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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. *raises hand* I was on that train as well, I picked Madu.. tho after game one (and I realized the double strike risk, I did ask to change to Harris.. wasn't sure if that was allowed, lol) so I may be out as well..
  2. Mason and Hellboy should be a decent tandem if our defense can give them some help.. the 1 year tho, ya this is definitely a "prove your worth" contract me thinks..
  3. its crazy how well he can find QB talent and then recruit them to come play in the CFL.. I can't think of anyone else who has had his success.
  4. the thing is, even if they fall down or flop, it can be reviewed and overturned. We've seen that happen already as well.
  5. ya if he catches the edge, hes gone for a first down almost every time. I'm waiting for it to happen when the LBs are caught napping or blitzing and hes one on one with a DB and then gone to pay dirt.
  6. Glad I ain't the only one who notices lol but ya hes done this for as long as I can remember.. Not quite as bad as they do usually have some substance where as Nate was just gibberish and wanting to pontificate his weirdness for all to see.
  7. I wouldn't, thats for sure. I'd rank our canadians as excellent as well for the most part with the exception of average JFG and Hurl.
  8. the offenses are playing within the rules and using them to their best advantage.. is that not the name of the game on offense? score points, move the ball however it needs to be done? I think the problem is more so that DB's need to realize how the rules work and play off the receiver when they can and close when the ball arrives. I don't believe we have drawn a ton of PI flags this season.. *shrug* I think this is more Jones just being Jones and looking for yet another thing to slag another team over to try and deflect from his own woes.
  9. agreed. and to suggest O'shea never admits mistakes... its laughable because he does, all the time. takes the blame for miscues in the games or bad decisions.. I don't understand the witch hunt this team has to go thru via the media over every negative angle they can find and I also can't believe bomber fans actually swallow this drivel and repeat it like its truth..
  10. its like Kyries needed some motivation to play us or something so he fabricated this elaborate angle behind Nichols being nice in the media, lol. so bizarre..
  11. SPuDS


    held his own against a bigger, stronger opponent. Hes going to step into the octagon with an even bigger and stronger one? I can't see it ending well for Bones in this one. he has proven me wrong in the past though but I'd put money on Lesnar.
  12. SPuDS


    does jones want to get smashed that badly? I can't imagine he will be able to compete with a behemoth like Lesnar.. even if lesnar is slow and plodding..
  13. im saying if they are that far ahead of oshea and walters now, imagine oshea and walters in 10 years. Id take Wally too if we could make a straight trade.. not going to happen clearly.
  14. hahah I was thinking that.. "not everyone's DBs look the same" lol
  15. lol great call.. 15 years and only 3 points ahead of us in a big game, and in a playoff game too.. my stars.. imagine how dominant we will be if we give Walters and co another 10 years!
  16. do you realize you are the only guy (well, next to nasty nate on OB) who i can definitively say "yup, thats a BigBlue" thread simply by reading the title? Nobody is firing a coordinator at this point of the season. we are 2 and 2 for crying out loud. both facets of the team have had moments of stellar play mixed with drek. all we need is to get some consistency.. As for the whom.. I literally have no idea. Is there anyone better then who we have sitting around just waiting for a phone call? I don't believe so..
  17. I don't think hes passed his prime yet either to be honest. Hes still quick as hell, slippery and can take a solid hit and get back up again.. Maybe he is in the twilight of his prime hasn't past it yet, imo.
  18. you'd think that this would be priority number 1 seeing as Nichols is not the answer.. I'm not sure if Davis is either tbh. getting a home sourced qb should be a priority in the next off-season (or finding one and bringing him in mid-season) as Nichols, I believe anyway, has plateau'd. I'm ok with that.. he is what he is, a game managing QB who should be able to bring us wins. He looks capable of winning on his own as well if push comes to shove BUT does lack some of the intangibles that a legit next level QB has..
  19. nope! who cares if hes shown glimpses of good play mixed in with his getting whooped.. cut his ass and put in someone who is hopefully better.. couldnt be worse, could they? well ya I mean they could be but hey at least they tried.. don't think porter or walker have looked all that stellar either. its entertaining how people presume to know what it takes to be a DB in the cfl and if the player is worth taking their time with.. guy covers well and is quick. has a good eye for the ball.. I can't see why he isn't worth giving another game or two to, to see if he can get it together..
  20. I'm too busy to dig up the quotes but I've seen it more then a few times in a player interview that players are happy to be here playing under o'shea or that because he is the coach, they opted to sign here.. I know Westerman for sure was one that been quoted for sure.. oko too I had thought.
  21. yup very true. he is very active in our offense even if its not simply as a ball carrier.. hes blocking, hes leaking out as a a bleed valve option and hes running receiver routes.. I do wish we were utilizing his ball carrier skills more so tho.
  22. unfknbelievable.. what a complete moron.. This is what he thinks is a good thing to accomplish during a football game? wearing someone's skin like buffalo bill in silence of the lambs? there isn't a word that I can think of that truly expresses how idiotic this tweet is and his actions.. wow.
  23. while this is true, he is getting his touches and whatnot.. its the run game that wears down the defense.. keeps them honest. smashmouth football makes the d-line tired and keeps the LBs and even DBs watching the LOS more if we can do it effectively... we we go away from it, they can go back to floating back and watching from a distance and then flow down to the ball after its caught (usually 4-5 yards from the 1st down marker for some odd reason)
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