never said I didn't.. just sayin' that its not as cut and dried as show up, pick up the pigskin and then get on with football life.
  4. but seeing that its you, you'd easily assume it was from above and not from the coach.. because O'shea is incapable of change or seeing whats right in front of him..
  5. ya I agree.. I never heard that rumour either and I'm pretty on the ball on all social media for bomber tidbits.. this smells like the above for sure.
  6. it ain't my fault you dont believe the differences between NFL/NCAA/CFL are real and exist. if you show up to play on a CFL field thinking so, you get shown real quick how ignorant that thought process is. there is a steep learning curve.
  7. that would be like when batman gets the throne of knowledge or whatever it is.. we would be unstoppable!
  8. I saw the bottom one and assumed it meant, it was bad for you.. turns out, drinking is good for your brains? cool.
  9. well hes an assistant coach at the moment.. so it could very well be just a quality control type role to see if Austin has too much on his plate.. I can't imagine they are looking to punt Austin and replace him with June at this moment..
  10. Oh probably.. wonder whats the deal with Gaydosh anyway. he was highly touted.. NFL shot.. then came back and hasn't been a fixture anywhere.. health? not committed enough? very odd how hes bounced around.
  11. Not getting testy, its just one of my biggest pet peeves when people are insinuating some fault or failure when they don't know what the actual reasoning is for something. Its been that way with our MLB for the last 2-3 seasons.. everyone gets this misconception in their head that ALL MLBS need to be the main tackling player on the defense and if they are not then we have a massive failure on our defense and its the end of days, etc etc. If we want to assign blame, sure go ahead and assign some but aim it accordingly.. is he slow? sure. out of position? No. is the the best tackler on our team? No. Does he do it adequately enough? ya, I think so.. he made some last game contrary to popular belief. Now id put the blame on Halls shoulders for trying to run this complicated scheme still with all the injuries to our LBs and backend.
  12. I can see the merits of both sides of the equation here but I think they should make an amendment that if you use your challenge and its correct, you keep it for a total of 2 per game. if you challenge and lose, its gone. as I too can see scenarios unfolding where a catch/no catch is challenged and overturned... then next quarter you got a fumble/no fumble and now are at the mercy of the officials making the correct call if its not a scoring play..
  13. you do realize you are talking about the blue bombers fan base, right? if they can find something to complain about..
  14. yea because we have NEVER had the refs screw us over before. not like the league didn't issue 2 apologies to us last year. oh wait..
  15. great comment about Charmichael, Walker and Porter. They all should be learning and watching at this point, not dodging bullets. We've had to force them in and not surprisingly, we have had some Gaffes.. Dave Richie always said that you will lose at least one game a season due to a rookie starting.. so 3 in at starting roles, 4 technically.. we are due for 4 losses minimum, lol. Its gonna happen, problems are going to pop up with knowing assignments, zones, where to line up, etc etc. Can't be avoided as these guys are practically learning on the fly..
  16. as mentioned earlier.. thats his job, its by design. when he "runs into the o-line" hes doing it deliberately to engage the o-linemen in blocks so they can't block up the other LBs. So, comical to you or not, its what the defense wants him to do.
  17. coaches show on monday. O'shea went into details of what Hurl's responsibilities are and what hes supposed to be doing as our MLB. Says he plays a position designed to free up the other 2 LBs to make plays by engaging or "mugging" the O-lineman.. he said it was the exact same position he played mainly as an MLB, does not allow for covering one's self in glory as it really reduces tackling numbers, etc etc but he says Hurl (and himself) doesn't care about the stats.
  18. yup, cant blame him then. if your heart and head ain't in it.. time to move on.. always the small hope that he may get the itch back after sitting at home for a year but yea, can't fault him for retiring if hes just fallen out of love with the game.
  19. sure is x2 lol. and I believe there is a pizza place still on mcphillips.
  20. ah. I see. well, damn. official burnt pick. guess can't win em all.. Mululmba is starting to look like it could go that way too if he keeps landing gigs down south..
  21. On the coaches show, he did say that he was a very hard worker and puts in a lot of work in the film room and in the playbooks as well.
  22. In Ottawa? well colour me confused. Did we drop his rights or trade them?
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