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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. we needs another one of these wins over the riders so badly lol no way that he should have allowed the player to regain his footing. dumb decision. the chance of a punchout/strip is about as likely as me landing a date with Kate Upton.
  2. tsn analyst Chris Edwards reviewed something like a dozen looks and came back to say he did not see him down from any angle. why is this so difficult for you to follow... unless you really are just trollin'.. either way.. You're wrong Colonel Sanders.
  3. Seeing as its a TD, wouldn't they have reviewed the play anyway and found pass interference IF it was actually pass interference?
  4. oh me too.. I felt the collective wind come out of the fan's sails at the game. thought for sure it was mail it in time.
  5. vibing from the game last night i'd assume.
  6. oh god, how could I forget Ferri. ya he was another king of the horse collar.
  7. so you are basically saying the main reason you don't like him, is his face. cool. glad you are basing it on something relevant. Brohm is not a bomber anymore, clearly he learned to not keep using a bad QB. Willy was the starter, he is the starter until he isn't. don't get how you don't follow that concept. Collaros is stanking it up in Hamilton,. hes still the starter. you saying Austin is a bum coach too? (I mean he is but still)
  8. yea he trucked thru 2 decent tackle attempts.. not even arm tackles.. and then took off thru 2 other arm tackles.. i felt kind of sick watching that unfold.
  9. yup thats true.. last night a lot of our guys redeemed themselves.. Medlock after missing his FGs with the money onside, Nichols after missing some easy throws all game, marches for the score, Alexander with the clutch snag on the onside after his whiffs.. glad to see our guys rallying up and fighting thru their own adversity... sounds like something coaching may play a hand in eh?
  10. I don't believe that. up the middle, we killed the run numerous times. When they flipped it outside, our DE's or our SAM (for the most part, I noticed Alexander not being able to stop the RB when they got the edge) were not able to stop the play and it went for big yards. Hopefully Leggett back in would nullify that as he has no issues stopping RBs.. and with some film, Jeffcoat (and I suppose westerman is guilty of this too) will not jam down so hard.
  11. ya Zurkowsky, because starting QBs really want to make sure that helmet to helmet hits are going to happen. they are so conducive to a long and prosperous career in football. yup, why doesn't every QB duck their head INTO the hit.. oh, wait because thats the stupidest freakin' thing I've ever heard! come on man, don't be that much of a homer.
  12. wheres the applause emoji. you summed up what i'm sure a lot of us here would like to have replied to this post.
  13. No, you're wrong colonel sanders! bad attitude with the fans, lol. Are you watching the same interviews and listening to the same stuff as the rest of us? Maybe this is Wieck in disguise..
  14. unreal and I believe they are.. or very loosely associated. how can they prove without any doubt that its a russian military drone that was involved tho..
  15. yup. Hebert has been known to have a dirty streak too.. Cox obviously, such a scumbag... almost think he learned his trade from Dirty Sanchez, all-time scuzz of the Als franchise.
  16. i believe it was a penalty but still, dirty and it took out our best receiver.
  17. yup. i'm loving the attitude and nasty streak.. harkens back to the days of Walby and Gorrell.
  18. it was one of the best comebacks I've witnessed since the one we did at home against Calgary.. back in 2001? 13 points in 1:40, an unbelievable onside kick right into Alexander's bread basket and great march (aided with some penalties) and finish.
  19. loved how the o-line wrasslin' slammed the DE who was trying to jump and deflect the pass.. that was gold!
  20. yea I remember back in the day, those idiots were dealt with by being on the receiving end of a crackback block or some loving in a scrum.. like in the NHL when someone took liberties on a "star" then the enforcer would lay the lumber whenever they could within the confines of the rules (or just outside of them) I'm amazed that cox hasn't been ear-holed repeatedly at this point. was he the one that took out Dressler?
  21. wow. first time ive watched the replay.. he legit led with his head the whole damn time.
  22. instead of Jeffcoat or Ogopalugo? thanks but no thanks. also, if that made us have to leave out one of Nevins or Johnson on every play, again.. nope.
  23. exactly. Hes not the best MLB and when he has to cheat to help out the other guys in the core, he gets a bit more exposed. He had 4 or 5 tackles last night I believe, most of the big runs from MTL were to the outsides if I remember correctly. hes not spectacular but hes dependable.. when hes got the supporting cast, he is pretty solid in the middle. People get so hung up on needing a Muamba, a Simpson, a Singleton.. and sure, we would benefit from having a MLB like that but we don't currently have one nor have we found one to fill the void. I'd rather keep Johnson in the middle with Jeffcoat on the edge instead of having to put corney or thomas in permanently.. he helps the ratio jive real well.
  24. 1st JJ. best game so far of his short career in the CFL, only going to get better. 2nd, Harris. was not going to be denied and ran as hard as he always does. great game receiving as well 3rd, Nichols. for shaking off the bad and making amends in the last 4 minutes HM: Medlock, same reason and hitting that ridiculously perfect onside kick and Thomas who has evolved again to a very VERY good rotational lineman or possibly a starter if his motor can keep it up for so many plays..
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