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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. thats what it was! lol. couldn't figure it out. me and my buddies were like "well, thats bloody annoying, is he in a car with the door open or something.."\
  2. this.. exactly to a tee. Its fine to point out flaws. its fine to be critical when it is apparent and warranted.. to embellish the negatives, ignore any positives and purposely slag the team, coaches and management like these last few articles have done is beyond dumb. I get it, shock and awe sells papers but I can definitely say these 2 idiots dont represent me or any of the fans I know.. the vendetta that they have towards the bombers is astounding. I don't care what happened to her when she was a he but lets try and be a little more neutral and actually write about truth and things that are happening, not "this fan says this.. and that fan says that.. so everyone must think it so!"
  3. he was BOOMING some of those punts.. one was a 55 yarder I think,.
  4. it has to be getting close to that point.. hes borderline attacking the team and its coaches without any real reason or substance.
  5. yea quoting people who are faceless and nameless as his sources is absolutely freakin' brilliant lol. what a ****** canoe..
  6. I don't like the media here much as is but this one.. wow.. really took the cake. Couldnt believe how badly written it was and the reaches he was attempting to make.. sad really. our fanbase is reeling from the last few years and then the sheep get to read this to help motivate them to not watch the games? smh.
  7. yup. great call by medlock or O'shea (medlock said Oshea gave him 4 options to go for on the post game) and medlock executed it to perfection.
  8. lololol.. gotta love that RFR.. every major call, smh.
  9. sure, lets just ignore that Montreal has a legit defense, right? I agree he was missing some wide open throws early but its not like he was playing against a pee-wee defense there.
  10. also brett ralph was one that came to mind to me.
  11. thats quite the leap my friend. I've seen some embarrassing players in blue and gold jerseys and Kuale, while not very good, was not nearly the worst we have fielded.
  12. and yet.. eventually they got replaced by better options when they became available.. like, O'sheas way of thinking changed or he evolved.. crazy concept eh. learning on the fly and developing a better way to do things.. who'dathunk.
  13. doh. you are correct..the original discussion was about return teams essentially.. and how Lankford is "best" solely because hes the only one that does returns for the bombers where as others have 1 a 1b returners.. or that he had the return TD.. so it isn't a returner versus returner conversation AND people were bashing Lankford because his stats are "skewed" in some peoples minds.. you are correct tho on the fact the ST does deserve praise for opening the holes and blocking like they do.
  14. lol right. because you occupy space in his, Halls, and Lapo's minds.. right? smh.
  15. He was a rookie HC, does anyone give that any consideration? How about the tire fire that he inherited from the time he was named HC? As for his coordinators, who would you have picked over the guys he currently has on his staff (from the guys that were available, no pipe dreams..) you can't just look at his record and go "Oh, hes complete garbage!" you have to look at all the variables in place.. Hes also steadily improved since he was brought in. he hasn't jaded the fan base nor the media like others have.. he has players wanting to play for him and going to battle for him.. I'm simply astounded I need to explain this to people lol. but by all means, O'shea detractors can continue to base their opinions off of some myopic, one-dimensional stat line..
  16. not when its a returner/returner comparison..
  17. good call.. I suppose he signs a deal to what a solid backup/potential starter goalie would sign.. but I have no clue what that would be market-wise, I'm out of touch with salaries in the NHL at the moment.
  18. me three.. whomever we have doing it now, hasn't been lighting the world on fire so to speak.. Danny Mac, who I thought would be a very good bird dog for talent, has left us wanting.. him or whoever he has for scouts.. Goviea is out doing NFL camp look-sees now tho so who knows, maybe we have 2-3 new guys on the PR who will wow us... (aint holding my breath tho)
  19. I dont think all that highly of Jennings. too streaky and inconsistent. I think he was more so a product of the offense and lack of exposure. he sure looked pedestrian again to me before his injury.. forcing things and making bad decisions.. I had no idea he was in the Rider camp tho, lol.. thats funny.
  20. exactly. for whatever reason, Oshea has rubbed certain people the wrong way and nothing short of a GC and an unblemished record from here on out will be enough to satisfy them.. I can't really understand it. the guys done nothing but improve since being brought in as HC, has been mentioned as the reason why some guys chose to come or resign here, improved our ST to a very high level and has the team playing for each other and for him.. people act like hes been at this for ever and should be amazing but forget this is first official gig as an HC and that he really was dropped into an unfriendly situation.. he wasn't gifted a turn-key GC level team like Jones was in EDM..
  21. doh. okdoke. thanks for the info... suppose I shoulda just shut up lol. damn my moral code!
  22. yea I don't get the logic either. Durant WAS a better QB before but i'd say they are comparable at this point or Nichols may get the nod.
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