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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. you'd have to think that the coaches clearly see something in him that we dont if they are willing to move him around so often and hope that he can play the position on short training..
  2. DOH! I mean, yay.. good on the kid. I wish for him to have a long and prosperous career down South. Dangit. I was hoping that he would trickle down this season.. oh well.. whats the status of Bilakudi? He retire?
  3. True, he did say that but he also said it was pretty much over.. or the other pbp guy did.. I was half asleep at this point lol.
  4. exactly. People are so hung up about an MLB being a traditional MLB but we really dont use one in that aspect. we haven't since Hall's been here. Why this is so confusing, I don't know. I get people don't like change but its been this way for a long damn time now lol. We simply don't follow the norm. Hurl is doing what is asked of him and doing it well. time to find another scape goat.. especially when hes being lambasted for all the wrong reasons..
  5. oh I agree, I'm not concerned about our own return game.. just that he is a legit threat and a solid receiver in his own right..
  6. was a joke, clearly lol. he sure can. this concerns me.
  7. did we even bother trying to sign him I wonder.. either way, wtf McDuff.. coulda waited a week lol.
  8. possibly or it could be that our starters are hurt and the wil and sam are still learning the positions? I agree, it hasn't been pretty up to this point. We HAD been stopping the run and containing QBs before Wild and Leggett both went down tho.. that mainly what the LB's (MLB and WIL anyway) are responsible for IMO. SAM and the DB's have not been stellar in pass coverage but again, injuries have shaken up that secondary. (yes I know, before that they were still giving up lots of yards and points) I'm not sold on Hall either but I'd like to have the healthy defense together again for a game or two before I definitively say that its a mess.
  9. yea I was listening to that last night while zoning out.. (was at the game but record em all) and when Rod Black said "that seals it" essentially.. I just chuckled to my self.. "Not so fast there smart ass.."
  10. the goal line stand against Montreal? Loffler shut the door on a one on one tackle against Rutley. We also gang tackled lots on ST.. its not like the team is horrendous play in and play out for tackling.. its like they have collective brain farts and forget how or zone out..
  11. Ok. He wasn't exposed. He wasn't shown to be abused. O'shea on the coaches show last night explained what they do with Hurl. They use Hurl to "mug" the o-line. tie up the o-linemen so that the WIL, in this case Knox, can fly around and make plays. He did the same thing last season when Bass had a 100 tackle season. His role isn't to be spying, tracking or anything of the sort. he ties up the blockers so our other LBs can make plays. O'shea played the exact same role when he was a MLB.,. I hope this settles once and for all the "Hurl is garbage and not playing his position right!" bs. Like I've said a million times, we dont use our MLB like any other team really does so we NEED to stop assuming that hes playing poorly or incorrectly. He is doing EXACTLY what the coaches are asking of him..
  12. An analyst from TSN, Chris Edwards, after seeing social media and football discussion groups blowing up about this call, tweeted out that he had viewed a dozen different shots and angles of the play and definitively and emphatically stated it was a clear TD and there was zero supporting evidence that he was down either by knee or elbow.. So.. again.. if you are keeping score. thats one TSN analyst who had a bunch of views none of us had 1, rest of naysayer's.. 0. unless you don't believe a guy whos willing to put his job on the line at TSN..
  13. so you say TSN is lying when they say they had something like a dozen different views and angles and that they concluded after watching them all that he scored and was not down?
  14. Johnson and Leggett yes. Wild I think is still on the 6 game.. Moe Leggett, Bruce Johnson and Shayne Gauthier all back in gear today for the #Bombers as per twitter
  15. THERE WAS NO POOR OFFICIATING ON THE PLAY.. jesus christ! get over yourself. you are wrong, move along. everyone and their dogs are saying it.. what else do you need to hear? Maybe the TSN analyst can call you and walk you thru all the feeds he viewed (as they get them all and shockingly, the best views available) and explain in detail how you are so wrong? seriously man, dead horse.. you with a bat wailing away. The guy has zero connection to winnipeg so why would he be lying to cover up some nefarious plot?
  16. hope not. plus our defense should be almost back to full health.
  17. Only if Medlock is comfortable with the new holder tho. His current woes could be made worse with changing the holder now as well..
  18. girlfriends a fan of these guys so I started listening. diggin' the contrasts yup. wish I woulda went to the show when they were here earlier in the year.
  19. twice in a week, that is pretty rare indeed. very cool club to be a part of.
  20. ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!! lol. I love Dals, the Looch, and little pizza heaven.. but lately my favourite has been Spanky's out in East Kildonan. I'm also dying to try Veras. I've heard its ridiculously good and authentic to how pizza is supposed to be done.
  21. thats it. thats totally what it is. Our coaches don't give them material anymore so they have to manufacture it. can't believe I didn't notice this before. we used to have controversy coming out of our ears but since Miller, Walters and O'shea have become the management trifecta, its been respectful and pretty even keeled. Wiecek is creating stories to fluff up his numbers essentially. what a piece of dirt.
  22. me likey,. well done Rich!
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